Organization Image

The image of an organization is its image that exists in the minds of people. Any enterprise or company has it, regardless of whether it works on it or not. If its formation is left to chance, it develops spontaneously. This means there is no guarantee that it will be adequate, favorable to the company. And immediately creating a good image of an organization is more profitable and less labor-intensive than correcting a spontaneous, unfavorable image of a company.

On what and whom it depends ..

The formation of a kind of “face” or the so-called image of the company depends on the work of specialists in this field (PR specialists, advertisers, marketers). But the image of the organization is created not only with the help of events and actions aimed at this. The quality of the services or work, goods produced, the attitude of the staff towards customers, the employer and their own activities are no less important than presentations and advertising.

To start..

Creating the image of the organization, you need to know:

Firstly, everything about the type of activity of the company at the moment and in the future;

Secondly, how do the services (goods) of a company differ from the services (goods) of its competitors;

Thirdly, make an analysis of the closest rivals, highlight their main shortcomings and make them their own advantages.

Internal image

Employees of the company are large informants of potential clients about its real work and internal atmosphere. Therefore, the internal image of the organization is an inextricable component of the external. One is almost impossible without the other.

The internal image of the organization is the perception, psychological attitude of its employees, shareholders, owners, the board and parent departments to it. All of them make up the internal environment of the company.


A good image increases the prestige of the company, since the presence of a corporate style speaks of the company's attention not only to production issues.

Increasing the effectiveness of advertising and promotion of services and goods.

Facilitating the promotion of new services and products on the market, since it is much easier for a company whose image has already developed to bring products to the market. Brand recognition appears, you just remember the “orange revolution or” the transformation of Beeline.

Improving the competitiveness of the company , as Under conditions of equal goods and services, the struggle is at the image level.

Making an image

Creating the image of an organization is best trusted by highly qualified professionals. This means that you should not save on this money. If the company does not care about creating a good image, consumers may well use their own imagination and come up with their own image. Needless to say, it does not always come out favorable?

Create in steps

The image of the organization is created in several stages:

1. Definition of the main audience, the study of its gender, age, type of activity, income level, etc.

2. Development of the concept of image - the main motives, values ​​and principles specific to the company and its products and services, as well as important to consumers.

3. The introduction and consolidation of the image in the minds of consumers.

With what?

Creating the image of the organization, professional marketers use the following fixed assets:

1. Corporate identity - the main tool for formation.

2. Various design techniques, including the creation of packaging, design of offices, exhibitions, showcases, the development of sample ads.

3. Specially selected and customer-oriented style.

4. In each case, various advertising means are used that form a positive attitude.

5. PR events - well-thought-out continuous efforts to create and strengthen mutual understanding between the enterprise and the public. These are press conferences, presentations, exhibitions, sponsorship events.

6. Representation on the Internet.

7. Trademark (emblem, trademark) - a designation that serves to individualize the services and goods manufactured by the company.


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