How to get a journalist’s identity?

And you were not interested in the question of why, in some museums where photography is forbidden, you can often see journalists who are shamelessly filming? At the same time, museum employees not only do not interfere, but in every way try to help these people.

You, inspired by the fact that this is possible for someone, are trying to take a small photo on your phone. And at best, hear the demand to remove it. When asked why someone can, but you don’t, you can often hear that a journalist’s ID was presented.

Questions about how to draw up such a document, what privileges it brings, are of interest to ordinary people and bloggers. To dispel doubts and tell how to get such a document, you first need to understand what it is and is it useful for access to organizations that are closed from prying eyes.

journalist ID

What is a journalist’s identity ?

This is usually a plastic card or paper book that indicates a person’s affiliation with the journalistic community. The owner of such a “crust” is an employee of a magazine, newspaper or society. Thus, the one who presents this document may be preparing material for publication. Few people want their institution to be poorly written, so most react to such a “crust” and let its owner go where he asks. Still, advertising makes money.

Thanks to the new edition of the law on mass media, it became possible for bloggers and other representatives of the Internet community to obtain a journalist’s identity, the number of subscribers of which brings them to the level of the media. The necessary volume of regular readers for the Russian Federation is 3000 people.


What are the privileges of having a treasured little book?


  • Free access to some museums, theaters and other organizations for leisure people. Agree, a nice bonus on a trip abroad.
  • The ability to take pictures where it is forbidden to ordinary people. Walking around the same exhibition, you can make a wonderful shot that is forbidden to other visitors.

How to get a journalist’s identity

  • If you have an editorial assignment and advance registration, you can get to a concert or a match for free.
  • The presentation of such a document has the media owner and people worried about the reputation in the media. Getting an interview with a journalist’s ID is easier.
  • Abroad, the presence of a journalist’s certificate allows you to speed up the work of employees in various fields: police and catering facilities.
  • A number of closed events can be accessed only by those who are officially recognized as a member of the journalist community.

What is the difference between a certificate and a press card?

There are no differences between these documents. They are intended to confirm that you are a member of the journalistic community. But it is important to remember that the editorial certificate, which is issued when applying for a job, does not bear any privileges outside the walls of the organization’s building and indicates only that you work in a particular newspaper or magazine. Therefore, in order to carry out full-fledged activity, you need to take care of the journalist’s certification in the Union of Journalists of Russia (SJR).

Journalist Identity Sample

What kind of organization is the Union of Journalists?

The Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation is a professional association of people who engage in journalistic activities. The purpose of this association is called assistance in the development and creative support of members of the organization, promoting freedom of speech and the development of journalism in Russia.

It is not difficult to obtain a certificate from the Russian Union of Journalists; the main thing is to act correctly and have the necessary documents.

Action outside of Russia

The journalist’s certificate is valid both in the Russian Federation and in other countries. European countries are characterized by a loyal attitude towards people, they use this certificate, and presentation will allow you to access a large number of exhibitions, museums and public events. Also, its presence allows you to solve a number of professional and domestic issues.

Can I make a press card myself?

If you have an editorial team or a team for creating information content, then before each of your colleagues has a treasured crust, you can make such an identity yourself. It will not always work as a certificate of the Union, but with sufficient perseverance and it will open more than one door. How to make a journalist’s identity? The sample can be ordered from a printing company or printing house.

Union of Journalists Certificate

Important components of a journalist’s ID are:

  • certificate number;
  • owner data;
  • name of your organization.

Do not forget to put a photo of the employee. Thus, the problem of the lack of a journalist’s identity before being obtained in the SJR will be resolved.

Algorithm of actions for obtaining a “crust” of a media representative

  1. Contact the Union of Journalists of Russia and write a statement.
  2. Attach 3x4 cm photographs and a letter from the editorial office on the official form to the application.
  3. Pay for the certificate.
  4. Expect readiness.

Union of Journalists Certificate

For bloggers, instead of a letter from the editorial office, lists of published works, recommendations and a document confirming media affiliation are provided.

After completing this simple algorithm, expect 3 months and take away the journalist’s ID, which will allow you to conduct your business efficiently and promptly.

The issue of obtaining a document confirming that you are a journalist is important in the life of most people who do this professionally. Some refuse to obtain a certificate, referring to their beliefs and thoughts about the need to join various organizations. But a large number of people who are engaged in the creation of content prefer to get at least some benefit from their activities, except for salaries.


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