Tasty soup with dumplings: recipes, cooking features and reviews

Winter seems to have been created for evening gatherings at the table. And to make them more enjoyable, hot treats and tea are great. A rich, hot soup is ideal as a main dish. And if you are tired of cabbage soup and pickle, then you can cook a new and very tasty dish. How about dumpling soup? It is very simple and does not require any culinary skills.

dumpling soup secrets and subtleties

What is dumpling

This is a kind of pasta. Surely your family loves noodle soup or noodle soup. For a change, you can cook dumplings. This is a European flour product, which consists of flour and eggs. Sometimes milk is poured into the dough. Usually they are added to the soup, although they can be served as an independent dish.

The dumpling soup is thick and rich. It perfectly satisfies hunger and pleases with a rich taste. Cooked in a rich meat broth, with fresh herbs, it will delight everyone with its appearance, refined aroma and taste. Judging by the reviews, the soup with dumplings turns out to be much tastier than with store pasta.

A simple recipe for beginners

Now let's learn to cook soup with dumplings together. It does not take much time. Usually, on the first try, even inexperienced housewives delight their family members with an excellent result. Fragrant, light soup on a strong broth will be a great independent meal for lunch.

In the process of preparation, the dough pieces vary greatly. They swell, become more tender. Properly prepared dough should not fall apart. We will discuss the secrets of cooking below, so that you do not get worse than experienced cooks.

The dish is widespread throughout the world. Dumplings can be called dumplings, gnocchi, the essence of this does not change too much. Your family will also love dumpling soup. Soon this recipe will be on duty and will be a frequent guest in your kitchen.

soup with dumplings


And the first thing you should take care of is good, quality meat. It is best if it will be pulp on the bone. In this case, you get a rich broth, and the meat can be cut into pieces and put back into the broth.

  • For 4 servings, approximately 2 liters of water will be required.
  • Put 0.5 kg of meat and put to cook. It can be beef or turkey, the choice is yours. It is better to give preference to a non-greasy piece, the broth will already be rich.
  • Vegetables. For the classic recipe, you need to take 4 potatoes and one onion and one carrot.
  • Seasonings to taste. But salt and black pepper are required. The greens also go well with this soup.

Experienced cooks and culinary experts give a recommendation to beginners: soups with cereals and especially flour products are not recommended to be left the next day. That is, you need to cook exactly as much as you need at one time. Leftovers can be eaten at dinner.

Learning to cook dumplings

It is the quality of the flour products that determines how tasty the finished dish will be. Therefore, it is from them that we will begin the study of the recipe. How to cook soup with dumplings will be disassembled in stages. Some housewives start a thick dough and cut it with diamonds. This is actually wrong. The dough should be semi-liquid. That is, dumplings need to be poured into the broth, where they instantly seize and form a neat ball.

You will need:

  • 8 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g of water or milk;
  • a few pinches of salt.

Mix the sifted flour with the beaten egg. Now add a thin stream of milk or water, constantly stirring. It turns out a dough that looks like thick sour cream. That is how it should be.

how to cook a soup with dumplings recipe

Cooking process

Now consider how to cook soup with dumplings:

  • Meat needs to be cleaned of films and fat. Try to soak it in cold water so that the broth is transparent and beautiful.
  • It must be boiled until boiling over high heat, with the lid open. Now remove the foam with a slotted spoon, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat.
  • Prepare the vegetables. Here you can give free rein to your imagination, but try to withstand one style, cube, cubes or straws. Then the dish will look much better. Although it does not affect the taste.

Vegetables are laid in stages. First, put the potatoes. Boil it for 7 minutes. At this time, lightly fry the onions and carrots in a pan until golden brown. Now vegetables can be sent to the broth. Cover and wait another 10 to 15 minutes.

A simple soup with dumplings is almost ready. Now you need to take the prepared dough, 2 teaspoons and a cup of cold water. Dip the spoons in water, draw a small amount of dough and gently dip into water. Perform this manipulation a sufficient number of times. Cooking will take about 5 minutes. Soup at this time should not be disturbed.

Dumplings double in size. Now you need to turn off the fire and let it brew for an hour. Serve it preferably with herbs, and put a piece of meat in each plate.

Dumplings are moderately tender, but do not fall apart in the broth. The soup itself is a full, hot dish. He does not even need bread.

Cheese Soup with Cheese Dumplings

The recipe above is a classic. But if you want to make a difference, then you can cook it differently. To do this, first replace the beef with chicken. Breast broth goes well with any pasta. It turns out excellent soup with dumplings, hearty and at the same time dietetic.

For convenience, we will not change the proportions. We will again need: an average pan and two liters of water, a couple of potatoes, onions and carrots. In addition, prepare the chicken, about a kilogram. It needs to be washed, cut into portions and put to boil the broth. After about 30 minutes, you can add the vegetables, chopped with washers. Put a few pieces of celery stalks and herbs. Remove the prepared meat from the broth and let cool. The main differences are in the preparation of the flour products themselves.

soup with dumplings how to cook

Cheese Dumplings

For cooking you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of wheat flour and the same amount of corn;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 30 g of grated cheese;
  • 130 g of nonfat milk;
  • 40 g butter;
  • some salt.

Mix both types of flour, add grated cheese and salt, baking powder. In the resulting mass, you need to rub soft butter and slowly pour the milk. The dough turns out quite thick, it can be gently typed with wet hands, form balls and drop into the broth. Boil for 10 minutes.

Judging by the reviews, the soup is piquant due to cheese dumplings. They give some zest. In families where soups with flour products are not in use, this one always goes away with a bang.

lean dumpling soup step by step recipe

Lean soup with dumplings

A step-by-step recipe will be a great help for any housewife. A lean option is useful during the diet. A delicious soup is obtained with nettles. For 2 liters of water you need to take:

  • a large bunch of fresh herbs;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • bow;
  • vegetable oil.

The cooking process is simple, so we will not consider it separately, but only the stages of preparation of dumplings. They will need 5 tablespoons of water and 100 g of flour. Add 1 egg if desired. Knead the dough and carefully lay it in the finished broth. It remains to hold on the stove for several minutes. Before the end of cooking, it is recommended to introduce a beaten egg into the broth. So the soup will turn out delicious and rich.

Judging by the reviews, this first dish is much better than ordinary green cabbage soup. Parents note that such a soup can be given even to small children. It is light and nutritious.

simple dumpling soup

On a note

There are some features that make it possible to prepare a particularly delicious soup with dumplings. Secrets and subtleties will be very useful to know for every novice hostess:

  • Water must be immediately salted so that the meat gives all its juices and the broth is saturated. You need to boil it over low heat so that boiling is only slightly maintained. Otherwise, the broth will be cloudy and lose its charm.
  • Meat should be fresh and of high quality. Only in this case will the soup be successful.
  • Nettle and other greens should be thoroughly washed. It will not be superfluous to mention that it should be collected in ecologically clean areas.
  • The consistency of the dumpling test should not be too thick. Otherwise, they turn out to be too dense or even sticky inside. Thickness should be comparable to semolina.
dumplings for dinner

Instead of a conclusion

Soup with dumplings may well become your favorite meal in your family. Nourishing, nutritious, hot, it is ideal for lunch and dinner. And it is prepared very simply, and it requires very few ingredients. If the assortment of first courses started to bother and you want to please your family with something original, then be sure to pay attention to one of the proposed options.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9546/

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