OP 4 fire extinguisher: technical specifications, application

There are a large number of types and modifications of fire extinguishers designed to extinguish a wide variety of fires, the sources of ignition of which may be combustible materials, chemical reactions, etc.

An OP 4 powder fire extinguisher is used to extinguish a fire during the ignition of various combustible materials, liquids, as well as in case of fires associated with electricity, the voltage of which reaches 1000 V.

powder fire extinguisher op 4

This type of fire extinguisher is the most common method of extinguishing fires of class A, B, C. It is also used for extinguishing and other fires due to its simple design and high reliability of operation. But you can not use it to extinguish such materials that can burn without air. The OP 4 fire extinguisher consists of a red colored cylinder containing powder inside, as well as a locking and starting device.

What are the benefits?

Due to the ease of use, this fire extinguisher is used both at home and in offices, industrial enterprises. The OP 4 fire extinguisher has a fairly compact size, which makes it convenient to place it in absolutely all working and residential premises.

Also an undoubted advantage will be its low cost. Simple production technology, elementary design and quick assembly allow mass production of such fire extinguishers, which favorably affects their price.

Main characteristics

The OP 4 fire extinguisher carries a charge of powder weighing 4 kg. This allows for 10 seconds to actively extinguish the fire place area of ​​2.8 square meters. m. Due to the good working pressure of 1.6 MPa, the jet length can reach 3 meters.

A fully charged fire extinguisher weighs 6.5 kg. The advantage is that in case of non-use it must be recharged once every 5 years. That is, there is no need to constantly worry about the technical condition of the extinguishing agent. But not everyone does it on time, which sometimes has rather sad consequences.

In addition, the powder fire extinguisher OP 4 can be stored and used in the temperature range from -45 to +50 degrees Celsius, which makes it a universal tool for extinguishing small fires in almost any environment.

Differences from other modifications of OP powder fire extinguishers

Powder extinguishers can be found almost everywhere. At the same time, the OP 4 fire extinguisher, the 3rd modification of which loses in the duration of active extinguishing, has become the most popular tool for ensuring fire safety.

fire extinguisher op 4

For example, if we take the overall dimensions, it is more compact in comparison with OP 5 and OP 8. But, accordingly, it also has less extinguishing substance, although OP 4 does not lose anything by the duration of the quenching.

This fire extinguisher is less than two times heavier than OP 2, which weighs 3.5 kg. It is also almost two times lighter than OP 8, whose weight is 12.0-12.6 kg. Given its ability to extinguish fires, this mass is optimal for the use of OP 4 in any office.

How to use it?

In principle, there is nothing easier than learning to use such a fire extinguisher. First you need to break the seal. After this, you need to remove the check, which protects the fire extinguisher from accidental operation. Then you should go to the source of ignition, point a bell at it and press the lever.

fire extinguisher op 4 3

The enterprises should constantly check how those responsible for fire safety and other working personnel know how to use fire extinguishers, which is very important, since many lives can depend on this.

Do not treat a fire extinguisher as a means of extreme safety, because once you put out a small fire, you can prevent a big catastrophe.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9548/

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