A set of exercises for all muscle groups: recommendations of specialists

Often, beginners can’t build themselves an existing program that could bring remarkable results. How to choose a set of exercises for all muscle groups? Oddly enough, this is quite simple. Read more about the principles of selection of exercises, read further in our article.

Basic exercises

Basic exercises involve several joints, which is an impeccable advantage during the mass cycle. Work of this type loads much more muscle groups than performing isolated exercises. Training for all muscle groups must necessarily include basic movements, which will make you stronger and more voluminous (in terms of muscle mass). The logical conclusion is that the load of more muscles develops the musculature as a whole better. Such movements include squats, bench presses, traction, pull-ups and push-ups. By the way, if you have excess finances (50,000 or more rubles), then you can purchase a professional simulator for all muscle groups (see photo below).

simulator for all muscle groups

The main principles in training

First of all, progression in loads is very important - this will make your muscles develop in size and strength. Of course, if you do not increase working weights, then the muscles will not need to grow. If you practice without a personal trainer, we strongly recommend keeping a diary in which to record all your results. So you get the opportunity to systematically increase the load in training, making an effective complex for all muscle groups.

The next principle is microperiodization, the essence of which is the alternation of heavy and light workouts. What is the point of this? The fact is that muscles need about 1 week to fully recover, after which there is supercompensation (growth of muscle fibers). Nevertheless, this state of affairs applies only to large groups (back, chest, legs), while small ones (arms, deltas) lose the effect of such a long rest. Therefore, the alternation of heavy and light weeks in the gym is justified. When you make up your set of exercises for all muscle groups, be sure to consider this fact.

program for all muscle groups

Training split

So, here is the first set of exercises for all muscle groups, which is ideal for athletes with a level above the initial:


  1. Chest
  • bench press on incl. bench (4 x 10);
  • bench press with dumbbells on horiz. (3 x 12);
  • bars with weighting (3 x max);
  • Butterfly (3 x 15).

2. Biceps

  • standing dumbbell lift (3 x 10);
  • hammers (3 x 10);
  • Scott's simulator (3 x 8).


  1. Back
  • deadlift (4 x 8);
  • linkage (3 x 10);
  • top link (3 x 12).

2. Triceps

  • French bench press (3 x 10);
  • bars (3 x max);
  • push-ups between the benches (3 x 20).


  1. Legs
  • Squats (4 x 10)
  • extension and bending of the legs (3 x 15 for each exercise, which are performed by the superset);
  • lunges (3 x 12-15 per leg).

2. Shoulders

  • bench press (3 x 8);
  • swings (3 x 12).

This is a fairly effective program for all muscle groups, which will allow you to build weight and increase strength.

training for all muscle groups


CrossFit is a circular type of strength training, in which several exercises are performed with a minimum rest time (or without it at all) for 5-10 minutes. This is an excellent program for all muscle groups, since exercises are used multi-joint, in order to engage more muscle groups in the work. In addition, they are performed in this sport and movement with their own weight. Finally, do not forget that crossfit often combines strength training and cardio. What do we get on the way out? The athlete who decided to do crossfit, in one training session, tries to maximize the development of strength and endurance. Nevertheless, it has long been proven that combining diverse loads will not give you the greatest achievements in this or that. On the other hand, such athletes gain universality, reaching the “golden mean” between the above concepts. Agree that this is more than enough for real life. That is why training on crossfit methodology is carried out in the army, the Ministry of Emergencies, etc.

a set of exercises for all muscle groups

The set of exercises for all muscle groups in crossfit can be as follows:

Day 1:

  1. Reverse push-ups from the bench to triceps - 15-20 rep.
  2. Standard push-ups - 20 rep.
  3. Burpy - 10 Rep.
  4. Running - 30 minutes.

The first 3 points we make 3 circles, after which we move on to the run.

Day 2:

  1. Squats - 30 rep.
  2. Push-ups with cotton - 15-20 rep.
  3. Leg raises on the press lying - 20 rep.
  4. Jumping on the bench (stool) - 15 rep.
  5. Jumping rope - 100 rep.

We do 2-3 circles with a break of 5-7 minutes.

Day 3:

  1. Sprint - 400 meters.
  2. Deadlift - 10 rep.
  3. Jumps on a box (from 40 to 50 cm high) - 6 rep.
  4. Mahi kettlebells / dumbbells - 15-20 rep.
  5. Push-ups on the bars - 20-25 rep.

We make 2 circles.

Day 4:

  1. Squats with a barbell - 10 rep.
  2. Burpy - 10 Rep.
  3. Taking on the chest with a hang - 10 rep.
  4. Turkish rise - 8 rep.
  5. Rowing machine - 200 meters.

We do 2-3 laps with a 5-minute rest.

We finish the set of exercises for all muscle groups, passing to the last training day.

Day 5:

  1. Push bounce from the chest - 8 rep.
  2. Deadlift - 10 rep.
  3. Boom release - 10 rep.
  4. Fast run - 200 meters.
  5. Twisting - 25 rep.

We do 2-3 circles.

As you can see, for beginners, the complex is quite difficult, but it will allow you to develop good strength and endurance, as well as significantly increase muscle mass with a balanced diet and compliance with the regime.

charging for all muscle groups

Workout for all muscle groups for girls

For those girls who just decided to work out in the gym, working out the entire top or bottom of the body in 1 workout will work perfectly. The same applies to those who simply cannot visit the hall more than 2 times a week. The principles of training are not very different from those in men. Progression in loads, microperiodization, adherence to a balanced diet and regimen - all this must be present without fail. What set of exercises for all muscle groups is most suitable for the fair sex? First of all, these are squats (it is better to do with small weights, but with a lot of repetitions), pull-ups with a counterweight, all kinds of traction, presses and press exercises (twisting, lifting the legs on the simulator and others). In general, movements and their set during training remain similar to the male version, however, of course, it is necessary to reduce weight and the number of approaches. No less important is the implementation of the available exercises on simulators of a lightweight (female) type. Exercising for all muscle groups before training is another important aspect. This is especially true for girls who have more sensitive joints, and therefore are easier to injure. Do stretching and various aerobic movements - this will help disperse blood throughout the body.

complex for all muscle groups


There are no good or bad training programs, because each person is individual. This fact does not allow us to choose a universal complex that would work equally well for all athletes. Nevertheless, the above programs are perfect for many, especially beginners and mid-level athletes. Swing, improve and achieve your goals!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9551/

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