Maintenance-free clearomizer for electronic cigarettes: review, photos and reviews

When a decision is made to purchase an electronic cigarette, most often this translates into a visit to a specialized store in order to get quality advice from specialists in order to make the right choice. However, alas, not always the seller’s level of training allows him to provide the client with the necessary information in sufficient quantities. The seller usually knows about such an important part of an electronic cigarette as a clearomizer, its device and characteristics in general terms. However, if more detailed information is required, difficulties may arise.

The basic structure of an electronic cigarette

Serviced Clearomizer

The general device of an electronic cigarette is quite simple. Half of the volume is occupied by a screw-down battery, the power of which, it should be noted, is enough for half a day of average smoking. Another part of the electronic cigarette is a clearomizer - this is where the smoking fluid is poured into and where the vapor comes from. The main parts of the clearomizer are the mouthpiece, which often contains the functions of a cork, a flask into which smoking liquid is poured, and an evaporator - an integral element placed inside the flask with liquid.

Clearomizer function

Fundamentally, an electronic cigarette is an inhaler, and a clearomizer is an active working element in it. Its task is to instantly bring to a boiling point an ultra-small volume of liquid with the help of electric current from the battery. The function of the clearomizer is also to ensure uniform boiling of the liquid over a maximum area. This provides enough steam to give the impression that smoke is inhaled.

Clearomizer device
clearomizer evod

The central element of the clearomizer is a liquid flask and a mouthpiece; other parts, such as an evaporator, are not so obvious. The main element of the clearomizer vaporizer is a heating coil. Just like in an electric fireplace or an electric stove with an open spiral, only very small. The ends of the spiral are connected to certain elements of the housing and come into direct contact with the poles of the battery when the clearomizer is screwed to it.

Inside the spiral of the evaporator is a fibrous rope - a wick. It is he who absorbs the evaporating liquid and fundamentally provides the possibility of its boiling - without a wick, the spiral is not able to bring the liquid to a boil. The spiral with the wick is placed in the evaporator body, which is freely twisted out of the clearomizer if it is serviced.


clearomizer review

Intended use of the electronic cigarette leads to wear and failure of its parts. The first in the line for repairs / replacement is the clearomizer. Due to the widespread use of electronic cigarettes, today we can conclude that the resource of its work in a gentle smoking regime is enough for a rather long period - up to several months. However, over time, the wick and clearomizer spiral deteriorate.

At the beginning, only non-maintenance clearomizers were present on the market, that is, those that are simply thrown out after failure. Then came the upgrade. Clearomizers became serviced for the reason that only one element really needed servicing - an evaporator, unlike a bulb and a mouthpiece. This means that the owner of an electronic cigarette has the opportunity to independently, at home, replace the spiral of the heating element, the wick or the working unit of the evaporator in a serviced clearomizer.


The most common clearomizer problems are breakdowns of the flask evaporator. And if the flow of the flask is not critical due to the fact that most electronic cigarettes exclude leakage when the device is in an upright position, then the breakdown of the evaporator requires immediate repair if you want to use the gadget for its intended purpose.

As the electronic cigarette is used, at some point a significant deterioration in the taste of the inhaled vapor can be noted - a strange burnt taste appears. In this case, you need to understand that the term of the wick has expired - it simply burned out. In maintenance-free clearomizer models, this indicates the need to replace it. In serviced - only the need to replace the wick.

When the clearomizer stops working, the evaporator is the first reason. When the coil of its heating element fails, the electronic cigarette simply stops emitting vapor: when the evaporator is activated, the electronic indicator, if any, lights up, but the vapor does not emit.

Subtleties and nuances of operation and maintenance

clearomizer cc

A fundamentally serviced clearomizer, like the electronic cigarette as a whole, is a fairly simple thing to use. Observing accuracy, you can use the device for quite some time. However, the process of using the device will be somewhat simpler and more enjoyable if, for example, you pay attention to the accuracy of screwing the mouthpiece or base. In some models (for example, the Evod MT BCC clearomizer), in case of negligence, the central steam conduit can be loosened in this process, which leads to leakage and the need for replacement. This can be avoided just by being careful when handling an electronic cigarette.

Judging by the reviews, many people are convinced that it is advisable to use serviced clearomizers for electronic cigarettes, that when the wick or coil of the evaporator is worn, it is easier and easier to replace the entire evaporator complete with a new wick and heating coil because all the parts of the vaporizer are very small, some hard to hold with your fingers. For example, the task of threading a wick into a heating coil is difficult: many common models (for example, CC clearomizer and others) have a spiral hole diameter of the heating element of about a millimeter.

The problem of replacing the heating element itself is about the same difficulty: for small spiral sizes, it is very difficult to get the conductive antennae into the desired grooves even with tweezers.

Popular models

It is advisable to start this mini-review of clearomizers that have received user recognition with the most common options. The reason for this is the availability of these components not only on the Internet, but also in most offline stores selling electronic cigarettes.

clearomizer vaporizer

There are no exact statistics, but the BCC Evod Clearomizer is probably one of the most common. With a lower unscrewable base, this type of clearomizer would seem to be more prone to leakage risks than the rest. However, it is not. This serviced clearomizer proceeds more often due to the carelessness of the user than because of the wear of the rubber gasket. It itself is reliable, has lower heating and is unpretentious in operation. If the question is which clearomizer for electronic cigarettes to prefer, this option is definitely worth considering.

Other alternative and equally worthy models are also on the market. One of them is the CC Kanger T2 Clearomizer. This model by its design eliminates the possibility of liquid being poured into the steam outlet pipe. This makes it easier to “start up” after refueling.

Double-Spiral Clearomizer

Mega VT (a variant of Joyetech eGo One) is another serviced clearomizer that captivates users with two spirals. The solution is simple and appropriate, which always allows you to get a lot of thick steam.

However, this somewhat increases the cost of using an electronic cigarette in case of replacing the vaporizer in the block version and significantly complicates the independent replacement of both coils and wicks. You should be prepared for this if this particular serviced clearomizer is selected.

Instead of a conclusion

clearomizers for electronic cigarettes

For some smokers, the important question is: how much savings will come from switching to electronic cigarettes compared to regular ones? The answer is simple: not at all. In fact, the cost of all kinds of consumables, such as liquids, clearomizers, vaporizers, both assembled and in parts - in the month period “eats” as much as regular cigarettes.

The undoubted advantage of using electronic devices is that you can really refuse from conventional cigarettes, that you can smoke indoors, that there are no unpleasant odors and does not cause significant harm to health.


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