What is vitamin E good for men? What is the dosage for?

The modern rhythm of life rarely gives an opportunity to a busy person to seek medical help in time for certain ailments. People attribute almost all unpleasant symptoms to fatigue and simply stop them with painkillers. In fact, this decision is absolutely wrong, because even behind innocuous, it would seem, discomfort, there may be problems that, if ignored for a long time, can lead to serious malfunctions in the body. So, among the male population, the usual deficiency of vitamin E is often hidden behind the symptoms of fatigue and malaise.

Why vitamin E is good for men
For men, this compound is very significant, because it largely controls the state of the reproductive function.

Causes of Hypovitaminosis

The lack of certain components for the body manifests itself most often due to an unbalanced diet. This, again, is influenced by the rhythm of life of most of the population. In addition, the male body, with regular heavy physical exertion, requires a large amount of tocopherol, which is only rarely obtained with food. In order for a man’s health status to always be normal, you should start taking vitamin complexes in a timely manner.

Tocopherol Properties

To understand what vitamin E is good for men, you need to understand its general characteristics. So this connection:

  • contributes to the normalization of blood circulation;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • accelerates the process of cell renewal;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • It has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Vitamin E for Men
Based on this, it can be understood that the benefits of vitamin E for men are simply invaluable. It supports the health of the whole body, preventing its premature aging, strengthening the walls of cell membranes. It is also very important that tocopherol is in high concentration in the cells of the prostate gland, therefore , reproductive function also depends on it in many ways. This compound helps to normalize the hormonal background in the male population, protects against the negative effects of testosterone cells, improves sperm quality and has a general antioxidant effect. From this, the main causes requiring regular monitoring of the vitamin in the body should be highlighted.

What is vitamin E good for men?

Based on the foregoing, the importance of tocopherol for the stronger sex is manifested:

  1. In the normalization of the reproductive system.
  2. The compound also helps to protect testosterone molecules and normalize the hormonal background of men.
  3. Vitamin E helps improve cellular respiration throughout the body.
  4. The compound strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques, promotes resorption of blood clots and improves blood circulation. This is especially important for men, since the stronger sex is more prone to heart attacks and other heart diseases.
  5. Due to the general strengthening of the vascular system, blood circulation in the pelvic area also improves, which is important for the reproductive function to work well.
  6. In addition, the compound promotes the natural rejuvenation of the body by preventing the action of free radicals.

What is vitamin E good for men yet? Of course, by taking part in the synthesis of an equally important element - vitamin A. The lack of this compound also leads to lethargy, anemia and the appearance of dysfunctions of various important body systems.

Dosage for admission

The minimum dose of vitamin E for men per day is 10 mg. It is this amount of tocopherol that should be taken to maintain normalization of the body to a healthy person.

Vitamin E for Men in Pregnancy Planning
In the event of a lack of connection, the doctor prescribes a therapeutic dosage individually for each patient. The amount of the required element should be no more than 300-400 mg per day. Most often, vitamin E capsules are prescribed for men, but the preparations may contain the desired substance in the form of injections.

To correctly determine the required amount of tocopherol for a patient, doctors calculate the dosage according to the following formula: 0.3 mg of substance per kilogram of weight. Based on this, it can be easily determined that for a man weighing 85 kg it will be required to take 25.5 mg daily and so on. Taking a larger dose of vitamin A can provoke hypervitaminosis in the body, which will also negatively affect the state of health, but not necessarily right away. The fact is that tocopherol can accumulate in the body and even with a slight dose excess can manifest certain symptoms for a long time.

Admission Rules

Follow the recommendations for taking the compound is no less important than the dosage of vitamin E for men. The fact is that tocopherol is a fat-soluble compound, so it simply can not be assimilated in its pure form without the help of additional substances. When taking capsules, they already contain the necessary fat, but for a quality injection treatment, you will also need to change your diet by adding oils and fats to it.

Vitamin E Dose for Men
To enhance the effect of the substance, it is useful to take it with selenium or vitamin A, and also with both compounds at once. It is important to remember that inorganic iron destroys tocopherol, so when taking it, you should refrain from using preparations containing ferum.


The ability of the vitamin to accumulate in the body can be fraught with hypervitaminosis, but in practice men rarely feel unwell after taking it. Of course, such statistics do not give any guarantee that unpleasant sensations will not appear at all, since a certain insignificant part of patients nevertheless complains of some symptoms of an overdose. Among them:

  • fatigue;
  • visual impairment;
  • constant feeling of tiredness, even after a long rest;
  • flatulence;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • severe headaches;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea.

Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency

In general terms, it is clear why vitamin E is useful for men, but not many people realize the seriousness of the situation and can correctly determine when the necessary compound in the body is not enough. Most symptoms begin to manifest completely harmless and are often attributed to banal fatigue.

Vitamin E capsules for men
The first "alarm bells" for the stronger sex are fatigue, decreased performance, muscle weakness and slight irritability. If you do not respond to these symptoms in a timely manner, loss of vision, destruction of liver cells, skin loses elasticity, and bone tissue begins to soften. Along with this, the male part of the population shows sexual dysfunction, spermatozoa lose their activity, a person becomes irritable, significant disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system are disrupted.

Why is vitamin E needed for a man’s body? Of course, in order to avoid all this. By the way, symptoms of hypovitaminosis in the initial stages may be numbness of the limbs and temporary impaired coordination. Also, with a lack of tocopherol in the body, premature death of red blood cells begins.

Preventative measures

Any problem is easier to prevent, so in order not to start a serious treatment and not to encounter problems with men's health, it is recommended to initially control the level of necessary compounds in the body and pay attention to the symptoms in a timely manner. Treatment of hypovitaminosis should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist who can correctly determine the dosage necessary in a particular case.

What is vitamin E for men?

Regular administration of tocopherol in prophylactic doses is necessary during intense physical exertion in the stronger sex. Vitamin E is also recommended for men when planning pregnancy, because the element provokes blood circulation in the pelvis.

Taking tocopherol for potency

This compound helps to slow down the aging of the cells of the whole body, which helps the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Thus, the number of capable sperm cells increases, and the substance actively helps in stimulating reproductive function. Vitamin E is very often prescribed by specialists in the treatment of infertility in men, since its beneficial properties help restore hormones and improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Also, tocopherol helps strengthen the heart muscle, which increases the efficiency and endurance of the whole organism. Due to the slowing down of aging, vitamin also increases sexual activity.

Also, the connection allows you to accelerate muscle growth, which is important for enhanced training, and the overall strengthening of the vascular system protects the man from strokes and heart attacks.

Vitamin Products

Based on the foregoing, it is clear why men need vitamin E, but from which foods can it be obtained in sufficient quantities so that you do not have to take medications later? In fact, tocopherol can not be found in food products often. Its insignificant amount is found in products of animal origin - the liver, milk and egg yolks. A sufficient norm of the substance is plant products, but only fresh ones. When frozen, vegetables retain only half of the useful element, and when preserved, it generally disappears. In general, any heat treatment negatively affects the amount of compound in food, which should be considered when preparing dishes.

Vitamin E for what a man’s body is needed

So, you can get healthy vitamin E from cucumbers, carrots, radishes, onions, potatoes and leafy greens. In a small concentration, the substance is found in broccoli, spinach, seeds, nuts and butter.

The greatest amount of vitamin is concentrated in vegetable oils, using which a person simultaneously provides good absorption of the substance. Among them are corn, olive and sunflower oils. Oatmeal, corn and sprouted wheat are also rich in tocopherol.


It is important to know that for optimal male health, you must also use potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium along with vitamin E. Only in the complex are vitamins and minerals able to maintain good health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9573/

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