Joyetech eVic Supreme Electronic Cigarette - The Original Way to Stop Smoking

The famous Chinese company Joyetech constantly pampers its supporters with various novelties. To make the process of "soaring" the most comfortable, the company uses the latest design developments in its devices. A striking example of devices of this kind is the electronic cigarette Joyetech eVic Supreme.

Interesting novelty

It is known that smoking is a process that causes a person to have two types of addiction: chemical and ritual. The first is formed from those substances that enter the body, and is only 15 percent. And the second, in fact, is the habit of performing specific actions.

The electronic cigarette Joyetech eVic Supreme serves as an excellent tool that allows you to overcome just the second component. Basically, this is a great way to quit smoking. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to have a device that will allow maximum control of the process. The electronic cigarette Joyetech eVic Supreme gives such an opportunity. The device itself is a battery mode, which can be used with any kind of atomizer. The main advantage of the device is the presence of a special screen on which full information about everything that is happening is displayed.

electronic cigarette joyetech evic supreme

We can say that the electronic cigarette Joyetech eVic Supreme turns the usual "soaring" into a highly intelligent process.

Consumer Comments

Those who have already become the proud owner of a new fashion device from the Joyetech company, note its marked superiority over conventional electronic cigarette models. The first thing that catches your eye is the battery capacity. It is 5 times higher than previously used standard batteries. They need to be less frequently charged, which, for example, is especially important on the road. What else is good for the new Joyetech eVic Supreme mod? Reviews about him are only positive.

joyetech evic supreme reviews

Among the advantages of this device include:

1) Great design.

2) Presentable appearance.

3) Beautiful glossy finish. Among other things, it is quite durable and scratch resistant.

4) Convenient threaded connections.

5) Battery power up to 30 watts is achieved through a special battery from SONY, which is included.

6) A lot of thick steam.

7) Convenient display allows you to configure the desired indicators of smoking (power, voltage, and others). The control table can even be displayed on the screen of any computer.

8) There is protection from children by establishing a PIN code.

True, there are people who believe that a “smart” battery contains a lot of extra information in which it is easy for a beginner to get lost. For example, why do you need to know the number of puffs made and the duration of each in seconds? But such information may be useful to those who set themselves the task of forever saying goodbye to a bad habit.

Expensive pleasure

Those who still decided to purchase the Joyetech eVic Supreme should not be confused by the price. I must say that pleasure is not cheap. The standard kit usually contains: mod, battery, AC adapter, cable and instructions in several languages.

joyetech evic supreme Price

Such an acquisition for the Russian buyer will cost 6000-7000 rubles. The price is considerable. Especially if you imagine that in addition to all this you will need to buy another clearomizer and liquid for refueling, then the result is an impressive amount. However, two factors must be taken into account here. Firstly, electronic “soaring” is more beneficial than smoking regular cigarettes. Secondly, a powerful intelligent mod allows you not to throw money away on cheap inefficient models. These reasons already make you think. In addition, some stores provide in the form of a bonus to receive when buying some accessories or items necessary to service the device.

Product Details

For those who are about to start smoking with the Joyetech eVic Supreme, a review is a must. A person should know which device he will have to deal with in the near future. Externally, the mod of this brand is a cylindrical stainless steel case, inside of which on one side there is a compartment for placing a SONY battery with a removable cover. On the opposite side there is a control module with a connector 510, covered with a metal sleeve having notches for the removal of steam.

joyetech evic supreme review

It is interesting that the connector itself during operation can be removed and changed if necessary. The most noteworthy display. It has six submenus that provide the user with complete and comprehensive information about the operation of the device. The device’s operating system makes it possible even to upload your photos to it or to recognize the atomizer used. The display is controlled by pressing the button located behind it. After three clicks in the assembled state, the device is ready for operation.


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