How to transfer a pension when changing your place of residence: necessary documents, procedure and procedure description

Despite the fact that people of advanced years are very skeptical about changing their permanent address, sometimes they still move. Moreover, it does not matter at all what the reason for the change of dislocation was associated with. The main thing is that in such situations there are a lot of new problems and questions related to them. One of them: “How to transfer a pension when changing a place of residence?”. We will talk more about him in this article.

how to transfer a pension when changing residence

How and where to go: a brief action plan

Remaining outside your usual abode, you must first find out where you should go because of a recent move. So, first of all, you need to go to the territorial authority of the Pension Fund, located at the actual place of residence of the pensioner. Here you need to write a statement indicating the reason for the appeal - “change of address”. We will tell you more about the rules for filling out the form below.

how pension is paid when changing residence

Where to get the application form?

As we have already said, the payment of a pension when changing your place of residence at a new address of residence is possible only when writing a request for a pension or payment case. The form of this application can be taken directly from the PF representative office or on the official website.

To do this, go to the main page of the state structure, go to the bottom and click on the link "Life situations". Next, pay attention to the first column on the left. It is called "Pensions." Go down on it and click on the burning link “Payment of pensions when changing your place of residence” (located at the very end of the column). After it is worth doing the following:

  • click on the link “Where to go”, which opens in a new window;
  • select the “Application form for the request for a pension case”;
  • download the form to your computer;
  • print the form and fill it out.

We talk about how a pension is paid when changing a place of residence.

payment of pension upon change of residence

What information should be indicated on the form?

In the form you received, you should first enter the name of the territorial body of the RF PF. The following data is indicated below:

  • Name of pensioner;
  • compulsory pension insurance certificate number ;
  • citizenship;
  • address of the place of residence;
  • address of the place of stay (indicated if official registration is available at the new place of residence);
  • the address of the actual location (indicated when the place of residence and stay does not match);
  • contact phone number;
  • passport data ;
  • floor;
  • conducting current activities (work, not work);
  • contact information about the guardian or proxy (if any);
  • documents confirming the authority of the guardian or principal (if necessary).

how to get a pension when changing a place

After that, it is necessary to indicate the reason for the appeal (request for the issuance of a pension), the address of the previous place of residence (for which the pension was paid earlier) and the actual location. Next, select the type of pension, specify the terms of the previous payment and the method of receipt convenient for you (by courier, by mail). All this must be indicated as accurately as possible so as not to violate the entire procedure for transferring a pension when changing a place of residence.

Can employers write a statement?

If you are a working pensioner, then employers can write an application to the Pension Fund instead of you. To do this, they need to download a special form and fill it out, adding to it the company seals and signatures of those responsible. In a word, this will greatly simplify the entire treatment procedure.

how to get a pension when changing residence tips

Further actions and deadlines

After receiving a statement from a pensioner, government representatives will be required to make an appropriate request to the Pension Fund, in which he received his pension earlier. According to PF employees, the entire procedure for sending a form takes no more than one business day. In turn, the required pension case will be transferred upon request within three days (from the date of receipt of the application).

After receiving the case, the PF department, as a rule, gives an order to register a pensioner in a new place of residence. According to experts, the entire procedure of registration and decision-making on the extension of pension payments takes no more than two business days.

How to get a pension when changing your place of residence: tips

Before you start applying for a pension at your new place of residence, you should pay attention to some details. Firstly, before moving it makes sense to find out the full name of your previous pension fund (you will need it when writing an application). Secondly, find out the exact address of the place of your move, taking into account the post office index. This will allow you to avoid possible misunderstandings when applying.

And finally, when applying for a new PF branch, bring your passport and pension certificate with you. If you plan to receive a pension through a proxy, you must take care of drawing up a power of attorney in advance. If you do everything right, you will be promptly paid a pension when you change your place of residence (we described the procedure above).

payment of pension upon change of residence

When to expect a pension?

According to the current legislation, the calculation of pensions for a new place of residence will resume starting from the 1st day. In this case, the report will be kept from the filing date of the application. Thus, you will not lose anything.

How to transfer a pension when traveling abroad?

Do not know how to transfer a pension when changing your place of residence when traveling abroad? This is fixable. Let's start with a couple of useful tips. So, before you leave (but not later than a month) you need to come to the department of the fund, write a statement and submit the following documents:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • The original certificate of change of residence indicating the exact address abroad (issued by the consul or embassy);
  • original certificate of employment (if any).

How to get a pension while living abroad?

If everything is clear with the submission of documents and informing the Pension Fund, then it is completely unclear how to get a pension when changing your place of residence when moving abroad. According to PF employees, it is not necessary for a pensioner to personally attend to receive a pension.

It is enough to open an account in one of the Russian banks or to empower your authorized representative with the appropriate powers. However, in such a situation, the PF must provide in advance the contact and passport data of an external person. And, of course, he must have a document notarized by a notary authorizing him with the right to receive your pension.

pension transfer procedure when changing residence

If you lived in the territory of another state and returned to Russia?

There are times when natives of the Russians leave the country for some reason and come back after some time. How then is the accrual of pension? In this situation, payments are credited after the pension business of the country of the previous place of residence is finally closed. For this, it is also necessary to write a statement and expect the transfer of a closed pension case to a new destination address. However, in order to accrue a pension it is necessary to have Russian citizenship or a residence permit confirming the fact of the pensioner's residence in the Russian Federation. It's all about how to transfer a pension when changing your place of residence from one country to another.

Is it necessary to apply for a pension on a card?

If you previously received your pension on the card, then you still have to look for the nearest PF branch at the relocation address and write a statement. This must be done in order to be registered with the new Pension Fund. On the other hand, the information in your case may suddenly be needed by you or the PF representative. For example, this can happen when you review the size of charges.

How can I get a pension?

Getting a pension when moving is one of three possible ways. For example, it may be Russian Post. At the same time, elderly people can receive money either with a personal visit to the post office or by a postman. Alternatively, retirees can open a bank account and withdraw pension accruals through an ATM or cash desk of a financial institution. And finally, there are a number of organizations involved in the delivery of pensions, for example, courier services.

Can I change my retirement provider?

After moving you have a great opportunity to change your pension provider (if for some reason he did not suit you). To do this, you must come to the office of your Pension Fund and write a statement. It should indicate the reason for the transition to another supplier and detail its contacts. If you don’t want to make such a statement personally, just go to the PF website and do it through your personal account (if you already had a registration before).

Now you know how to transfer a pension when changing your place of residence. In a word, follow our tips and you will definitely not miss the following pension accruals.


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