The great power of love is search, the ability to grow and maintain it

Love is as important for the soul and body as oxygen. And this is not a topic for discussion, it is an axiom. The more love you have, the healthier you are physically and emotionally. The less love you feel, the more you are prone to physical and mental illness.

Man needs love, it gives strength and inspires

It is also true that the less love you experience in life, the more you are prone to stress and depression. Love is the best antidepressant, because the source of depression is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and a feeling of dislike for the surrounding world. Most people who are depressed do not like themselves and do not feel love for themselves. They are completely immersed in their experiences, which makes them closed in order to experience what the power of love is and to learn how to love.

Do not wait passively for love, actively grow it in your heart and soul

There is such a prejudice, also expressed in the song, that love as an element will suddenly come by accident, and the great power of love will carry with it to paradise. As a result, a person simply passively waits for someone to stumble upon him and fall in love. He does not even suspect that love is an art, a culture of feelings that can be developed in the soul. To find out what love is, how to find and keep it, you need to be active and have certain skills.

Most young girls and boys derive their knowledge of love from pop culture. Simple songs, obsessively sounding just not from the iron, talk about love. Waiting for the romantic development of the relationship, the girls are waiting for the prince, passively waiting for the opportunity to experience what the power of love is, and the boys to meet the one who will sing: “You kiss me everywhere.” This stems from a misunderstanding that the ideal is far from life and reality will never coincide with the drawn image.

How to learn to love

It is necessary to radically change your attitude to life, to think what the words “power of love” mean in order to cultivate it then in a relationship with the opposite sex and learn to love and be loved.

1. First of all, you need to tell yourself that falling in love is not love. Falling in love is far from true love, because such a state does not last long, for a maximum of six months you can walk in love. Falling in love may turn into love, or it may not give a chance for her, the power of love will simply go into the sand.

2. Separate also the hormonal burst and emotions from the true feeling of love. If you do not learn how to do this, then in life you will find numerous disappointments and, as a result, a feeling of dissatisfaction and depression.

3. Develop sociability in yourself, the more you communicate, the less will be the feeling of uselessness. The more friends, the better you will feel. But do not strive for quantity, choose those friends with whom you are really close.

Do not disturb someone else’s space and study your

In relationships always remember that all people are different. Is it possible to know for sure what another person needs, what is in his soul and in his head, if you yourself often do not know. When you see that your partner does not behave the way you want, learn to negotiate and compromise.

1. Take a close look at your partner. Instead of making claims and making demands, find out what he needs, go forward. What does a person need for a comfortable existence? For many, this is very difficult. Demanding is easier than giving. But this will help you to know yourself better, look into your soul and make out your own needs.

2. Help others. Do not lock yourself. The more you hear others, the faster you will learn what the all-conquering power of love and creativity is in your own destiny, you will begin to better understand and satisfy your needs.

3. Learn to compromise, realizing that the requests of a loved one are just as important as your own. Believe me, he will respond to love and care in return. Only a person imprisoned in his own feelings believes that the reality lies in his suffering. The world is wider and more diverse than our ideas about it.

4. Disagree with your inner voice when it speaks of your inferiority. Low self-esteem and sensitivity to any deviation from their own ideas are the main signs of depression. Each emotional outburst is interpreted as a personal attack and generates resentment. In fact, the feeling of depression in you does not allow you to freely feel and experience what the great power of love is.

Recognize the power of your inner voice and say firmly and decisively: “This is not about me! Yes, I’ve made a mistake, they don’t really reject me, it’s me who rejects love and I don’t give myself to love. I don’t know how to love, but I will learn, I will make efforts and learn to love! ”

When the situation is rethought, you can act effectively and efficiently to find love and keep it.


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