Androgyny - are these signs of the third sex? Who are androgynes and what makes them different from the rest?

Nowadays, among doctors, psychologists and ordinary people who are not related to medicine, there is constant debate about what is androgyny. This is a kind of duality, which can manifest itself in appearance, in behavior, in character and in many other aspects of human life. Of course, to a full extent, such a feature is not characteristic of all of us, but often we notice within ourselves some beginning that has nothing to do with the gender given to us by nature.

androgyny is

How was this term born?

Androgyny is the bisexuality of the body, soul, human behavior. This is the feeling when in one body there are two principles at once, fundamentally different, but able to complement each other and coexist together. It is about this that each of us can learn from ancient written information, which was compiled mainly by the ancient Greeks. The Holy Apostles, who put their work into the writing of the Bible, spoke about the human duality. However, it is sometimes extremely difficult to understand the words of our ancestors, therefore such a concept as “androgynous people” appeared only when psychology became an independent science. It was Karl Gustav Jung who provided the public with the concept that the character traits of men are different from women. By tracking what qualities a person has more, you can determine the degree of his androgyny. In other words, one can understand how “masculine” the character of a certain woman can be and vice versa.

androgynous appearance

The basic laws of personality duality

Nowadays, androgyny is a full-fledged psychological concept that is based on certain laws. The first of these consists of the bipolar nature of human nature, each criterion of which claims to dominate. That is, one person has character traits, both male and female, no matter what his “biological” gender is. Most often, natural gender coincides with the psychological one, which leads to such judgments as a “typical woman” (for example, the fair sex is too concerned about their appearance, no matter how dry and strict their nature). If in the female body “male” moral criteria prevail or she perceives the world around him as a guy should do, this is a sign of the androgyny of the person, which, of course, finds itself in the appearance of a person.

sandra behm

Androgynous personality optimization

A similar process originates, of course, from spiritual qualities. Initially, a person’s worldview is formed, his type of behavior, habits, manners. If a teenager-boy in his behavior shows certain feminine features, it is worth paying attention also to his appearance. Often a similar tendency is caused by the androgynous appearance, when facial features, and it happens that the figure, at the same time appear both male and female. As they say, everything is balanced in nature, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that a guy at a young age, having a fairly feminine appearance, gradually acquires a weaker character. However, it is worth remembering that this is not at all a sign of sexual disorientation, since the androgyne is usually straight or, in extreme cases, in the sexual aspect, he prefers both sexes at once.

What androgynes can look like in real life

Such a biological miracle as androgyny is, first of all, a hard mental work for the one to whom it is characteristic. The fact is that a person who has, so to speak, an average appearance, balancing between male and female, as well as a similar character and manners, must choose what is closer to him. And this choice may not be made in favor of the biological sex, oddly enough, and at the same time, the sexual orientation of such a person can remain extremely natural. It’s just that sometimes it’s easier for a man whose appearance is dominated by soft features characteristic of the fairer sex to be a girl for those around him, but at the same time to remain a true gentleman in his soul.

androgyny in women

A deeper look at this theory

In each of us there is an internal dialogue, which can be balanced or be contradictory, even a little scandalous. These two "personalities", whatever one may say, are divided into the dominant and subordinate, or that which is at a deeper level, inaccessible to outsiders. Let's try to consider this with an example of how androgyny in women is manifested. In modern women, “that same fragile and tender nature”, as if their true one, as a rule, occupies precisely that subordinate position, that is hidden in the depths of the soul. A dominant position has a stronger nature, which is comparable to a man. In turn, the modern representative of the stronger sex may seem indecisive and lethargic, as his leading personality is characterized by female criteria. But his subconscious is the exact opposite of this, thanks to which balance is restored. On the basis of such a balance, people of the opposite sex are attracted to each other, regardless of what appearance they possess and what character traits in them are more developed.

androgynous image

How to accept yourself as you are?

Often, even in our time, a person with a "medium-sex" appearance causes bewilderment, ridicule and gossip in society. In this case, it is worth paying attention to very famous models that have just such appearance, conquering not only the covers of magazines, but also the hearts of fans. Today, one of the most famous is the androgyne Andrey Pezhich, a native of Australia, who has Serbian and Croatian roots. Being a tall man and possessing an athletic figure, he looks incredibly feminine and tender on the face. He repeatedly appeared on the podium as a standard model in order to present another masterpiece of one of the world's designers. And it is worth saying that Andrei always showed exclusively women's collections. Among the androgyne models, there are also girls who, on the contrary, have a boyish appearance and sometimes even a figure.

androgynous people

Androgynous image will help everyone

In order to determine your own nature, moral inclination towards a certain gender, you need to try yourself in different roles. This is not about an operation that allows you to change the floor, but only about the style that manifests itself in clothing, hairstyle and, of course, in human behavior. Sometimes girls who feel uncomfortable in this world, for whom something does not work out in their personal lives, change their appearance, and immediately everything gets better. In particular, we are talking about a short haircut, more restrained clothing. The wardrobe should be dominated by pants, shorts, not skirts. But it is worth remembering that these things should remain feminine, at least in their cut. A man, on the contrary, can afford to grow long hair, put on unisex clothes and wear appropriate jewelry. It’s worth remembering that everyone still won’t like it, and at the same time, you can’t suppress your essence. Therefore, in the form in which you feel comfortable, you can rather find the person who will share your worldview and outlook on life.

androgin Andrey Pezhich

How to understand whether you are an androgyne?

The American psychologist Sandra Boehm in the middle of the last century developed a whole theory about how the formation of the human sex occurs and how this sign is determined. If you want to know which group of people you belong to, take the test created by her, which consists of a series of questions that are simple and understandable to everyone. As a result, in a percentage ratio it will be possible to calculate which features in your nature are more male or female, and in accordance with this build your future life, look for your style and people who will like your androgynous appearance, who will support you, will understand and will share your priorities and views.


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