How to get rid of rats and secure your home

My home is my castle! Such a statement somehow does not fit with what it actually is when such uninvited guests like rats start up in it. I do not want to share my home with such harmful neighbors who not only feel free to eat food supplies, but also are carriers of many diseases dangerous to humans, and can also damage property by gnawing wires and communications in the house. These little animals accompanied humanity as many centuries ago, so, unfortunately, today. They are in no hurry to leave people alone.

how to get rid of rats
There are several types of rats, most of which are omnivorous, so they can feel comfortable both in residential buildings and in office, public or warehouse premises. Rats breed year-round; one female individual of some species can produce offspring of up to twenty pups per year. It is easy to imagine that this state of affairs can lead to real disaster if you do not know how to get rid of rats. Fortunately, today there are effective ways to fight rodents.

To get rid of rats once and for all, first of all, preventive measures are needed. Unfavorable conditions for breeding and nesting should be created for rodents, and they should not be allowed to freely enter the premises - ventilation ducts should be covered with metal mesh, basement and attic windows should be glazed, and all kinds of gaps and holes should be closed.

rat protection
But how to get rid of rats if you do not follow basic sanitary rules? For example, urban garbage cans, especially if they are located near public catering facilities, are simply a paradise for rodents. If food waste is not taken out on time, then all measures to control rodents will be ineffective.

Today, there is a whole Security and Protection Deratization System (OZDS), approved by regulatory documents at the state level and recognized as the most effective. OZDS equip such urban facilities as offices, underground communications, preschool and educational institutions, residential buildings, industrial and warehouse facilities. Especially important is the protection against rats of objects such as food depots and industries. The OZDS installation allows both to get rid of rats and to prevent their further appearance, since such a system completely blocks rodents' migration routes through a protected territory system.

get rid of rats
Since it is possible to get rid of rats only with the use of complex measures, prophylaxis plus treatment of premises and areas adjacent to the dwelling with means based on food poisons is necessary. Methods of getting rid of rats in living quarters are not as widespread as OZDS, but they require no less effort. Mostly used are mousetraps or food poisons added to the bait. All kinds of ultrasonic rodent repellers are popular today, which are simple to use, but, unfortunately, the work of not all models gives the desired result. The main condition is the regular implementation of protective measures and compliance with sanitary standards.


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