Shevchenko cancer treatment: doctors reviews

One of the options that is not too approved by official medicine is cancer treatment according to the method of Shevchenko V. N. The technology was proposed by a Russian engineer who registered a patent for several of his inventions. The author himself presents the theory as an innovative way to combat cancer. However, the opinions of doctors are far from unambiguous, as are the responses of those who practiced such treatment, their relatives and relatives. Let us first consider the essence of the theory, after which we turn our attention to the reviews and opinions of experts on this approach.

Promises and forecasts

According to the author, treatment using the Shevchenko method for cancer of the stomach, lungs, skin and any other area of ​​localization can be successful if you follow the prescribed recommendations. There is a likelihood of a complete cure even if the malignant processes progressed to the fourth stage. The author suggested that the oil-vodka mixture corrects the biochemical processes that occur in human tissues, which allows you to eliminate atypical cells and return the tissues to their previous healthy state.

The essence of cancer treatment by the Shevchenko method (lungs, stomach, other areas and zones) in daily use of the author's drug. To prepare it, you need to take 35 ml of unrefined fresh oil made from sunflower seeds, the same amount of vodka with a strength of 40 degrees. The components are thoroughly mixed and covered with a tight lid, then shaken for at least five minutes. The consumption of the mixture is as follows: first you need to take a deep breath, then tilt the liquid into the throat and swallow it instantly. If you do not do this quickly, the healing components will disintegrate. It is wise to use the drug three times daily, maintaining equal time intervals before meals. 20 minutes after eating a homemade drug should be eaten.

Shevchenko cancer treatment

Application features

If the patient is just starting cancer treatment with folk remedies according to the Shevchenko method, it is reasonable at first to use both ingredients in an equal amount of 30 ml. Gradually, you can increase the dosage, focusing on the body's response to therapy. According to the author, such a medicine helps with malignant processes in the respiratory and digestive systems, with pathology of the pancreas and other organs and tissues. According to the engineer who developed the therapy, a home-made drug is applicable for any age group, for people of any gender. There are no contraindications in principle. The formation of new metastases stops already in the first few days of drug use, then the growth of neoplasms in the main focus slows down. Resorption processes are gradually initiated, atypical cells are excreted from the body.

As the healers assure, the treatment of cancer with the Shevchenko method of vodka with oil does not require preliminary tests or any preparatory measures. During the use of the product, it will be necessary to completely exclude alcohol from the diet, including low alcohol. It is not allowed to use tobacco products, visit a sauna, a bath. Hot compresses should be discarded.

Safety comes first

According to the author's assurances, good tolerance and high efficiency can be guaranteed if you adhere to a diet that almost completely excludes vegetable juices during cancer treatment according to the Shevchenko method. It is necessary to refuse fatty products of animal origin, meat and dishes from it. Food must be prepared without salt. The intake of this mineral with finished store products must be minimized until the complete exclusion. It is forbidden to put droppers with glucose solutions intravenously.

Cancer treatment with Shevchenko’s method of vodka and oil allows the use of analgesics (strictly non-narcotic). You can combine a folk remedy and sedative, sleeping pills. It is allowed to take diuretics, medicines to support and stabilize the work of the heart, as well as other types of medicinal formulations prescribed by the doctor.

According to the cured patients, the treatment of cancer according to the Shevchenko method, agreed with the doctor and practiced against the background of the main therapeutic course (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) gives a good effect. Specialists pay attention: you need to be treated strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Professional medical assistance is the key to success. To ensure the best chance of survival, it is reasonable to consult a doctor at the first sign of ill health, and immediately after confirming the diagnosis, start treatment following the program developed by specialists.

Shevchenko cancer treatment

Why can it help?

According to the healers’ opinions, the treatment of cancer according to Shevchenko’s method with vodka and oil is effective, because when it enters the human body, biological processes are initiated, as a result of which peroxide compounds appear. Once in the circulatory system, they oxidize the fat cells of the vascular walls, thereby cleansing the tissues. Blood becomes better, blood flow is activated, harmful elements are removed and removed from the body. Gradually, the effect spreads from the circulatory system to other tissues and organs.

Shevchenko’s advanced method, which involves the inclusion of lemon juice in the recipe, can be used to treat cancer. Such a medicine has a positive effect on the filtration system of the human body, stimulating the work of the stomach and intestines, cleansing and stabilizing the liver. It is believed that a considerable positive effect is observed regarding the work of the kidneys and pancreas, lymph is cleared. Increasing the efficiency of the functioning of these systems helps to quickly cleanse the body of toxic compounds, dangerous cells, dead microorganisms.

The nuances of cooking and eating

According to reviews, it is better to start treating cancer with the Shevchenko method with single doses of 60 ml, of which half is vodka and half is oil. If the result does not show the desired progress, increase the volume of each component by 5 ml. In the absence of a pronounced result, a mixture of 40 ml + 40 ml is used. The larger the volume, the higher the impact on the human body, but using such a drug is more difficult.

In case of malignant processes in the esophagus and stomach, it is reasonable to immediately begin the treatment of cancer according to the Shevchenko method with the maximum dosage. Such volumes will have to be adhered to the entire course until laboratory and instrumental studies confirm the cure.

cancer treatment according to Shevchenko's diet

All by the rules

As the healers and folk therapy experts assure, treatment of prostate cancer with the Shevchenko method, therapy aimed at eliminating cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and other tissues and organs shows the best results if you carefully follow the daily routine. In particular, the medicine is taken only two hours after the meal, 20 minutes before the next. It is important to adhere to this condition, otherwise the digestibility of the components will be minimal. If during periods of abstinence from food before eating the mixture and after very much you want to eat, you can chew something, but immediately spit it out, without swallowing. You can also rinse your mouth with water, be sure to carefully spit all the liquid.

Both the classic and advanced Shevchenko cancer treatment methods involve a ten-day use of a home-made drug. After the first two approaches take breaks for five days. After the third course, the pause should last two weeks (sometimes it can be extended to three). In total, these three ten-day courses of administration represent the first stage of therapy. After completing one step, proceed to the next. They will have to be repeated cyclically for a couple of years, until the patient is completely cured.

The indicated dates, the duration of the breaks are strictly forbidden to adjust. A particularly strict prohibition concerns the reduction of pauses - this can make the approach ineffective and even dangerous for the patient.

Limitations and Rules

In order for Shevchenko’s treatment of cancer of the prostate, lung, esophagus, and other organs to be as useful as possible, the author’s instructions regarding medical procedures and studies should be carefully observed. In particular, ultrasound, tomography, x-rays are taken only in a two-week break of each of the steps of therapy. If possible, injury to the affected area should be avoided, which means biopsy and other invasive procedures are contraindicated. Isotope analysis should be done once a year or less.

When practicing cancer treatment according to the Shevchenko method, one must remember: invasive procedures increase the risk of aggressive growth of the diseased area. The first few months of using the described drug may be accompanied by changes in indicators of the functioning of the body, but in the future the values ​​will stabilize, the body will return to a normal, healthy state. During pauses between doses of the described medicine, you should not use cancer drugs or any other drugs at your own discretion. Only substances strictly agreed with the doctor can be used. Balms, immunity stimulants and other pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements can harm.

There are no boundaries for perfection

As can be seen from the reviews of doctors, the treatment of cancer by the Shevchenko method is a categorically controversial approach. Many professionals are firmly convinced that this is nothing more than quackery, and the recipe described above will only harm the body. There are those who recommend practicing it in combination with an official approach to treatment. Particular hopes for the described method are those who are diagnosed with the fourth stage with an unfavorable prognosis.

The author of the described method, trying to achieve greater popularity of his idea, developed another option, more advanced. According to his assurances, the recipe was revised based on the obtained clinical data and statistical information accumulated over the years of using the above formula. In particular, the updated technique obliges us to strictly follow a diet, excluding sugars from food - they provide energy for the growth of pathological fungal microflora that can multiply rapidly. Undergoing treatment for cancer, you need to exclude sweets and fruits from the menu. One of the options for increasing the effectiveness of the method is the replacement of vodka with alcohol with a strength of 95 degrees. Previously, experiments were also conducted to verify the effectiveness of different ratios of ingredients, but the above quantities were optimal.

Is it worth it to apply?

According to doctors, the treatment of cancer according to Shevchenko’s method is the recommended path only when official medicine is powerless and the patient wants to try everything possible that seems to him to be at least somewhat effective. But the healers have a different opinion. Many are convinced that the described drug in an impressive percentage of cases shows good results. However, there is no panacea, and even the most modern and reliable medicine will not cure 100% of patients. If the cancer patient wants to use folk remedies in conjunction with or instead of the official approach, it is reasonable to try all possible options and means. You can be treated with a hemlock, apply chaga and ferula, ASD-2, purified kerosene in a mixture with green nuts. One of the options, items on this list is the described method, which is reliable to the same extent as other approaches to traditional medicine.

Not everyone can use cancer treatment according to Shevchenko’s method, not everyone can take aconite, and Viturid can bring healing to the third. The choice of a specific folk prescription is determined not so much by the area of ​​localization of the malignant process as by the nuances of the individual reaction. As the healers say, the body chooses what gives it the best support, and the person’s task is to grasp the answer and recognize it, and then begin to systematically practice the appropriate treatment.

treatment of prostate cancer with Shevchenko's method

How to choose?

Folk recipes are designed for a long practice, some healers will have to take a lifetime. At the same time, they take into account: pathological organisms, atypical cells, disorders in the functioning of internal organs can transform over time, and before an effective method of therapy may be powerless. Based on this, the healers offer the following option: if the cancer treatment according to the Shevchenko method does not give a pronounced effect within two months, you need to try another option, and so change approaches every couple of months, trying to find the best one for yourself.

Both an improvement in the general condition of the body and a sudden deterioration indicate a fight against the disease. If the patient feels significantly worse, it is reasonable to reduce the dosage or completely abandon the practiced prescription, and then start again with a minimum amount. An improperly selected therapy will not cause an exacerbation or progress of the condition, but oncology will continue to develop stably.

What do patients say?

Recently, you can see a lot of feedback about the use of the Shevchenko method in the fight against cancer, but not everyone can be trusted. Some reviews are already openly doubtful in their appearance, seem unnatural, written as if by people who can’t even imagine what cancer is, how it goes and how it is cured. There are other responses that inspire considerable hope - people talk about a successful cure. As a rule, the majority admits: the Shevchenko method was practiced against the background of the classical course chosen by the doctor, and the disease was not too neglected.

Doctors say: the Shevchenko method can show a good result due to the placebo effect if the patient is firmly convinced of the effectiveness of the approach described above. Considering that a medicine made of oil and vodka is guaranteed to save lives, a person initiates internal forces, directs them to fight atypical cells and is cured, as expected. However, such cases are the exception rather than the rule.

advanced Shevchenko cancer treatment

What to do?

Cancer is a terrible disease, but modern approaches to official medicine can defeat it in more than an impressive percentage of cases, especially if it was possible to identify the disease at an early stage. As certified specialists assure, if a diagnosis is made, it is necessary to treat cancer, do not waste time on dubious folk remedies, the effectiveness of which is disputed by many, but there is not a single official and reliable evidence of effectiveness. In cancer, the bill can take months, and it is unacceptable to spend this time checking the performance of alternative drugs - the risks are too great and completely unjustified.

Cancer: how to win?

Official clinics are ready to offer interested modern methods, tools and technologies that can cure various forms of cancer, including complex and rare, with a high degree of reliability. There are methods whose reliability is confirmed by official studies and statistics collected in different countries. In each case, a combined program is usually practiced. It all starts with the operation. Surgery is a basic approach, the most effective in the fight against cancer today. In recent years, non-invasive interventions, accompanied by a minimal risk of complications, have spread. Apply robotic computer precision systems. Robots provide a perfectly accurate hit of tools in the target, can work in places where access is difficult. A doctor monitors and directs the system through a monitor. Specific techniques help minimize the risk of tissue infection.

To destroy atypical cells, modern medicine offers radiation therapy. Such treatment with directional accurate flow is usually practiced first before surgery to reduce the size of the affected area, then after the intervention in order to eliminate relapse. The most effective modern techniques suggest a targeted effect on diseased cells without harming nearby healthy structures. After this course, rehabilitation is short-term (depending on localization), and the inconvenience experienced by the patient is minimal.

Shevchenko cancer treatment

Chemotherapy and hormonal drugs

Chemotherapy is a systematic approach, the use of drugs aimed at inhibiting the development of atypical structures. Currently, drugs for this course are not only used by time-tested, but also new ones are being developed, and already known ones are improving. The main task pursued by doctors is to minimize the negative consequences. Chemotherapy negatively affects various tissues and organs, including healthy ones. The program is practiced before and after the operation. With leukemia, chemotherapy is the main method that ensures the patient's recovery. In each case, it is necessary to choose drugs individually, focusing on the nuances of the response of the body.

cancer treatment folk remedies Shevchenko method

A hormonal course aimed at getting rid of cancer, inhibits the production of a number of specific compounds in the human body. This method is effective if the tumor process is initiated by a malfunction of the hormonal background. In women, more often, such diseases affect the ovaries, mammary gland, in men - the prostate.


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