Sociophobia: why is a person afraid of people?

Often you can hear that a person is afraid of people. Such people suffer from a lack of confidence and create a vicious circle around themselves. Fear of people is one of the types of human phobias, sociophobia. To get rid of it, experience is needed, you need to communicate a lot, but because of fear it is very difficult to do.

what are people most afraid of
When a person is afraid of people, he is afraid of everyone and everything: he is afraid to communicate with new people, he is embarrassed in noisy companies, he can hardly even make a phone call. Any situation in which you have to resort to communication makes him pretty nervous.

But all people are able to change. Therefore, if a person is afraid of people, but wants to overcome this shortcoming, he will have to make a lot of efforts and go through a difficult path. The main thing is that there is an incentive.

So, first you need to understand the premises and causes of fear.

Why am I afraid of people?

As a rule, fear of communication is the fear of young people. Such a phobia rarely develops after twenty years. It mainly occurs in adolescents in the school years (from 10 years old). The reason is child cruelty, when a whole class is poisoning one loser, and the cruelty of teachers who make fun of losers, and the harsh school system, which is built on public reprimands for all peers ...

man is afraid of people

The reason that a person is afraid of people may be the detached, cold, or completely indifferent attitude of parents in childhood or psychological trauma due to problems in the family.

And there are cases when it is not possible at all to determine the cause of the fear of people.

What is most often afraid of people who suffer from social phobia?

Condemnation Failures. Of shame. People are afraid to be misunderstood or, worse, ridiculed and humiliated in society. A person who suffers from such a disorder always thinks that they are constantly watching him and waiting for him to make a mistake and do something wrong. He is always unsure of his actions and behavior, he is afraid and shameful. Well, a very low self-esteem only further exacerbates the situation. All this leads to the fact that a person closes in himself and avoids communication. But without communication you will never get the necessary experience and you will not get rid of fear.

Therefore, the way out in such a situation is to face your fear face to face: get out of your “case” and gain experience in communication.

Fighting Fear

why am I afraid of people
In this case, you can go to special training seminars, where they teach all the intricacies of communication and overcoming your fears. Be sure to find out the coordinates of local training centers and sign up for several classes. After them, it will be much easier to overcome your fears and complexes.

You can contact a specialist psychologist. Today, hypnosis, behavioral therapy, self-hypnosis and other methods are very effective means of combating such fears. Thanks to them, you can identify the causes of social phobia and develop a way to deal with them.

You can use special "pills for fear." Beta blockers are very popular today. These drugs help cope with fear, and also reduce its symptoms (trembling in the voice or sweating of the palms).

And remember that your efforts over yourself are worth it! Indeed, free communication brings great joy and opens up great prospects and opportunities both in career and in personal life.


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