Gonorrhea in men: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Gonorrhea in men is diagnosed quite often, especially when it comes to sexually active representatives of the stronger sex. This is an infectious disease that is transmitted from person to person mainly during intercourse. In the absence of timely diagnosis and appropriate therapy, the disease leads to the development of very dangerous complications.

Of course, many patients are looking for information about such a pathology. Why does gonorrhea develop in men? A photo with the image of the pathogen, the first symptoms of the disease, possible complications - this is important information that you should familiarize yourself with. So what is the pathology dangerous and how to treat it?

Why does gonorrhea develop in men? Photo with the image of the pathogen and its description

Many people are interested in additional information about this disease. To begin with, it is worth learning about why gonorrhea develops in men (in fact, in women).

Gonococcus image

This is a sexually transmitted disease caused by gonococcus. This is a gram-negative, motionless diplococcus that lives in the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system.

During intercourse, these bacteria are transmitted from the infected person to a healthy person. Microorganisms enter the mucous membrane of the urethra, where they linger for about two hours (during this time, bacteria can still be eliminated, for example, during hygiene procedures). Further, gonococci quickly penetrate into the interepithelial space and connective tissue. Bacteria multiply rapidly. Their activity leads to the development of purulent inflammation. If untreated, the infection spreads to the tissues of the testes, prostate gland in men, and internal reproductive organs in women.

How does the infection spread?

Gonorrhea in men and women is diagnosed quite often, so it is worthwhile to understand the ways of transmission of the infection.

  • Most often, gonococci spread during unprotected intercourse. By the way, according to statistics, in about 20-50% of cases, only one unprotected sex was enough for infection.
  • It should also be understood that the infection is transmitted not only during vaginal acts, although in such cases the clinical picture looks a little different. For example, as a result of anal intercourse, gonorrhea inflammation encompasses the tissues of the rectum, and in oral, the pathogen affects the throat and tonsils.
  • In some cases, the infection spreads when sharing sex toys.
  • The transmission of the pathogen from mother to child during the passage of the birth canal is possible. It is worth noting that the disease in newborns is difficult. Gonococcus affects the mucous membranes of the eyes, which leads to ulceration and scarring of the conjunctiva.
  • There is a small likelihood of household transmission of the infection, but only if people use the same underwear, etc.

It should immediately be said that the causative agent of the disease is extremely unstable in the environment. That is why the infection cannot spread, for example, when sharing cutlery, toilets, bathing in public pools, etc.

There is another important point. According to statistics, approximately 80% of women and 10% of men do not even suspect a problem. Gonorrhea is asymptomatic, but patients are able to spread the infection.

Signs of gonorrhea in men

What does gonorrhea look like in men? Description of the main symptoms

It is very important to study the features of the clinical picture. The incubation period of gonorrhea in men lasts approximately 15 days. On the other hand, the first signs may appear already 2 days after infection. Patients complain of discomfort along the urethra.

Gonococcal activity leads to the development of urethritis. The inflammatory process of the mucous membranes leads to the appearance of unpleasant itching and yellowish purulent discharge from the urethra. The external valves of the urethra swell and acquire a red tint. As the disease progresses, other symptoms appear - patients complain of pain during urination.

Sometimes there are signs of intoxication. In men, there is an increase in body temperature (in most cases, insignificant), weakness, constant fatigue, chills.

Sometimes the infection spreads up the urethra and reaches the tissues of the bladder. Gonococcal cystitis is accompanied by pain during urination and the appearance of traces of blood in the urine.

If you have the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Lack of timely therapy can lead to the development of chronic gonorrhea. In men, as well as in women, this form of the disease is very difficult to treat.

Symptoms outside the reproductive system

As already mentioned, gonorrhea in men most often affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but sometimes the infection spreads to other tissues and organs.

  • Gonococci often fall into the throat, while leading to the development of pharyngitis. In most cases, such inflammation is asymptomatic, but sometimes you can detect reddening of the throat, as well as the formation of ulcers. Regional, nearby lymph nodes at the same time increase.
  • According to statistics, gonorrhea in men in 40% of cases is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the tissues of the rectum. Symptoms for this development of the disease are very characteristic. First, the skin in the anus blushes. Gradually, small warts, rashes, small blisters and wounds form on the tissues. Patients noted the appearance of discharge from the rectum. The act of defecation is often accompanied by slight bleeding. In addition, itching periodically appears in the anus. With an internal examination, you can detect the appearance of ulcers and spot hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the rectum.
  • Gonorrhea in men may be accompanied by the development of arthritis. This form of the disease is rarely recorded and, as a rule, is associated with a refusal of drug therapy or a pronounced decrease in the activity of the immune system. Most often, the inflammatory process affects the ankle, knee and wrist joints. The skin in the affected areas reddens and swells, patients complain of pain and stiffness in the movements. In a laboratory study in the synovial fluid, gonococci can be detected.

Possible complications due to illness

Many people are interested in information about the signs of gonorrhea in men, treatment and possible complications. According to statistics, the disease lends itself well to drug therapy. Unfortunately, many men do not go to the doctor.

Pharyngitis with gonorrhea

Of course, the treatment of gonorrhea in men at home by folk methods can be a good addition, but it is not able to replace taking special drugs. If the patient does not see a doctor, then it is likely that the symptoms will go away on their own, but this does not at all indicate recovery. The ailment simply goes into a latent or chronic form, which leads to the development of a mass of complications.

  • The infection can spread up the urethra, affecting the tissues of the bladder, testicles and prostate gland. In this case, drawing pain in the perineum, unpleasant sensations during ejaculation, as well as cutting pain during urination are attached to the standard symptoms. Inflammation of the prostate gland often leads to the development of infertility, as well as to the appearance of problems with sexual activity.
  • Sometimes the inflammatory process extends to the testicles and their appendages. A similar complication is accompanied by redness and significant swelling of the scrotum. Patients complain of severe pain during palpation of the scrotum, as well as discomfort while walking. The pathological process often leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the vas deferens with the further development of infertility.
  • Sometimes the inflammatory process penetrates into the deeper layers of the urethra, which ends with the development of urethral stricture. If the normal outflow of urine is difficult, then the fluid stagnates in the bladder and can be thrown back into the ureters. This creates good conditions for secondary bacterial infection.
  • In rare cases, the pathogen enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, which leads to a generalization of the infection. This can provoke the development of sepsis, damage to the heart valves, etc.

Features of the clinical picture in the chronic form of the disease

Chronic gonorrhea in men, as a rule, develops 2-3 months after infection. The transition of acute inflammation to a chronic form is associated either with the lack of therapy, or with its inefficiency.

The clinical picture in this case directly depends on the degree of infection and the depth of tissue damage. So, if the inflammatory process is localized in the front of the urethral canal, then some specific symptoms may be absent. Some patients note the appearance in the morning of discharge from the urethra, however, in small quantities.

Bacteriological culture for gonorrhea

However, a chronic inflammatory process can lead to unpleasant complications, in particular, epididymitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the head, foreskin and testicles with the further development of infertility. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor on time. Chronic gonorrhea in men can lead to dangerous, irreversible changes in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Gonorrhea Diagnosis

You already know how gonorrhea manifests itself in men. Diagnosis of the disease is rarely associated with any difficulties. Gonococcus activity is accompanied by the appearance of very characteristic disorders. One external examination and information about the symptoms that appear is enough for the doctor to suspect the presence of gonorrhea. However, additional tests are performed to confirm the diagnosis.

  • Be sure to take a smear for gonorrhea. In men, samples are taken from the urethra, and sometimes additionally also from the pharynx, rectum. They are subsequently used for microscopic examination. The sowing of biological material is more informative, since the specialist has the opportunity to grow a bacterial culture, determine the genus and type of pathogen, and check its reaction to the effects of certain drugs.
  • Sometimes a two-glass test is performed. The patient urinates in two laboratory glasses. If there is a lesion of the mucous membranes of the anterior part of the urethra, then changes in the analyzes will be detected only when examining the first portion of urine. If changes are observed in two portions of urine, then this may indicate lesions in both the front and back of the urethra.
  • Sometimes additional PCR diagnostics are performed. The procedure involves checking the patient's blood for the presence of genetic material of the pathogen.

According to doctors, the likelihood of complications is associated with some risk factors. Their list is as follows:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Simultaneous infection with other sexually transmitted infections (for example, gonorrhea is often combined with chlamydia).
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Alcohol abuse and other bad habits.
  • Exhausting physical activity.
  • Improper diet, in particular the abuse of spices and spicy foods.
  • regular use of the method of interrupted intercourse.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are also necessary, in particular, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, examination of the rectum, palpation of the prostate gland. Such procedures help to assess the degree of damage to the body. After receiving the tests, the doctor can choose effective medications for gonorrhea for men.

Treatment of gonorrhea in men

Drug treatment

How to treat gonorrhea in men? In this case, antibiotic therapy is extremely important. Gonococcus is sensitive to tetracycline and penicillin antibiotics, as well as to cephalosporins. The dosage, the schedule for taking pills for gonorrhea for men is determined by the doctor.

In addition, auxiliary drugs are also introduced into the treatment regimen.

  • Immunomodulators help normalize the immune system, strengthen protection and help the body cope with the infection.
  • For the same purpose, drugs are used, in which there is a complex of vitamins and minerals. Periodic vitamin therapy helps to improve metabolism, increase the body's resistance to various infections, and reduce the risk of complications due to gonorrhea.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used, for example, Ibuprofen, Nurofen. Such drugs help relieve inflammation, swelling and redness, eliminate pain and other symptoms of gonorrhea.
  • Hepatoprotectors are also used to protect the liver.
  • The treatment regimen necessarily includes the use of pre- and probiotics. The fact is that antibiotic therapy is harmful not only for gonococci, but also for bacteria of beneficial microflora. Probiotics help colonize the intestines with beneficial microorganisms, and prebiotics help create an ideal breeding ground for their further reproduction.
  • If there are various complications, then doctors begin more aggressive antibiotic therapy, which involves taking two or more antibiotics.

During treatment, the patient is recommended rest. It is worth abandoning sexual intercourse, too intense physical activity, cycling. Alcohol and smoking are contraindicated. Also, patients are recommended to dress according to the weather and avoid hypothermia.

In most cases, therapy is carried out at home. Indications for hospitalization are:

  • Relapse of gonococcal inflammation.
  • Generalization of infection with a risk of sepsis.
  • The presence of complications, in particular, epididymitis, prostatitis.
  • If the doctor has suspicions that the patient will not take drugs at home.

Only a doctor knows how to cure a man’s gonorrhea. Therefore, refusing qualified assistance is by no means worth it. After the end of therapy, the patient once again passes tests. If laboratory studies have confirmed the absence of the pathogen or its DNA in the samples, then we can talk about a complete recovery.

Diagnosis of gonorrhea in men

Folk remedies

How to treat gonorrhea in men at home and is it worth it? As already mentioned, without medical help with a similar disease can not do. Traditional medicine can be a good addition to drug therapy.

  • Useful is a decoction of burdock root. Herbalists claim that this remedy has anti-inflammatory properties. Preparing the medicine is easy. It is necessary to fill in three tablespoons of the crushed root (you can use both raw and dried raw materials) 500-600 ml of water. The product must be brought to a boil, and then kept in a water bath for another half an hour. After cooling, the liquid is filtered, after which 2-3 tablespoons are taken every hour. Every day you need to cook a fresh broth. The course of treatment lasts at least 7-14 days.
  • Many healers recommend taking ginseng tincture. This remedy also helps to cope with inflammation and activate the immune system. Tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. You need to take it in the morning during breakfast.
  • Treatment of gonorrhea in men at home may include diuretics. You can cook them yourself. Two tablespoons of parsley herb (suitable both fresh and dried), pour 500 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid. Within an hour, the mixture is infused, after which it can be filtered. Take in small portions throughout the day. Diuretic drugs help to avoid stagnation and more quickly β€œwash off” pathogens from the mucous membrane of the urethra. Of course, the drug can in no case be taken in the presence of strictures and some other complications, accompanied by a violation of the flow of urine.
  • Tea from Chinese schisandra is considered a good remedy. Dry fruits can be purchased at the pharmacy. 0.5 teaspoon of raw materials need to pour a glass of boiling water. The drink can be sweetened with sugar or natural honey. It is believed that lemongrass activates the immune system, helping the body cope with the infection.
  • To relieve inflammation, you can use herbal collection. To prepare it, you need to mix birch leaves, juniper fruits and chopped dandelion root in equal amounts. Three tablespoons of the mixture should be filled with 200-250 ml of boiling water. You can strain only after the remedy has infused. .

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Preventive actions

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9625/

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