Bean soup: recipe with photo

Green beans (or asparagus) beans are a very healthy vegetable that is successful with both proponents of a healthy diet and vegetarians. But ordinary people can also enjoy dishes from it. This bean comes from South America, and the Indians who cultivated it believed in the healing properties of this type of bean. There are many varieties of this vegetable - green, yellow and even purple. The most common dishes are prepared from it - they make side dishes, casseroles, omelets, salads. But today we will learn how to make string bean soup. Recipes with photos of this dish will help us imagine the process of preparing an interesting and healthy first course.

Italian Bean Soup

What is good asparagus bean soup

This dish is considered very light. Therefore, string bean soups are cooked pretty quickly. They are very appreciated by those who follow the figure. After all, such first courses contain a minimum of calories. In addition, asparagus beans contain vitamins A, E, C and group B, as well as zinc, potassium, chromium and magnesium. Regular use of this product improves the condition of nails and hair. And how miraculously it normalizes the body after the holidays and New Year's feasts! In this case, the soup is very good in the morning. Bean pods can be used both fresh and frozen, and even canned. Thus, you will saturate the body with vitamins for a whole year.

Simple Bean Soup Recipe

A photo of this finished dish cannot but cause appetite! In addition to being tasty and healthy, this soup is also quite original. But first, prepare all the necessary ingredients. Take 300 grams of beans. If it's her season now, then they usually take a fresh product. But you can make this soup from frozen green beans. We will also need approximately the same amount of meat (pork or beef), several potatoes, one onion and carrot, a little flour, vegetable oil, spices (salt, pepper - ground and allspice, bay leaf), as well as greens. The latter can be dried. Well, these are the main products for the base soup. In addition to carrots, it is sometimes recommended to use small pieces of parsnip and celery root.

First stage of cooking

First cook the broth. After all, we are now making legume bean soup, which is suitable for people who do not practice diets and do not fast. The meat needs to be washed and cut into not too large pieces. Then we pour cold water into a three-liter pan, put the meat there and put on a not too big fire. As soon as it boils, reduce the gas and remove the resulting foam. Cooking broth is best in a pan with a thick bottom and a lid. Then it will boil evenly over a not too high fire. Now lay the spices and cook the meat for 20 minutes.

Now it's the turn of the main product. If we make soup from frozen green beans, we need to wait until it becomes soft. Now let's start processing it. Cut the edges of the pods and chop them into pieces. They should also not be too small - 2-3 centimeters in length. We also prepare other vegetables. We clean potatoes, carrots and onions. Finely chop the last component. It is better to rub the carrots coarsely. It is also worth doing with celery and parsnip. Cut the potatoes into small cubes or cubes.

String Bean Soup Recipes

Bookmark sequence

To make the string bean soup tasty, you must follow the procedure for adding products to the broth. First we have potatoes, which we throw in boiling water. She should cook for about seven minutes. After that, we put the prepared beans and wait until both products are cooked. We remind you that the fire should be small. In addition, the liquid itself should be twice as much as the solid ingredients. This is the main secret of this soup.

fry carrots and onions

Now it's the frying line. We prepare it from carrots with onions, as well as celery and parsnip, if you use them. To do this, heat a few spoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive) in a pan, fry it and also send it to our soup. If you prefer a thicker dish, heat the flour in a separate bowl, pour water, mix to make something like a sauce of dense consistency. Pour all this into the soup too. Total vegetables should be cooked no more than half an hour. Then they become soft and give the broth its taste. At the last stage, five minutes before readiness, add greens and bay leaf.

string bean soup with meat

It is best to leave the soup to stand on the stove for ten to fifteen minutes before you serve it on the table.

Green Bean Soup

The first dish from this variety of legumes is richer in vitamins and other useful components. It is prepared in almost the same way as the base soup with green beans, the recipe of which we have given above. To the above ingredients, we add a couple more cloves of garlic and two tomatoes. We cook meat and beans, as in the previous recipe. But in the vegetable dressing we add tomatoes, which we simmer in a pan with onions. After the soup is actually ready, we turn off the gas and put the squeezed or very finely chopped garlic in the pan along with the greens. This dish is infused for a little longer - about twenty minutes.

With a bird

If you want to cook a more dietary dish, you can try making another soup - from string beans and chicken (or turkey). He is also very simple. To do this, we take almost all the products of the recipe with green beans, only add the celery greens to the vegetables. Bay leaf can not be put. Of course, we replace the meat with poultry fillet. We cook the broth as usual, just keep in mind that the chicken is cooked a little less than pork or beef. Grilling in this type of soup is simply made from onion. The remaining vegetables are cut into slices and laid directly in the broth.

In some cases, a couple of minutes before you turn off the gas, add a couple of tablespoons of fine thin vermicelli, best Italian. After the soup is ready, it is sprinkled with a mixture of chopped herbs: parsley, celery and dill.

Chopped Bean Soup

Cream soup

Such a first dish will appeal to vegetarians, because there is not a gram of meat. For the preparation of bean cream soup, the legume recipe recommends taking 300 grams of legumes and potatoes, a glass of milk, a tablespoon with a top of butter, as well as salt and pepper. Now prepare the products. Two-thirds of the bean pods need to be cleaned, cut off the tips, and then chopped in a blender. The same should be done with peeled and diced potatoes. Cut the remaining pods into small pieces and boil separately. Paste gruel from vegetables with hot water and carefully cook over low heat, stirring constantly, so as not to burn. Salt and pepper to taste. After the vegetables are cooked, wipe them through a sieve, season with hot butter and dilute with hot milk. Before serving, put the boiled slices of beans in it. You can add a mixture of Provencal herbs. Be sure to let the dish brew.

cream bean soup

Italian option

Recipes for green beans are found in many cuisines of the world. Italians, for example, like to make such a first course in combination with spinach. In order to cook such a soup, you need to take two liters of ready-made meat broth, 200 grams of green beans, half a glass of white beans, 2 carrots, a leek, one onion and a couple of potatoes. We also need 250 grams of fresh spinach, 100 g of good Italian durum wheat pasta and 4 tablespoons of grated parmesan. From spices we take only salt and pepper.

We start preparing the soup ahead of time - soak the beans overnight and boil them in the broth. All vegetables except spinach, potatoes and asparagus beans, cut into small cubes and fry in olive oil. Then we return to the broth with beans. Throw chopped spinach and potatoes into a boiling liquid, fry vegetables, green beans, pasta, season with spices and cook until cooked. Vegetarians can use vegetable broth instead of meat.


The French recipe for green beans comes from Provence. This first dish is called β€œpistu”. In some ways, it’s similar in preparation to the Italian minestrone. Only fresh vegetables are needed for this soup, and no meat is put there at all. Although in the mountains they can do it with a pork shank, and with chicken, especially in winter, so that there are more calories.

For this soup, take 250 grams of green beans, beans and green peas, 450 grams of zucchini, two onions and carrots, 1 large tomato, 7 cloves of garlic, olive oil and parmesan. But they put a lot of spices and seasonings in this dish - you will need a bunch of fresh basil, thyme, and bay leaf except salt and pepper.

Beans, as always, are soaked overnight, then poured with 2 liters of cold water. Boil until cooked for at least an hour, with bay leaf. Then they do not drain the water. Then chopped onions, zucchini, carrots and garlic. One clove should be left for later. Fry the onion in olive oil in a large pan. Add the remaining chopped vegetables there when it becomes transparent. Then we put in the same mixture chopped green beans, thyme. Solim at this stage. When the vegetables are soft, add them to the water with beans. Throw another green peas. You can pour another liter or two of water, depending on how thick the soup you like. When it boils, drop the pasta and cook until cooked.

pistu soup

The sauce for Provencal soup is prepared separately, and by its ingredients and name it resembles Italian pesto. You need to grind in a mortar or chop in a blender a bunch of basil with a clove of garlic. Salt, and drop by drop, and then pour a thin stream of 100 grams of olive oil and rub until a suspension forms. In the end, add crushed peeled tomato and grated parmesan.

How to Serve String Bean Soup

This first meal is eaten hot. The soup will be even tastier if you sprinkle it with fresh chopped herbs - parsley or cilantro. They seize the dish with bread, and separately you can serve sour cream. Sometimes it is put right in the soup plates. You can make the dish sharper. Then it is sprinkled with hot pepper in plates. It is very warm in cold weather and invigorates in the morning.

Provencal Bean Soup

Italian soup is sprinkled not only with herbs, but also with parmesan. At home, it can be replaced with any cheese that rubs into small crumbs.


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