How much does food pass into breast milk for HB?

You, of course, know that breast milk is not produced at all in the stomach, but in the motherā€™s mammary glands. Therefore, it is not necessary to think that everything that was in the womanā€™s plate is immediately sent to the baby in milk. However, some elements from the motherā€™s diet are still present in it. How much does food pass into breast milk? What products influence its composition? What to eat is bad for the baby? We will answer these and other questions of newly minted mothers later in the article.

What and how passes into breast milk?

How much does food pass into breast milk? First of all, recall the school biology course. Both harmful and beneficial substances are absorbed into the blood of a person in the small intestine.

3-4 hours after eating, your lunch is in the small intestine. About the same amount of time he is digested in this body. There are products and give the nutrients of the blood. And already, in turn, it nourishes breast milk with them: proteins, a certain proportion of fats, minerals and even hormones (if the animal whose meat you ate was fed with special preparations containing growth hormones).

All of the above will go into breast milk until that hour, until the food leaves the motherā€™s small intestine and moves to the thick. Therefore, there is no point in expressing milk if the woman realized that she had eaten the ā€œwrongā€ product. Harmful elements will enter the bloodstream (and then into breast milk) during the day. For such cases, it is important to have a few bottles of frozen milk.

through how much food passes into breast milk in children

Gas-forming products

We continue to analyze how much food passes into breast milk. It is important to know this about gas-forming products - those that cause gases in the baby. Such foods include raw fruits and vegetables, stewed fruit, fresh juices from them, as well as fresh pastries and milk.

When this food is processed, gases form in the motherā€™s intestines. Some of them enter the bloodstream. Consequently, in breast milk.

To prevent this, a woman should take a sorbent (activated carbon, Smecta, for example) before or after eating such food. The medicine is not transmitted with breast milk to the baby. Therefore, with gases, the child is given an additional infant absorbing drug. It is important not to overdo it: together with harmful drugs removes useful substances, vitamins and minerals from the body.

How much does food pass into breast milk? In this case, after 1 hour. She will continue to flow for another 2-3 hours.

through how much food passes into breast milk Komarovsky


So called healthy foods that contain water-soluble vitamins. A newly made mother should try to eat such food as often as possible. This includes the following:

  • The content of ascorbic acid. Cranberries, citrus fruits, currants, parsley, rose hips, cabbage.
  • Nicotinic acid content. Pork, liver, cheese, seafood, eggs, chicken, cereals, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, corn, nettle, parsley, mint.
  • Thiamine. Wheat bread, kidneys, peas, spinach, beans, yeast, pork, beef, liver.
  • Riboflavin. Almonds, mushrooms, liver, pine nuts, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, dogrose, mackerel, goose, spinach.
  • Pyridoxine. Bananas, shrimp, eggs, tomatoes, beef, sprouted grains, lamb, cheese, chicken, cottage cheese, potatoes, peas, greens, cereals, nuts, berries.

It is important to note that water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the mother's body. Therefore, to increase their content in breast milk can only be eaten daily by eating a sufficient amount of the food listed above.

How much does food pass into breast milk for HB in this case? In 1-2 hours. At the same time, useful elements continue to enter the bloodstream for another 1-3 hours.

through how much food passes into breast milk and the baby

Anemia and calcium deficiency

What about anemia? There is enough iron in breast milk, it makes no sense to eat food, drink drugs containing this element. Here the problem is different. The baby's body does not cope with the absorption of iron.

This also applies to calcium. In breast milk, it is exactly as much as the baby needs. Therefore, mom should lean on fish and cheese for only one purpose: to ensure healthy bones and teeth.


How much does food pass into breast milk and to a baby with HS? It is important to know the answer to this question regarding products containing allergens. What applies to them? Please note the following:

  • Citrus fruits, berries, vegetables and red fruits, seafood, grapes, soybeans, chocolate, honey, coffee, chicken eggs, cocoa. May cause rashes in the baby. This does not mean that these products can not be consumed at all. Itā€™s just worth ā€œaccustomingā€ a baby to them a little bit.
  • Whole cow's milk. Again, the product should not be discarded. The main thing is not to abuse it.
  • Sauerkraut, cheese, sausages, products that have undergone prolonged freezing. Contain a large amount of histamine.
  • Extracts from herbs, drugs in a soluble shell, preparations containing iron and fluorine, synthetic vitamin complexes.
  • Sweet soda, long-term storage milk.
  • Rusks, chips. In the composition you can find glutamates.
  • "Artificial" vegetables. "Rich" in nitrates.
  • Products containing saccharin or cyclamates (see package formulation).

Nutritionists do not advise mothers to drink more water if they wish to wash the allergen out of the body. So it is only more absorbed into the blood. Nursing women need to pay more attention to single-component products. Give preference to vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, butter, homemade cakes.

After how much does the food pass into breast milk and in the case of the baby? After an average of 40-50 minutes. However, she continues to act:

  • Vegetables: another 6-8 hours.
  • Cow's milk: 3-4 hours.
  • Flour products: 12-15 hours.
  • Products with E-additives: within 24 hours.
through how much food passes into breast milk

Fat and Sugar

Immediately expose a popular misconception. Many new mothers believe that leaning on foods containing a large amount of fat, they help your baby become more chubby. But this is far from the case. Preferring such food, a woman primarily contributes to the accumulation of fatty tissues in her own body.

If you want your baby to grow strong and healthy, just feed him breast milk more often. What about sugar? In order not to overdo it with the content of this element in breast milk, discard cakes, sweet muffins. These products over-sweeten it.

How much does food pass into breast milk? Komarovsky (a doctor, a specialist in breastfeeding) claims that fat and sugar get into it 10 minutes after her mother ate a product rich in these elements. They continue to enter the bloodstream (and then into breast milk) for another 30 minutes.

through how much food passes into breast milk with GV and the baby

Medication: is it possible?

After how much food does GV pass into breast milk in a baby? This issue is especially worrying for women who are forced to take various pharmaceuticals while breastfeeding.

Yes, medication for hepatitis B is possible. But only in one case - if it is an urgent measure on which the state of health depends, the life of the mother. Usually a single dose is allowed in consultation with the doctor. Maximum - several uses.

Medicines and HB

However, there are drugs that give the desired effect only with periodic systemic use. A striking example is oral contraceptives. How to be here? Be sure to consult a doctor about their use.

A case for a pharmaceutical product can also help. It always indicates how long the medicine enters the bloodstream when it is excreted from the body. Based on this, it is worth building a schedule for feeding the baby.

Another important aspect: not all drug manufacturers have information on how detrimental the mother's intake of such an agent in hepatitis B is. Everything rests on ethical considerations: experiments on infants are strictly prohibited.

How much does medicine get into momā€™s blood? You will find out about this by reading the instructions for the drug. How much it continues to enter the blood is indicated there. At the same time, the components of the drug will pass into breast milk.

through how much food passes into breast milk with


You already know how much food passes into and leaves breast milk. What about alcohol? The question is rather controversial. After all, pediatricians strive to popularize breastfeeding among the population. Therefore, experts often dispel myths about certain prohibitions. For example, there are many foreign pediatricians who claim that a glass of beer, a glass of dry wine per day will not harm either a nursing mother or a baby. Is it so?

When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it is easy to feel without complicated calculations. This happens when you start to feel a little intoxicated. It is also easy to know when it is being displayed. You feel that you are returning to your normal normal state.

The intervals depend on many factors at once: the characteristics of your body, the strength and amount of alcohol you drink, body weight, metabolic rate. On average, alcohol begins to flow into milk a few minutes after it is taken. The process can last from 2 hours to several days.

through how much food passes into breast milk

How much does food pass into breast milk for HB? Kefir, citrus fruits, meat, pastries, products with E-additives - everything has its own time intervals. The same goes for taking medication and alcohol.


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