Who quit smoking: reviews of quitters on their own

Recently, more and more people are thinking about quitting smoking. And this is not surprising, because a bad habit inflicts a significant blow not only on health, but also on the family budget. However, a very big problem arises here. Nicotine is one of the most powerful addictive drugs, so getting out of it is not so simple. How to quit smoking yourself? Reviews of women and men argue that, despite all the difficulties, this is quite real. There are many ways to overpower yourself and quickly get rid of nicotine addiction. There are various films and books, medications and other techniques that will be discussed in this article.

What are the benefits of living without cigarettes?

quit smoking yourself

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. Those who quit smoking (reviews on various methods and medicines will be presented at the end of the article) claim that life without cigarettes has many advantages. And this is not even about saving.

Refusing nicotine, people get the following benefits:

  • the emotional state improves and irritability decreases;
  • the functioning of taste buds and smell is normalized;
  • the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is reduced;
  • enrichment of the brain with oxygen improves, thereby increasing mental activity;
  • increase in lung volume;
  • migraines and cough disappear;
  • physical endurance of the body increases;
  • the likelihood of developing many serious diseases, for example, oncology or stroke, is reduced;
  • the work of the heart and the circulatory system as a whole improves;
  • immunity is strengthened.

In fact, today there are many who quit smoking. The reviews of people say the following: positive changes become noticeable after a few days spent without cigarettes. And after a few months, the body is fully restored and begins to function normally. According to experts, people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle feel much better and are much less likely to get sick. Therefore, the benefits of quitting smoking are obvious.

Get rid of bad habits

So is this possible? Quitting smoking on your own (reviews of people who have succeeded, will be presented in the text) is quite realistic. As practice shows, most have enough willpower for a maximum of 2-3 days, after which they break down and again pick up a cigarette. They explain such a thing by stress, bad mood, problems at work and many others. But there are a number of ways in which even the most heavy smokers can get rid of a bad habit. Today on sale there are various medications, sprays, patches and other products that simplify the task.

If you cannot overpower yourself, then the easiest way to quit smoking (consumer reviews fully confirm this) is Zakharov’s cigarettes. They have a special composition that does not contain nicotine, resins, acids and other harmful substances, but to their taste they resemble ordinary cigarettes. In addition, they contain a special substance that causes a gradual weaning from nicotine, so that every day you will want to smoke less.

An alternative is auriculotherapy. It lies in the fact that a person is attached to the earlobes with special magnets that act on certain points. A similar type of acupuncture is used in modern medicine to rid people not only of tobacco, but also of drug addiction. However, the reviews of people who quit smoking using this technique are mixed. Some argue that it works, while others adhere to a completely opposite point of view. Therefore, in this article we will consider methods that have been tested by time and have proved their effectiveness.

Special literature

So, is it really possible to quit smoking. The book (reviews about it are mostly positive) gives a good result. A well-known American scientist and public figure Alan Carr, who has ten years of experience in combating nicotine addiction, claims that his literary masterpiece will help in this.

The book is written in a very simple language without unnecessary scientific terminology. According to many smokers, after reading the last page, the desire to smoke another cigarette disappears by itself. The secret of the literary publication is that it creates a subtle psychological effect on each page without specific calls to quit smoking. The author wants every person to want this. In this case, the final decision remains with the smoker. It is better to learn about this literature from those who quit smoking. Reviews really confirm the effectiveness of this book. Approximately 90% of readers, after reading it, threw out a pack and never picked up a cigarette again.

Remote way to get rid of addiction

how to quit smoking at home

What is it and what is its feature? How to quit smoking yourself? The reviews of people claim that the technique developed by the Russian professor and propagandist of a healthy lifestyle, Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, is very good. He has unsurpassed oratorical abilities, therefore, in a simple and accessible way for everyone, and most importantly, he gives smokers interesting information about the dangers of their habits. Moreover, it is not necessary to personally sign up for a lecture to a specialist. All materials are freely available on its official website.

Another remote quit smoking technique was developed by Timur Mammadov, a well-known specialist in the field of biophysics. He conducts psychological training for people who want to get rid of tobacco dependence, which highlight subconscious and false reasons that prevent them from giving up cigarettes. According to reviews of people who quit smoking in this way, it really works. He has already helped thousands of Russians who were completely satisfied.

Another technique based on psychological impact was created by Gennady Andreyevich Shichko. He devoted his life to the study of NLP and managed to achieve a significant breakthrough in this area. The lectures of the professor are available in audio format and video files, which are not difficult to find. During classes, a person is introduced into a trance, after which they suggest at a subconscious level the harm of smoking and the need to quit it.

Fighting nicotine addiction with medications

Let's dwell on this in more detail. According to qualified specialists and doctors with experience, the most optimal and effective method of dealing with any form of drug addiction is medicines. You can read more about quitting smoking, reviews about various medicines, it’s not so easy on your own, and most people don’t succeed, because in addition to psychological nicotine, it also causes physical dependence. Therefore, to speed up the process of weaning, you need to help your body. This can be done with the help of special drugs, which contain nicotine replacement substances. They are available in the form of tablets, plasters, sprays and chewing gums. The main purpose of all these tools is to alleviate the condition of the smoker during the entire period of quitting smoking. Due to this, the psychological state improves, irritability decreases and many other symptoms of “breaking” disappear. Among the most common and effective drugs can be identified:

  • Tabex;
  • Nicorette
  • Nicotinorm.

Let's take a closer look at each of them and find out the reviews. How to quit smoking at home? People who have personally tested all these tools on themselves, note their effectiveness. You can familiarize yourself with them further.


quit smoking with tabex

So, what is the peculiarity of this drug and is it really effective? According to reviews, quit smoking with Tabex is really real. This is a modern drug in the form of tablets. It is made from natural ingredients of natural origin, therefore it is safe for health. The active substance is the alkaloid cytisine, extracted from the broom. It acts in the body on the same receptors as nicotine, but unlike it is not addictive. The drug has the following mechanism of action:

  • alkaloid enters the blood;
  • reaching the brain, the substance begins to interact with certain groups of receptors;
  • a person's blood pressure rises and an adrenaline rush occurs, similar reactions occur when nicotine enters the bloodstream;
  • as a result of this, not only the desire to smoke disappears, but also is developed for a certain aversion to cigarettes.

In this way, Tabex helps quit smoking. The reviews of people who tested the tablets themselves fully confirm this. Take the drug should start from the day from which you finally decided to give up cigarettes. During the first three days, take one pill every 2 hours. In this case, the daily norm should not exceed 6 tablets. Further, the dosage is gradually reduced according to a certain scheme described in the instructions. As a result, on the 21st day of weaning off nicotine, you should take no more than two Tabeks, and on the 25th you should no longer be addicted. As for the cigarettes themselves, then you can refuse them both from the first day, and gradually reduce their number. According to the manufacturer, their remedy helps in about 50 percent of cases. The main thing is to try to smoke cigarettes as little as possible. Otherwise, an overdose effect will occur, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • heart palpitations;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • migraine.

The intensity and severity of symptoms depends on the degree of overdose and the length of the smoker. If you are looking for an easy way to quit smoking, reviews of people fully confirm this, then you should consider that taking Tabex may be accompanied by certain side effects. Among the most common, the following can be distinguished:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • digestive upset;
  • abdominal pain.

As for more serious problems, they were not found during clinical trials of the drug. According to experts, the pills are safe for health and can be taken without concern for your health. But every year the effectiveness of the product will decrease by about 7 percent, so if you are serious about getting rid of nicotine addiction, it is very important to try to minimize the consumption of tobacco products.


Does Nicoretta Stop Smoking

Let us now consider what is the peculiarity of this drug. This is another modern remedy designed to alleviate the symptoms of "withdrawal syndrome." It is issued in the form of:

  • pills
  • chewing gum;
  • patch;
  • spray.

Many people are interested in the question of whether Nicoretta helps quit smoking. Customer reviews claim that there is indeed a certain positive effect. However, it is important to choose the most suitable form of the drug. The most practical is the spray. They are poured into their mouths every time they want to smoke a cigarette. A good alternative would be a patch. It sticks to any part of the body and changes in the morning or evening. As for pills and chewing gums, they simply replace tobacco products and help get rid of only mental, not physiological dependence.

When weaning off cigarettes, Nicorette helps to cope with a number of tasks, the main ones of which are:

  • replace cigarettes, so harmful tar, acid and other dangerous substances do not enter the body;
  • since a person stops smoking, his lung function improves, and less carbon dioxide gets into the blood;
  • the likelihood of developing colds and oncological diseases is reduced;
  • "withdrawal syndrome" is tolerated much easier.

Before using this product to combat smoking, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions. He has a number of contraindications that should be considered. Nicorette is not recommended for use if:

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to any of the components that make up the composition;
  • violation of the frequency and rhythm of heart contractions;
  • various pathologies of internal organs occurring in a chronic or acute form;
  • a stroke;
  • suffered a stroke.

Throughout the time of weaning, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. If it is not observed, a person may experience irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity or larynx in the case of using a spray, as well as the skin when using the patch.

Does Nicorette Help Stop Smoking? Reviews of people who have tested it claim that the drug itself only replaces cigarettes. The main active ingredient is nicotine, therefore, neither a pill nor a spray can relieve physical dependence. To stop smoking, you need to continuously work on yourself and gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Otherwise, the expected result simply cannot be achieved.


Can't quit smoking? Spray (reviews say that thanks to it you can quickly get rid of addiction) is sold in various pharmacies. It is made exclusively from natural components of plant origin. It consists of extracts:

  • hops;
  • passion flower red-white;
  • Melissa officinalis;
  • ginger;
  • oats;
  • scutellaria.

The advantage of the spray compared to other modern drugs is that it has a complex effect on the human body. When using it, not only a gradual aversion to cigarettes is formed, but also a breakdown from nicotine occurs, due to which the positive effect is achieved much faster. If you believe those who quit smoking, the reviews can be read further, then with the help of "Nicotinorm" you can completely get rid of the bad habit in just one month. You don’t even have to overpower yourself. After a few days, an aversion to tobacco is developed, and when smoking nausea and other signs of an overdose of nicotine begin to appear, smokers with even more experience will remember cigarettes much less often.

It is worth noting that this spray is not a drug, so it is dispensed without a prescription. It does not cause side effects and has no contraindications. However, despite this, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before using it. In addition, it is not worth using the product longer than the period specified in the instructions.

Alternative medicine

ways to quit smoking

Today, experts have developed many different ways to quit smoking. Reviews about each technique are different. There are both supporters and opponents of nicotine replacement tablets, plasters and sprays. However, many specialists and smokers speak positively about alternative medicine. According to official statistics, it helped approximately 35 percent of the US population permanently break their bad habits. The following methods belong to it:

  • acupuncture;
  • full immersion in work;
  • aromatherapy;
  • yoga and meditation;
  • playing sports;
  • favorite hobby.

The best option is to go to work with your head or find some hobby for yourself, to be constantly passionate about something and not to think about cigarettes. Also a good option would be a sport. During physical exertion, the lungs are cleansed of resins accumulated over many years, so that they begin to work better. And if you want to smoke, it is better not to take nicotine replacement tablets, but there is a slice of lemon.

You can develop an aversion to cigarettes without the help of purchased funds. According to the testimonials of those who quit smoking with great experience, for this you need to rinse your mouth with special solutions that produce an unpleasant aftertaste when in contact with smoke. For example, silver nitrate or copper sulfate does a good job of this. They are used to lubricate the surface of the tongue. You can also independently prepare a solution of tannin, glycerol and water.

Psychotherapist's help

quit smoking forever

Stop smoking forever, reviews of people about this are different, very difficult. , , . , , . , . , , . , , , .

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This aspect should be given special attention. Many women and men quit smoking. The reviews of those who defeated the addiction claim that it was the encoding that helped them. Today it is carried out according to the most various methods - acupuncture, hypnosis and many others. The most effective is laser coding. But to achieve the desired result, it is important to undergo a full course of treatment with a visit to a specified number of sessions.

The basis of laser puncture is the effect on certain points that block the craving for smoking according to the ancient Chinese acupuncture technique. The advantage of this method is that the positive effect becomes noticeable after the first session, which persists for a long period of time. As for the shortcomings, with the exception of the high cost, they are absent.

Folk methods

You can quit smoking at home without taking medications and visiting specialists. There are several popular recipes that demonstrate good results. Let's discuss them in more detail. To make it easier to resist the obsessive desire to smoke a cigarette, you need to regularly rinse your mouth with saline. To prepare it, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of food product to 300 milliliters of water.

A good alternative is the herbal infusion of mint and ginger root. Two tablespoons of dry material is poured with a small amount of boiling water and insisted for 12 hours. They rinse their mouth with a desire to smoke. This infusion causes such a strong aversion to cigarette smoke, that after just a few puffs you yourself want to throw a cigarette.

What do heavy smokers say about weaning?

This article examined the best ways to get rid of nicotine addiction. If you believe the real reviews quit smoking, they all work. But it is not necessary to take pills or use sprays. The problem is no longer physical, but psychological. You can get rid of addiction if you properly motivate yourself. After all, there are many cases when people abruptly quit smoking themselves without outside help. If you really want to become independent from cigarettes, then you will certainly succeed.

easy way to quit smoking

Everyone has the right to decide which method to choose. Stop following your own desires. Prove to yourself and others that only you control your own life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9655/

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