We are looking for the most powerful motorcycle

All powerful and fast models of motorcycles and automobiles have an amazing, attractive aura that fascinates even a person who is very far from the world of speed and technology. Motorcycles are a very special category of transport. It is not for nothing that they are considered a kind of symbol of freedom, an attribute of people who are free of complexes and imposed social stereotypes. That is why, probably, the heavyweights among these "freedom-loving wanderers" so attract attention.

What is the most powerful motorcycle? Surely there are several possible answers to this question. It is possible that some of the information below will seem outdated or incomplete to true experts.

So, the most powerful motorcycle. According to data from various sources, several models can be distinguished. One of them holds the palm in the category "the most powerful serial motorcycle." The second is the leader among representatives outside the series. Of course, you can highlight the most powerful and fastest motorcycle, the most powerful and economical. There are a lot of leadership options, and each has its own fans.

the most powerful motorcycle

According to one version (she is also pretty to the author), the most powerful serial motorcycle - a real titanium in its category - is the British Triumph Rocket III Roadster, released in 2004. Judging by the outstanding technical parameters, this is really a Rocket! Judge for yourself: a three-cylinder engine with a displacement of slightly less than 2300 cubic centimeters, 142 full horsepower, a five-speed gearbox, multi-plate clutch. Agree, characteristics worthy of a car. The volume of the fuel tank is 24 liters. The length of this strongman is 2.5 meters, the height at the level of sitting is 0.75 meters, the height along the steering wheel is a little more than 1 meter. The total curb weight does not reach 400 kg.

the most powerful motorcycle in the world
Often, as the most powerful "serial" positioned Y2K Turbine Superbike. It is worth saying that this point of view is not unfounded. So, Superbike boasts an engine with a power of 320 hp. However, compared to the β€œrocket” described above, the Superbike looks like a lightweight, albeit a very fast athlete. Nevertheless, the title "the most powerful motorcycle in the world" and a place in the Guinness Book, he received.

As for models outside the series, it is difficult to disagree with the most common opinion, according to which the most powerful motorcycle is Tomohawk from Dodge.

the most powerful serial motorcycle
Flawless, it seems to me, a model. Absolutely fantastic, aggressive design. Incredible technical data: 10-cylinder engine, whose volume exceeds 8000 cubic meters. see, 500 hp hidden in the motor. Add to this the impressive size. The length of the motorcycle is 2.5 meters, the height at the helm level is 1 meter. With these parameters, he gets the full right to the laurels of the winner. No less grandiose is the cost of this colossus: $ 550 thousand. According to available data, today only 10 of these powerful beauties have been collected.

The described motorcycles are one of the most prominent representatives of the "most-most" class. Each manufacturer has a model that has undoubted advantages over others. To argue about which of the presented units should be given an unconditional first place is rather difficult. Each model is of undoubted interest for fans of speed and power.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9671/

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