A variety of recipes from minced meat

Stuffing is a product that is available to everyone. You can make anything you like from minced meat; recipes from minced meat are amazing and tasty dishes. Due to the fact that this product can be made of pork, beef, fish, chicken or lamb, you can cook a variety of dishes. Cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, rolls and other various recipes from minced meat can be prepared even by a novice cook. It is only necessary to know how to cook recipes for minced meat.

  1. You can cook cutlets with tomatoes. For this you need - a stale bun - 1 piece, basil - 1 bunch, onion - 1 piece, garlic - 1 clove, butter - 1 tablespoon, ground beef - 600 grams, egg - 1 piece, breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons, olive oil - 2 tablespoons, cheese - 125 grams, tomatoes - 2 pieces, salt and pepper.

First you need to soak the bun, finely chop the basil. Chop onion and garlic into small pieces and fry in a pan with butter. Add the egg, bun and a little basil to the minced meat. Knead the mass well and add pepper and salt. Make, in this way, cutlets, which then need to be rolled in breadcrumbs. Fry the resulting patties on each side for 5 minutes. Cut the cheese into slices, and cut the tomatoes into rings. Put the cutlets in the oven preheated to 175 degrees, and put a slice of tomato and cheese on top of the cutlets. Sprinkle the patties with basil and bake in a greased form for about 8-10 minutes.

  1. Knowing that the recipes from minced fish is a variety of dishes, then you can cook cutlets and meatballs from fish. To make fish cakes, the following ingredients are needed - 1 kg of cod fillet, 2 pieces of onion, 1 carrot, 5 or 6 slices of grain bread, 125 grams of cottage cheese, half a glass of milk, 1 egg, dill, spices, pepper and salt - optional .

Rinse the cod fillet and cut into small pieces. Break the bread into pieces and soak in milk. In the process of cutting fish, it is necessary to take out all the bones. Roll the clean fillet through a meat grinder. Cut the carrots and twist in a meat grinder. Bread, which was soaked in milk, also sent to grind. In the minced meat, add the egg and dill, which must be finely chopped, as well as cottage cheese, spices, salt and mix everything properly. For best results, mincemeat can be mixed by hand. Form the patties with a salt spoon. Then fry cutlets on each side. For more effective frying, it is necessary to cover the pan after the first turning. It is necessary to fry fish cakes so that a golden crust is obtained. Serve such patties with potatoes or pasta.

  1. In general, minced meat recipes are tasty and healthy dishes. For example, lasagna with cabbage and minced meat. For this dish you will need - 2 small young cabbage, 700 grams of any meat, 2 onions, 2 tomatoes (can be replaced with tomato paste or tomato juice), 1 eggplant, butter and vegetable, salt, spices - all this to taste. To make the sauce, 9 percent cream or 100 grams sour cream, 1 egg and 100 grams of cheese are needed.

Young cabbage will be the best option for cooking lasagna. It must be washed, remove the stumps and disassemble the cabbage on the leaves. Put water on the fire, salt and, when it boils, lower the leaves of cabbage to the bottom. After 3 minutes, get the leaves, dry on a towel. Cabbage should turn out a little damp. Fry finely chopped onions in vegetable oil until it becomes clear. Grate the carrots and add to the onions, put it out a little. Skip the meat through a meat grinder, pepper and salt, mix the meat with carrots and onions. Fry all this mass for several minutes. Remove the bitterness from the eggplant, chop them and add to the meat. Peel the tomatoes, cut into cubes and add to the resulting mincemeat. Cover the pan and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat. After that add chopped greens. Minced meat must be juicy and saturated. Grease a special form with oil, put cabbage leaves on the bottom, then a layer of minced meat and again cabbage leaves. The resulting sauce (grate cheese, beat eggs and combine everything with cream) pour lasagna, cover with foil. Bake in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes. Up to several minutes of readiness to sprinkle with raw lasagna and lower it into the oven for 5 minutes.

Such recipes from minced meat diversify the table, add fullness to the taste and delight the household.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9676/

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