How to open a doorphone without a key: practical tips for those in need

Currently, more than 95 percent of the entrances are equipped with a security system such as an intercom. This device exists in various variations, but all of them can be culturally “hacked”. So how can I open a doorphone without a key?

It turns out that the intercom systems installed in our cities are as simple as a multiplication table. And more precisely, they are absolutely logical from the technical side. This can be judged by just typing the coveted phrase in any Internet search system: "How to open a doorphone without a key." We see that we are kindly offered almost a million answers to this question, due to which one gets the feeling that at least half of the population of our country is either crackers or a little “engineers” in the shower.

As you know, in order to configure the intercom, you need access to its programming mode. This is usually done by typing a specific password on the device’s keyboard. After the installer has entered the mode, he gets the opportunity not only to open the entrance door with the intercom, but also to change all the system settings to your taste, without opening the door. It is this part of the intercom system, which manufacturers paid special attention to at one time, that is lame, as they say, on both legs. The fault is either the manufacturer’s mistake, or the installer’s laziness and carelessness. But the fact remains - secret codes that allow you to enter the entrance without a key to the intercom, have long ceased to be secret.

Below we consider how you can open the most famous types of intercom systems without a key. So, after the practical application of the trial and error method, we can safely say: “Sesame, open!”

VIZIT: how to open a doorphone without a key

These intercoms are considered the most difficult to open without a key, since the codes on them differ in an enviable variety. If the installer has not changed the standard settings of the device, then the door should open after entering “12 # 345” or “* # 4230”. The newly installed VIZIT can be opened with the code "67 # 890" or "* # 423". By the way, on many models of such on-door speakerphones there are often no symbols “asterisks” and “lattices” - their functions are replaced, respectively, by the keys “K” and “C”.

If the installer changed his standard settings when installing the intercom, then you will first have to go to the service menu (“# 999”), wait for two short beeps to sound, and then enter the default code (“1234”). Now you should hear a short single squeak. Now we will do the following several more complex operations. Dial “2”, pause, “pound”, pause, “3535” (the last code is a command to open the intercom without using the key).

Cyfral: how to open a doorphone without a key

If at the desired entrance there are apartments with a numbering that is a multiple of 100 (that is, 100, 200, etc.), then the combination is entered: “call, code 1, call, code 2”. Code 1 is the apartment number, which is a multiple of 100, and code 2 is “7272”, “2323” or “7273”.

For Cyfral models with the letter “M” try the combination: “call, 41” or “call, 1410”. Another door can be opened with the simple introduction of “07054”.

How to open an Eltis intercom system without a key

Eltis is much easier to open. For a “neat” hack, dial the combination: “call, 100, call, 7273” or “call, 100, call, 2323”. Everything should work out.

We open the METAKOM on-door speakerphone

We dial the combination: “call, number of the first apartment in this entrance, call”. When you see “COD” on the display, enter “5702”. If all else fails, you can go the other way by typing the combination: "65535, call, 1234, call, 8, call, 6, call, 4568."

Rainmann: how to open a doorphone without a key

On the numeric keypad, press "key" and enter "987654". If the reaction to your action was a double squeak, then enter further “123456”. The letter “P” should appear on the display, which means that you are in the service menu. To open the door just press “8”.

Pursuing the opening of doors with a keyless entry phone, one should distinguish between an urgent need from a banal and criminally punishable hack for selfish purposes. Therefore, be prudent and use your knowledge wisely.


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