Disease history. Breast cancer: signs, similarities, as manifested, chemotherapy and treatment consequences

Breast cancer often develops in women after the age of 40. It can also appear in men, but only much less frequently. The disease equally affects both the right breast and the left, but bilateral disease is observed in rare cases, development occurs simultaneously or alternately.

In the history of breast cancer disease, a huge role is played by a violation of the proper regulation of the brain, the establishment of the work of all organs of the endocrine system. These facts are confirmed by the positive results of treatment with hormonal drugs.

What is breast cancer?

An epithelial neoplasm, which originates from the lobules or ducts of the gland, is called a malignant tumor, or breast cancer. Most patients have malignant oncopathology - adenocarcinoma with late diagnosis and with a negative outcome.

Hormonal contraceptives

Such factors can provoke the development of the disease:

  • high levels of estrogen in the blood;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • taking drugs with hormones that help regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • the use of hormone replacement therapy during menopause;
  • the presence of female relatives with breast cancer;
  • in women giving birth to their first child after 30 years;
  • infertility;
  • age over 40;
  • previous ovarian or breast cancer;
  • contact with a radioactive source;
  • changes in the mammary gland, such as atypical hyperplasia;
  • metabolic disorders and failures in the endocrine system;
  • excessive consumption of fatty foods;
  • early onset of menstruation - up to 11 years;
  • late onset of menopause.

If the size of the mammary gland sharply increases in adulthood, then the risk of cancer significantly increases.

Disease history

A lot of research is still underway, many scientists are dealing with this issue, but it is impossible to say exactly why it develops. There is an opinion that injuries, inflammatory processes, scars remaining after trauma, precancerous conditions in the form of papillary growths of the milk excretory ducts, fibroadenomatosis are considered to be a factor.

In case histories, breast cancer is reduced to two types: cerebral and scirrotic. The brain-like variety is rich in cellular elements, but there is almost no connective tissue stroma in it, most often there is scirrhosis, which has almost no cellular elements, but is rich in fibrous tissue.

The primary cancerous node destroys the gland wall, rapidly multiplying malignant cells spread through the tissues and cracks, initially infiltrating the adjacent parts, and then all areas of the gland, growing into it and replacing. Larger nodes become denser, and in the section have a whitish-gray color.

Stages of breast cancer

From the history of the disease of breast cancer, you can see that soon after the onset of the ailment, another more serious path of development sets in - the lymphatic one. Cancer cells are transported through the vessels of the lymph beyond the glandular tissue, at which time their active reproduction occurs.

After this, metastasis occurs and it occurs in several ways. The bulk, along with the lymph, follows the lateral edge of the pectoralis major muscle and goes to the axillary nodes, because they are directly connected to almost all the lymph vessels. Initially, the nodes of the pectoralis major muscle, axillary, subclavian and supraclavicular, are affected.

If you do not take any measures, then after a history of breast cancer disease suggests that metastases appear remotely from the breast. More often affect the lungs, liver, bone system and other organs. Metastases enter distant sites through the bloodstream.

Causes of the disease

Breast cancer in women often develops due to the fact that pathological processes occur in the tissues that cause foci of bone-bone mastopathy. Violations of the endocrine system against the background of ovarian diseases, improper breastfeeding, in connection with abortion become the cause of pathologies.

The causes of cancer can be found in mutations that occur in healthy gland cells. The aggressive effect of carcinogens can change DNA, therefore cell mutation occurs, as a result, normal cells turn into oncogenic ones, especially if they often divide.

Smoking Increases Cancer Risk

Breast cancer in women can develop if you have the following:

  • mechanical injuries, bruises of the mammary gland with hematomas and bruises;
  • high estrogen levels;
  • malfunctioning of the adrenal glands and endocrine glands;
  • frequent abortions, which excludes lactation;
  • bad habits: smoking, drinking a lot of beer and eating fatty foods;
  • frequent stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

In men, gynecomastia is a concomitant disease.

Breast Cancer Classification

Today, doctors find different approaches to the classification of a malignant tumor affecting the mammary gland, but the determination of treatment tactics, prognosis, size, degree of differentiation, histological type, growth characteristics and the presence of receptors for such a hormone as estrogen are of decisive importance.

By the nature of tumor growth in the parenchyma, breast cancer (photos confirm this) is of two types:

  • nodular, which manifests itself in the form of a limited node located in the thickness of the gland tissue;
  • diffuse, which has no boundaries and densely grows in the tissue.

Atypical forms of growth can also be found, for example, Paget's disease - primary-metastatic breast cancer. The dimensions of the primary node often indicate the degree of malignancy of the pathology. The larger its size, the more aggressive it is, and the patient’s forecasts are unfavorable.

Localization of the neoplasm

Localization determines the stage, the defeat of metastases that spread through the lymphatic ducts. The location of the tumor is characterized by a specific quadrant - a piece of tissue, which is obtained if the mammary gland is schematically divided into 4 equal parts.

The histological type can be distinguished by following the source that provoked the growth:

  • ductal appears from the epithelium of the milky passages;
  • lobular appears from the glandular cells of the lobules.
Nodular form of breast cancer

Invasive form: in the case history of oncology, breast cancer can be either lobular or ductal and implies the penetration of a tumor through the basement membrane on which the epithelial cells are located. This spread of cancer is the most aggressive, and it is he who is most often prone to metastasis. Among the histological variants, the most common is considered adenocarcinoma, as well as solid cancer and transient forms.

How does breast cancer manifest in women? The early stage is the beginning of the development of the tumor, when the affected cells have already gone beyond the basement membrane, but not too deep - up to 3 mm. At this stage, metastasis is not observed, and all because there are no vessels yet, and the prognosis in this case is favorable for patients.

How to recognize a malignant tumor?

Malignant formation is a very insidious pathology, which does not manifest itself at an early stage. But there are first signs of breast cancer in women, they must be alert and forced to undergo a thorough examination. If at least one of these symptoms is observed, urgently need to go for a consultation with a doctor:

  • a dense node in the gland that does not cause discomfort and pain;
  • if the mammary gland has changed shape;
  • the skin on the chest wrinkled;
  • if there is pain or discomfort in one or two glands;
  • dense or swollen nipple, its retraction;
  • discharge from the nipples with blood;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the armpit on one side.

The first signs of breast cancer in women can not always be recognized immediately, but any change is already a bell for visiting a doctor.

Breast cancer stages

Every third woman after diagnosis of the disease can not live more than a year. The main reason for this situation is a lack of understanding of how serious everything is. Many patients simply refuse to follow the doctor’s recommendations and seek help when there is no chance. Malignant neoplasm is gradually gaining its growth. Doctors distinguish several degrees of breast cancer:

  • Zero - non-invasive cancer, the disease has not yet gone beyond the tumor.
  • The first is invasive cancer, in which the diseased cells go beyond the tumor and infect nearby tissues. At this stage, the tumor can be up to 2 cm in diameter, but palpation is still difficult to detect.
  • The second comes at a time when the tumor grows to 5 cm in diameter, and the cells affected by the disease have already touched the lymph and nearby tissues.
  • The third is divided by doctors into two subcategories: IIIA and IIIB. In the first case, the tumor has a size of 5 cm and a large number of infected cells in the lymph nodes. But IIIB is determined by a tumor of any size, but it has already grown into the skin, lymphatic system and chest wall. In the medical history, breast cancer (t2n0m0) is indicated by the doctor himself.
  • The fourth is a tumor that has not only affected the mammary gland, but has also captured the axilla, the lymph nodes of the neck, lungs and liver.
The first symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer disease is not a sentence. Currently, there are many ways to extend the life of the patient, the main thing is to diagnose and complete the full course of therapy on time.

Diagnostic methods

Very often, women confuse breast cancer with other pathologies. What diseases does breast cancer look like? For mastopathy, fibroadenoma, intraductal papilloma, but all this is a mistake that can cost a patient's life. Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination, which will help confirm the diagnosis accurately or refute it:

  • Inspection, palpation. The doctor assesses the external changes in the mammary gland: shape, symmetry, whether there are symptoms of "lemon peel", discoloration, the presence of tubercles and retractions.
  • Mammography is one of the tests performed by all women after 40 years. It allows you to identify tumors with a diameter of 2 cm. An indirect sign of malignancy is a huge amount of calcifications in the gland tissue. There is a significant minus of this method - radiation is harmful.
  • CT of the mammary glands. The method is based on x-ray radiation, the rays are directed to the chest at different angles, as a result of which you can see the cancer even at the initial stage, the doctor can assess whether the tumor is operable.
  • MRI mammography is one of the most expensive methods, but also the most effective. It is thanks to him that you can consider an organ in the 3D dimension, study metabolic processes in tissues, but calcifications cannot be detected.
  • Ductography involves the introduction of a contrast medium into the milk ducts with further mammography. This method is used in patients who have discharge from the chest, with suspected intraductal breast cancer. The course of the disease for each woman is different, but thanks to this study, it is possible to identify tumors of different sizes and cysts.
  • Ultrasound is one of the simple, but very effective methods, which makes it possible to see cysts and dense formations.
  • Cytology involves taking a small piece of gland tissue, which is obtained by biopsy, after which it is examined under a microscope. The accuracy of this method is up to 90%.

Breast cancer treatment

There are many treatments for breast cancer, but the choice depends on several factors:

  • stage of the disease;
  • patient age;
  • tumor structures;
  • growth rate of the neoplasm.
Breast cancer diagnosis

Currently, the main directions in therapy are given to an integrated approach, which includes surgical, radiotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic treatment.

Surgical intervention

When choosing a method of surgical intervention, surgeons pre-plan the option to restore the shape and volume of the mammary gland. Surgery involves two main approaches:

  • lumpectomy - partial removal of the mammary gland;
  • mastectomy - complete removal of the mammary gland.

The need for a mastectomy appears in several cases:

  • if the patient has a small breast;
  • the neoplasm sprouted into the skin and chest wall;
  • the tumor is large;
  • the neoplasm spread throughout the chest.

Many surgeons responsibly approach their work and try to carry out organ-preserving operations. If mastectomy cannot be avoided in any way, then subsequently the woman is offered various options for breast restoration acceptable to her.


This type of treatment can be recommended to the patient both before and after surgery. Its main goal is to reduce the size of the primary tumor, so that it becomes possible to remove the neoplasm, but to save the chest.

Chemotherapy - a method to fight cancer

After surgery, chemotherapy is prescribed to destroy metastases and inhibit their growth in the future. Recently, a huge number of drugs have appeared that give excellent results and increase the chances for the further full life of patients with breast cancer.

Radiation therapy

This method of therapy is used in several cases:

  • as a prophylaxis after the operation;
  • when carrying out symptomatic treatment of an tumor that has not yet been removed;
  • for prophylactic treatment, if metastases are found in distant organs, when complications are observed: pain, compression of the brain.

Breast reconstruction

Reconstructive surgery after breast cancer with breast removal helps the patient to avoid worrying about the fact that she does not have it, or she is severely deformed. Today, medicine has gone so far that there are several methods for conducting high-quality reconstruction, which differ in complexity and duration.

Such recovery is especially actively used:

  • simultaneous - performed immediately after removal of the formation during the operation;
  • delayed - performed after all stages of treatment.

These two species differ in the type of tissue that is used for restoration. Sometimes doctors use their own body tissues, but most often they prefer temporary implants.

Preventive actions

Many women often wonder if there are activities that help prevent the development of the disease (breast cancer). There are such techniques. Be sure to regularly undergo an examination. Women after 40 years old need to have a mammogram every year and, with the slightest change, immediately consult a doctor.

Self-examination gives good results. To conduct it, you need to regularly inspect the chest in front of the mirror, paying attention to any changes: an increase in size, shape, color of the skin and others. In the supine position, you need to carefully feel the mammary glands, assessing the consistency and uniformity of the parenchyma. With light pressure on the nipple, you can see if there is any discharge.

Be sure to lead a healthy lifestyle, excluding alcohol from the diet and quitting smoking. Review the diet, eliminate fatty foods, smoked meats, and add more fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood. Breast cancer also occurs in men, so they also need to periodically examine their breasts and, if there are any changes, seek the advice of a doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9681/

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