Plastic surgery on the ears - a modern way to correct their size and shape

ear surgery
Despite popular beliefs that say that big ears are a sign of good nature and complaisance, many of their owners from early childhood suffer from various complexes, becoming the object of jokes and ridicule from others.

In addition to being too large, the ears are also uneven and protruding. Modern stylists and hairdressers offer many different tricks with which you can hide custom ears. Among them are masking with lush hairstyles, focusing on other parts of the body and, conversely, attracting attention to the ears of an unusual shape with bright, long earrings. However, these methods are not suitable for everyone. People who are not able to overcome their complexes about appearance, choose a radical remedy - plastic surgery on the ears. This way of solving the problem has recently been very popular, because thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, most operations of this type are carried out quickly, safely, and most importantly - painlessly.

What is ear surgery?

Correction of the size and shape of the auricles is called otoplasty. Turning to a plastic surgery clinic with a specialist in this field, today you can easily get rid of hearing loss and other aesthetic problems in the hearing aid. As the doctors themselves note, surgery to reduce ears or change their appearance can be done even for children (over 6 years old), which indicates its simplicity. This surgical intervention does not belong to the category of complex ones and in most cases gives excellent results. Within a few days after plastic manipulations, the asymmetrical auricles become almost the same, the lop-eared ears disappear, and the ugly ears take on a new attractive shape.

ear surgery

How are ear surgeries performed?

There are several options for conducting otoplasty. Some correction methods involve working with the use of laser equipment, while others are carried out using ordinary surgical instruments. However, in that and in another case, doctors guarantee the achievement of the desired result and the correction of any defects. For adults, as a rule, plastic surgery on the ears is performed under local anesthesia, while children are preferable to undergo general anesthesia. As the doctors themselves assure, the pain after such interventions is not stronger than after a visit to the dentist, and can be easily removed with the help of analgesics. In addition, doctors confirm that, contrary to popular belief, the hair around the ears is not shaved during this operation. Complete healing of the auricles that underwent surgery occurs in about six months.

ear reduction surgery

Experts advise: in order not to replenish the list of those unfortunates who underwent unsuccessful ear operations, it is worth paying great attention to the choice of a clinic offering otoplasty services. It is better if you manage to find a specialist who has extensive experience in this field of activity, has numerous positive reviews and recommendations from his clients. Do not chase for cheap offers of dubious quality, as a mistake can subsequently cost you a lot.


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