How to find a husband in a big city. Where to find a husband after 30

Needless to say, our ancestress Eve was very lucky in family life - she was served her husband on a silver platter, and she lived happily ever after, not fearing predatory rivals and not meeting rivals on her way. Modern ladies have a lot more difficult. Not only that in our time, a woman is forced to work simultaneously on all fronts - to think about study, the upcoming career, figure, nutrition, housing ... So you also need to manage your personal life. However, often the pursuit of a higher position, work with foreign business trips, and a second higher education is so exciting that men somehow recede into the background.

how to find a husband
And only when a career can be called more or less a success, an apartment - comfortable and furnished with the latest technology, and age - close to Balzac, the young lady begins to think about how to find a husband. After all, it would be time to give birth to a child, and why should it be a sin, a companion is also needed - which woman does not want to love and be loved, doesn’t want anyone to take care of her, give presents, or take them on vacation? However, not everything is so simple - by this time many men are already married, and most of the divorced have children. And what to do?

Do not yell at every corner? “Help me find a husband!” Moreover, I want not just a husband, but a beloved, interesting, pretty and purposeful - one with whom it is not scary to the ends of the world. Today we will try to help ladies who want to get married, move forward towards their goal. So how to find a good husband? Now let's figure it out.

Need to decide

First of all, you need to understand exactly what the intended elect should be. Put things in order in your head. Make a list in which point by point indicate what qualities the future spouse is obliged to possess, and with what traits you cannot reconcile under any circumstances. Perhaps there are specific wishes for his appearance, citizenship, education, age.

where to find a husband after 30
This will help not to lose time initially on inappropriate fans. However, it is worth soberly assessing the reality of the compiled list. Agree, if the man of your dreams is George Clooney, then at least you should at least once get out to America, and at the very least have friends in the Hollywood party.

Possible options

You also need to determine for yourself places in which there is a chance to meet a soul mate. Of course, it happens that a knight finds a lady of her heart at her home, but such situations are extremely rare and do not occur with all the princesses. Therefore - communication, communication, and again communication. At the same time, it will probably be easier to find a husband in a big city - because in megacities there are more than both men themselves and places where you can get to know them.

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“What are these places?” - you ask. Here are some good examples. Thinking about how to find a husband, you should first remember your friends and acquaintances. Surely, one of them in mind has a nice single man who you might like. Plus, the chances of getting a "pig in a poke" are significantly reduced - because a friend will easily tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed candidate. If everything suits you, ask her to introduce you to this man. Who knows - maybe it is he who is your fate!

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You can organize a party to which, among others, invite the selected guy. There are as many reasons as you like - barbecue, a game of "mafia" or "monopoly", an invitation to mulled wine, an evening in honor of Halloween, and so on.

Gyms and fitness clubs

The second promising place where you can meet an interesting man is various fitness clubs and gyms. Fortunately, boys and girls are engaged in the same room, and to start a conversation will not be difficult! In the end, you can just ask the guy you like to show how this or that simulator works, help you choose dumbbells or explain where you can have tea after a workout. A big plus in this method of dating - from the first day you can appreciate the figure of your chosen one, which is very important for many girls.


The third popular place where you can find a soul mate is a variety of courses. Foreign language, driving, acting, break dance classes and the like. Usually, both boys and girls go to such places, and getting to know the right person is there as easy as shelling pears - after all, you initially have common interests about which you can start a conversation.

Place of work

Where to find a husband after 30? Of course, at work. It’s worth taking a closer look at the employees, because there are a lot of men among them, especially in large corporations, and a girl from the human resources department may well disclose a terrible secret about whether the sales manager or security manager who was married was like.

find a husband in a big city
In addition, in offices, as a rule, they jointly celebrate big holidays, company anniversaries and birthdays, and in such a relaxed atmosphere it is much easier to approach the chosen one. You can invite him to a dance, invite him to participate in a competition or ask him to pour champagne - and communication will begin, which later may well lead to relationships outside of work.

Vacation spots

Thinking about how to find a husband, you should not discount the places of large concentrations of men - football stadiums and pubs, bowling clubs, billiards ... Do you know how to knock down pins with one hit? Are they capable of sending three balls into a pocket at once with one wave of a cue? Perfectly! You will attract the attention of most men, and they themselves will want to get to know you. But even if you have never held a bowling ball in your hands and have no idea about the rules of the game of billiards, it does not matter either, but a great occasion to approach a pretty stranger and ask for a master class.

Online chat and dating

For the brave, there is always the option of dating online. It would seem easy to find a husband on social networks or on special sites. Here you have the maximum information about the handsome prince, and a whole pile of photographs from all angles ... However, do not forget that you can write anything you want about yourself on the Internet, and it’s not at all necessary that a charming brunette actually owns three languages ​​and lives in the capital.

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And perhaps he is not a brunette at all, but a bald man of pre-retirement age. However, statistics assure that a fairly large number of happy couples met just through the Internet, so you can try. In addition, many girls dream of marrying a foreigner, and you can “meet” them first of all in the World Wide Web.

Useful advice to girls

However, thinking about how to find a husband, in no case should you forget about yourself. You should not subordinate the entire daily routine to the search for a spouse - try not to give up your hobbies, continue to keep fit, improve skills at work, and meet with friends. In general, remain yourself. After all, just the way you are, you will be loved by the future chosen one. And who knows, maybe tomorrow, when you go out for a walk with your beloved dog, you will meet Him on the walking platform ... You just need to be ready for this.

Little conclusion

Now you know how to find a husband at any age. We sincerely wish you good luck, and may the problem be solved in the most favorable and happy manner as soon as possible!


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