Reviews: cockroach repeller. Ways to destroy cockroaches in the house

Cockroaches almost never live in the private sector, but they loved apartments very much. It is very warm and you can always find enough food. At the same time, it is logical that a person does not like this neighborhood at all and he is trying to find a way to protect his house from insects and at the same time not to use chemistry that can harm family members. In fact, there are a lot of insecticides on the market today, but home cockroaches do not despair. They adapt, and even if all the residents of the house simultaneously remove all insects, several pupae will surely survive in the inter-apartment space, which will give rise to a new colony. That is why when choosing a new tool, everyone is most interested in reviews. Cockroach repeller is a completely new way to deal with annoying guests, which attracts with its simplicity and effectiveness. Let's look at how these devices work.

cockroach repeller reviews

What is an electronic repeller

Surely you have already seen similar devices in the store, or at least heard reviews about them. A cockroach repeller is a small device that just plugs into the network and it starts to emit ultrasound. It is absolutely invisible to humans, but cockroaches do not like him very much. It would seem - finally, an effective remedy was found. Home cockroaches should now rush from one house to another, everywhere bumping into hated ultrasound. However, we continue to use the usual gels and aerosols, and observe in our apartment another invasion from negligent neighbors. Therefore, it is extremely interesting to understand this issue. In this case, the best guide for us will be reviews. Cockroach repeller can be bought in almost any hardware store, but there are a lot of models to choose from.

Types of appliances

Everything that exists on the market today is divided into two large groups - these are ultrasonic and electromagnetic repellers. In the first case, insects hear ultrasound and tend to leave its coverage area, and in the second case, the device does not produce sound, but an electromagnetic field. It negatively affects the nervous system of insects, and they tend to go away. However, far from always the rainbow tales of manufacturers are fully realized in reality, which is fully confirmed by the reviews. The cockroach repeller may be too weak, and not have the proper effect on insects. In addition, it is already by definition clear that the device does not kill insects, but only forces them to leave a certain territory, that is, to leave for neighbors. And if your repeller turned out to be of poor quality, or burned out during operation, nothing will prevent them from returning to their habitable places. Today we will consider the most popular models so that you can navigate.

ultrasonic cockroach repeller

Typhoon LS-500

This is a fairly well-known ultrasonic cockroach repeller of domestic production. It is equipped with a long wire, which allows you to install the device far enough from the power source. The coverage area is up to 80 m2, that is, one such device is enough for the whole apartment. According to manufacturers, the device is very reliable and effective in controlling pests. An additional advantage is the fact that the cockroach cannot get used to it, since the device is equipped with a microcontroller that constantly changes the frequency and duration of radiation.

Impact of electronic device

An ultrasonic cockroach repeller is not a toxic spray, after which the effect is immediately visible. 2-3 weeks will pass before the number of insects begins to decline. And their complete disappearance is observed after 1-2 months of its continuous operation. After that, you can turn on the "Typhoon" (cockroach repeller) for prevention, only at night. The cost of this device is 1500 rubles, however, buyers are always worried about whether they will give money for a useless box. In fact, there are many reviews, and most of them are positive. People confirm that after several months of operation of the device, they noticed that all the insects left the apartment. However, there are other reviews that indicate the absence of any effect. Perhaps people purchased fake devices, so they did not appreciate the LS 500 cockroach repellers.

home cockroaches

The Banzai LS927 device

Another device, this time of Thai origin. This electronic cockroach repeller is one of the most effective, it is able to drive away not only insects, but also rodents. Therefore, if your apartment is attacked by various pests, this tool can help. In about three weeks, they all leave your territory. However, there is also some problem. The device owes its high efficiency to low frequency, that is, even humans and pets are able to catch sound. That is why you should not include it in a living room, and especially at night. Judging by the reviews, this is a very good device that will definitely not deceive your expectations, but it is better to use it in the utility rooms, and certainly not in the bedroom.

Electronic repeller "WK-600"

This is the most expensive and largest device that is on the market today. The reliable design allows you to deal with a variety of pests, mice and rats, moles, cockroaches and bedbugs. Prusak cockroach is one of the most resistant to various external influences of the domestic inhabitants, so it is very difficult to remove it. However, this device is equipped with two powerful emitters at once, which provide a wide range of repellent signals in the sound and ultrasound ranges.

cockroach gel

Industrial Repeller Features

The device has nine different modes, due to which it can be used both in industrial premises, with an area of ​​up to 350 m2, and in residential premises. You can choose the desired intensity of action: from completely silent operation to the most aggressive radiation. This is a Belgian-made device, its cost is quite comparable with the technical characteristics, and is about 4900 rubles. Perhaps that is why there are very few reviews on the operation of the device, almost all ordinary people prefer more affordable insect repellents. In addition, the cockroach-Prusak is considered not so dangerous pest, to fight which would have required to spend such a large amount. In addition, there are still a huge number of different products on the market that allow you to quickly get rid of annoying insects. A little later we will consider them too.

Cockroach repeller Ecosniper

This is a stationary, magnetic resonance device that allows you to quickly and effectively defeat annoying insects. It works effectively against almost all pests and rodents, in particular mice, rats and cockroaches. Ecosniper generates various sound waves, which prevents the addiction of insects. The device is fast enough, it will take two to six weeks to completely remove the above pests, rodents and insects from your home. The device is designed for fairly large rooms, its coverage area is 185m2. The cost is 1200 rubles, that is, the device falls into the middle price category.

cockroach prusak

How do gel remedies for cockroaches

As we already wrote earlier, in addition to the fairly reliable models of repellers that are listed above, there are a number of different models that undermine people's confidence in these devices, since they do not give any effect. Therefore, some prefer proven gel-based products. They are made on the basis of insecticides, and in most cases they are poisonous substances that affect the nervous and digestive systems of insects. Moreover, all gel-based preparations also contain fragrant substances attractive for cockroaches. Trying the poison, insects carry it to the places where insects accumulate on their paws, which also attracts other insects. That is why the gel from cockroaches will sooner or later lead to the death of the entire colony.

Most popular gels

Today it is the Raptor and Domovoy gel. We will not talk about them separately, since they are much similar. Judging by consumer reviews, it is these two remedies that can quickly and without risk to health cope with the largest insect infestation. You don’t have to wait for weeks, in a few hours the effect will be observed, and in the morning after applying the product you will find a large number of brown corpses in the corners. The only drawback is the short-term effect. After 3-4 weeks, the gel will dry, and the cockroaches coming from the neighbors will be able to live and multiply calmly.

electronic cockroach repeller

How to use the gel

In fact, an electronic repeller looks simpler. It is enough to connect it to a power source and that’s all, after about three weeks you will be able to observe a gradual decrease in individuals in your apartment or office. However, if for some reason you decide to use insecticides, then opt for gel products. Sprays and tablets are much more toxic, crayons do not give a visible result, so this form is optimal, due to its high efficiency and convenient form of application. First of all, you need to check the expiration date, and then apply the product to places that are most often visited by cockroaches. It can be a sink, a place behind the refrigerator and under skirting boards, behind cornices and batteries. The cockroach gel is applied as a dotted drop. After about three weeks, it is necessary to renew the application of the gel for prevention and for the destruction of hatched offspring.

typhoon cockroach repeller

To summarize

Today we examined a large number of models of electronic repellers, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are a sufficient number of high-quality devices that can give an excellent result, but there are many cheap fakes that are not worth buying, the result from their use will be zero. In parallel with ultrasonic devices, gel-based preparations, which are also a safe and effective tool, which is characterized by the highest speed of exposure to insects, do not lose their popularity.


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