Remedy for cockroaches "Clean House": reviews, release form, instructions for use

The appearance of cockroaches in the house causes not only discomfort, but also threatens the spread of infections. Therefore, owners of apartments and private houses try to get rid of them quickly and efficiently. In stores you can find a fairly wide variety of insect repellents. But the use of some does not have the desired effect, others require preparation. The drug "Clean House" from cockroaches reviews is positive. Consumers appreciated its effectiveness, convenience and versatility.

clean cockroach house reviews

General characteristics of the product

Remedy for cockroaches "Clean House" is a product of a domestic manufacturer. He has low toxicity. Therefore, fully adapted for use at home. It is important that the drug is universal and helps to destroy:

  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • fleas;
  • mosquitoes and flies.

Therefore, the drug is popular and has gained a lot of reviews.

Forms of drug release

Remedy for cockroaches "Clean House" is an insecticidal drug of the modern generation. A diverse line allows you to choose the best option for getting rid of all sorts of parasites. Products are offered in the following forms:

  • spray can;
  • powder;
  • gel;
  • crayon;
  • traps.

Next, we consider each view separately.

Spray can

Aerosol "Clean House" is positioned as an instant drug. Consumers claim that cockroaches literally die within 3-5 minutes after contact with its particles.

The action is based on two main components (tetramethrin and cypermethrin), which have a neuroparalytic effect on parasites. The chemical compounds that make up the product actively interact and complement each other. This explains the speed of action and effectiveness.

Buyers note that the standard spray can, where 600 ml of the product is located, successfully copes with the problem of the appearance of insects on 80 m 2 . Also, for ease of use, each spray can is equipped with a special nozzle. It helps to handle hard-to-reach spots.

Using the Clean House aerosol is simple and straightforward. It is enough to spray it in possible habitats of insects. Buyers note that the drug is effective and quickly copes with the problem. But its use requires mandatory ventilation of the room and its properties are somewhat inferior to the powder.

Cockroach Clean House

Instructions for use aerosol

Before using the product, you must remove all products in sealed containers and in an inaccessible place. Processing is carried out in the absence of children and pets. Bringing them into the house is possible only after full ventilation.

It is advisable to wear gloves and protect the airways with a bandage. Aerosol is recommended to be sprayed around the entire lower perimeter of the room. Slots and ventilation ducts require special attention.

After the procedure, you should close all windows and leave the house for 2-3 hours. Further, the room is ventilated, and dead insects are swept away in the bin. It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning using any cleaning products.

aerosol clean house


The composition is almost identical to aerosol. The difference is in the form of release and a higher concentration of chemical components. This is allowed. After all, the powder should not be sprayed. Piperonyl butoxide is also added to it, which greatly enhances the insecticidal properties.

However, it should be remembered that such a compound is dangerous not only for pets, but also for humans. Therefore, its accidental ingestion should be completely excluded.

According to reviews, the powder copes well with small rodents in cellars and country houses. The scope of its application is quite wide, but requires caution.

how to get rid of cockroaches at home forever

How to apply powder

To get rid of cockroaches or other crawling parasites, you can use two ways.

  1. The powder is scattered in a thin layer along the "paths" and the proposed habitats of insects.
  2. To prepare a solution of water in a ratio of 1: 1 and with the help of a sprayer, treat plinths, crevices, back walls of furniture and other hidden places.

The exposure time is 2-4 hours. After that, wet cleaning is mandatory. The powder should not remain in order to avoid accidental poisoning.


Gel from cockroaches "Clean House" successfully fights against parasites. However, its effectiveness is lower than that of the powder. But among the advantages, consumers highlight usability and safety. Moreover, it can be used as a prophylaxis for the appearance of insects.

If cockroaches just showed up, then gel will be the best remedy. It is applied along the baseboards, on top of the kitchen. After contact with the drug, insects infect each dredge. Therefore, the effect is achieved in a few days.

The action is based on the fact that the gel lingers on the legs of cockroaches. The insect dies, but in its body there is already a large amount of poison. It is arranged that relatives eat the dead insect and thereby also receive a portion of the poison.

The product is supplied in tubes or syringes. This adds convenience when using it.

cockroach gel clean house

How to use

How to use powder and aerosol "Clean House" from cockroaches, which reviews talk about the effectiveness. In this case, you must be careful and temporarily evict children and animals from home. The gel form does not require such measures.

The drug can be distributed along the baseboards. But if there are pets that can lick the product, then the back will be the back of the furniture and the top of the kitchen.

The important thing is that the action spreads for a long time. Therefore, any accidental parasite will be immediately defeated.


Those who are interested in how to get rid of cockroaches at home forever and at the same time save money, it is better to buy a crayon. The tool is economical and does not require special conditions of use.

The crayon is completely odorless. Its use is safe for humans. However, they should draw in places with which animals, children and food do not come into contact. Users note another convenience. Chalk can be used on any vertical surfaces.

Available in the form of a convenient pencil. They need to outline in places of a large concentration of Prussians and possible ways of their movement. It should be remembered that the strips should be at least 4 cm, the indentation can be small - about 2 cm.

Scope of use

The basis of the chalk contains the active substance - alpha-cypermethrin. It causes paralysis in insects and is dangerous for animals. Therefore, it should be stored in inaccessible places.

The "clean house" (crayon) from cockroaches is easy to use, and it is quite effective. Reviews indicate that the main scope of its application is getting rid of cockroaches. But it can be used in the fight against ants and fleas. Many note the ease of use and the economy of the chalk.

Trap "Clean House" from cockroaches

Among the safest remedies are traps. Their feature is that the design does not allow direct contact of a person or animal with a poisonous substance.

How to get rid of cockroaches at home forever and at the same time be sure of the safety of the product? The best solution would be to acquire special traps. They are small boxes that are equipped with slots. Inside is a poisonous substance, and the holes allow cockroaches to move freely.

trap clean house from cockroaches

How do traps work

Once inside the trap, the cockroach eats poison particles. In this case, the poison remains on its paws. Thus, one specimen infects the other relatives, "pollination" occurs, and the whole flock dies after a few days.

The duration of one trap is 2 months. Users note the convenience of their use. The box can be placed under the kitchen or with adhesive tape to install it on any horizontal surface.

Important! Clean house traps from cockroaches, reviews confirm this, are completely safe. They have no smell and harmful fumes. Thanks to the chain reaction, you can save the house from a large population of cockroaches. Many advise using them as a prophylaxis.

clean house shallow from cockroaches


The main advantage of Clean House remedies for cockroaches, reviews of which are mostly positive, is their high efficiency. Developers are constantly improving the formula of drugs. Therefore, parasites do not have time to develop immunity to them.

The choice of the appropriate form of release depends on the specific tasks. If you need to quickly get rid of cockroaches, then an aerosol or powder is required. When there are children in the house, it is better to use a gel. Chalk will help to process without unnecessary trouble. After all the actions, it is better to set traps.


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