What can be made of thorns for the winter: recipes

The turn is a low frost-resistant shrub densely covered with sharp thorns. Its small fruits, with a specific tart taste, are considered an excellent source of valuable vitamins and minerals. The only disadvantage of these berries is a short shelf life in fresh form. Therefore, any prudent hostess should know what can be made of thorns. Recipes of such blanks will be presented in this publication.


The recipe for this sweet and aromatic drink will certainly be appreciated by young mothers who care about the health of their children. It is interesting in that it assumes a complete lack of sterilization and allows you to quickly process a large number of berries. To play it you need:

  • Filtered water (the amount depends on the volume of cans used).
  • A kilogram of thorns.
  • Sugar (200 grams per liter of water).

what can be made of thorns

Having figured out what can be made of thorns, you need to delve into the features of the process itself. The selected, washed and dried fruits are poured into sterile glass containers and poured with the required volume of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid, wrapped and left for at least an hour and a half. Then the cooled liquid is carefully decanted into a saucepan, combined with the right amount of sugar and boiled for 5 minutes. Jars of thorns are poured with the resulting syrup, rolled up, turned over, covered with a warm blanket and left to cool completely. Chilled glass containers with compote are cleaned in the cellar or pantry.

what can be made of thorns for the winter


This recipe is likely to arouse interest among lovers of Georgian cuisine, wondering what can be made from thorns. Tkemali, prepared according to the technology described below, is perfectly stored all winter, without losing its original taste. To stock up on such a sauce, you will need:

  • 3 kilograms of thorns.
  • 100 grams of garlic.
  • ½ cup ground cilantro.
  • 125 milliliters of water.
  • Salt and ground red pepper (to taste).

Having decided on what can be made of thorns for the winter, you should understand in more detail the nuances of technology. Sorted and washed berries are thrown into a colander, and then laid out in a saucepan and poured with clean water. All this is placed on the burner, brought to a boil and boiled until the fruits are completely softened. The resulting mass is ground through a sieve and returned to the fire. At this point, salt, red pepper and cilantro are added to the future sauce. After another five minutes, chopped garlic is sent to a boiling puree-like mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed, packaged in sterile half-liter jars, rolled up and sent for storage.

Thorny sauce

We recommend that you pay special attention to another option for cooking tkemali. Lovers of moderately spicy sauces will surely like it, who still have not decided what can be made from the fruits of the thorn. This time at your fingertips should be:

  • 250 milliliters of water.
  • A kilogram of thorns.
  • Pod of red hot pepper.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • A pair of large spoons of sugar.
  • 3 sprigs of mint.
  • A large spoon of salt.
  • A bunch of cilantro or parsley.

Sorted and washed fruits pour a glass of boiling water, and then sent to the stove. After the first bubbles appear on the surface of the contents of the pan, mint leaves and cilantro (along with inflorescences) are placed in it. All this is cooked for 15 minutes, and then insisted under the lid. After a quarter of an hour, the berry mass is crushed with a blender, rubbed through a sieve and returned to the fire. Salt and sugar are added to the future sauce. In a separate bowl, the remaining mint, cilantro, garlic and hot pepper are combined. All this is grinded in a meat grinder and mixed with a boiling mass. After ten minutes, the sauce is removed from the stove, completely cooled, transferred to sealed containers and put in the refrigerator.

Salt turn

This interesting snack remotely resembles olives. It is prepared from simple ingredients and can become a worthy decoration of any feast. To stock up on salt sod, you will need:

  • 50-65 grams of salt.
  • 2.5 kilograms of thorns.
  • 1.2 liters of purified water.
  • 5 carnations.
  • 1.2 liters of refined vegetable oil.
  • A pair of bay leaves.
  • 7 peas of allspice.

what can be made from thorns recipes

Having figured out what can be made of thorns, you should talk a little about the technology itself. Enumerated washed berries are laid out in clean jars and filled with chilled marinade, cooked from water, salt, bay leaves and spices. After this, the containers are covered with linen napkins and kept at room temperature. Four hours later, the cans are cleaned in the refrigerator and forgot about them for twelve days. Then the berries are removed from the brine, washed in boiled water, returned to the container and poured with refined vegetable oil. Fruits prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for five months. They are served with any meat or fish dishes.

Pickled Turn

Berries prepared according to the recipe described below can not only be served as an independent snack, but also used to create various salads. Therefore, this technique is likely to cause some interest among many housewives thinking about what can be made from plum thorns. To stock up on this conservation, you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of berries.
  • 3 large spoons of sugar.
  • 3 bay leaves.
  • A large spoon of salt.
  • 6 carnations.
  • 3 large tablespoons of vinegar.
  • 1.5 liters of purified water.
  • Allspice and allspice.

what can be made from plum turn

Washed berries are laid out in sterile jars and poured with hot marinade made from the above ingredients. After some time, the liquid is carefully pumped into a saucepan, brought to a boil and returned to the fruit. The containers are closed with metal lids, turned over, wrapped in a blanket and wait for complete cooling. After that, they are cleaned in the pantry or cellar.


The following recipe will surely be appreciated by sweet tooths who do not know what can be made from thorns. The delicacy prepared by this method can not only be served with pancakes, pancakes or pancakes, but also simply spread on a piece of fresh bread. To stock up on several jars of this treat, you will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of thorns.
  • 500 milliliters of water.
  • 2 kilograms of sugar.

what can be made of turn tkemali

Washed and sorted berries are poured with a glass of water and sent to the stove. Five minutes after boiling, they are ground through a sieve and filled with sugar. The resulting mass is returned to the fire and boiled until thickened for one and a half hours. Hot jam is packaged in sterile containers, rolled up, cooled and sent to the cellar.


This recipe is incredibly simple. It allows you to quickly process a large number of fruits, turning them into a sweet treat. To play it you need:

  • 2.5 kilograms of shallow forest thorns.
  • 700 milliliters of water.
  • 3 kilograms of sugar.

Process description

For those who have already understood what can be made of thorns, it will be useful to find out exactly how to prepare a five-minute jam. Sorted, washed and dried berries layered in a suitable bowl, pouring them with sugar. Then all this is placed on the stove, brought to a boil, poured with the right amount of filtered water and boiled for five minutes.

what can be made of thorns

The hot mass is neatly packaged in sterile jars, rolled up, covered with a warm blanket and left until completely cooled. The cooled containers with thorns jam are cleaned in the cellar or pantry. The delicacy prepared in this way does not lose its taste for a long period. Subject to temperature conditions, it can be stored for up to five years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9717/

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