We choose the best remedy for bark beetle

Remedy for bark beetle
Bark beetles and woodworms are capable of causing such damage to a wooden structure that would yield only to the consequences of a fire. Damaged structures can lead to the need for major repairs and large costs. Preventive treatment of trees from bark beetles is needed. And timely struggle with him at the first suspicion will also help to avoid serious troubles.

How to get rid of bark beetle

To avoid problems, it is advisable to try to prevent contamination of the wood in advance. Therefore, the best remedy for bark beetle is prevention. It is necessary to use only carefully dried wood in construction, periodically control its moisture already in the process of use, and also apply a variety of antiseptic impregnations that resist fungi and insects. If the bugs nevertheless penetrated the tree, carefully examine the small holes and try to remove the damaged areas as accurately as possible, immediately burning them. If a serious piece of wood is damaged, try poking it with a screwdriver. A solid tree can be left after preventative treatment, while a soft tree needs to be cut and destroyed as soon as possible.

Processing trees from bark beetle
If it still makes sense to use a chemical remedy for bark beetle, try to properly prepare for the work. Clean the wood with a stiff brush, remove dust and heat insulation. Only after thorough cleaning can the wood be treated with an insecticide. For further protection, use hot drying oil or paint. If you want to preserve the texture and color of the tree in its natural form in the interior, use linseed and motor oils, kerosene for protection. Industrial wood preservatives are deeply absorbed into the material, retaining their qualities for a long time. If the use of chemical compounds is suitable for you, purchase mixtures such as Antizhuk or Antishashelin.

How to apply a remedy for bark beetle

How to get rid of bark beetle
The finished insecticide must be applied evenly and accurately, paying particular attention to cracks and holes on the surface of the wood. This is where beetles and their eggs can be located. It is not necessary to moisten the tree too abundantly - the main thing is to simply soak it so that the drops do not flow down the walls. After drying, you can try to find all the holes made by the bugs, and even them with putty. Timely conducting such an operation will allow you not to fear for the condition of a wooden house. Ideally, when purchasing material for construction, it is necessary to check with the manufacturer whether the trees were pretreated from the bark beetle, whether the logs or boards were impregnated with a protective compound after cutting. If so, you may not need to think about prevention yourself. But if not, the described bark beetle remedy will completely cope with the task of protecting your home from destruction. Simply follow the surface of the wood and have time to do everything you need on time. Pay attention not only to the holes from bark beetles and woodworms, but also to the activities of ants, carpenter bees and other insects that can settle in the walls, floor or ceiling of your home. Such insects can also threaten destruction, and protective compounds work against them to the same extent as against bark beetles with grinders.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9745/

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