Cold Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment

There is a common belief that such a reaction can only occur from pollen of plants or eating exotic fruits, but this is not so. Now allergies arise for anything: milk, sun and even frost. At first, this fact may cause surprise and questions: how can such people live in Russia, how to treat cold allergies? In fact, everything is not so scary if you do not let the situation drift.

Is there an allergy to cold

Unfortunately, this is not a myth, and such an allergy exists. Moreover, it is not uncommon. Itโ€™s just that some have completely harmless symptoms and people donโ€™t pay attention to it. But urticaria in the arms and flowing from the nose in the cold are not the norm. These are all signs of a cold allergy and you need to listen to them. Since if this is not controlled, then the condition and symptoms may worsen.

Cold allergy

Cold allergy is a pathological condition of the body when, when exposed to low temperature, including cold air, the allergy mechanism immediately starts in the body. Drinking ice and ice cream will also trigger this reaction. The low temperature in this situation is approximately below -4 ยฐ C, but in rare cases even a slight decrease is enough.

For a long time, science has denied this type of allergy due to the fact that cold is not a substance, but a phenomenon. And cold allergies in the hands were considered dermatitis. But over time, medicine had to admit that the irritant in allergic reactions can be not only a substance, but also a low, as well as a high temperature.

Cold allergy is completely non-contagious, but inherited. It does not affect life expectancy at all, and its only danger is in too strong a reaction of the body.

Allergy mechanism

What is an allergy in general? This is a failure in which, speaking allegorically, friends are taken for enemies. Normally, when substances or microorganisms that are potentially dangerous to it enter the body, a protection system is launched. So with allergies, such protection begins to work against substances and conditions that are harmless to the body. The reaction proceeds in three stages:

  • immunological;
  • pathochemical;
  • pathophysiological.

The immunological stage is the moment of the first contact with the allergen. After it, a special protein immunoglobulin E. is produced on the membranes of mast cells as a defense.

Cold Allergy Treatment

In the second stage, proteins of potentially hazardous substances pass through the macrophage filter. If the substance is safe, then immunological tolerance should be developed. But it happens that the proteins are not completely broken down and then the immune system creates additional antibodies for their cleavage - reagins. But in some cases, a failure occurs and they continue to be generated uncontrollably, even if the original goal has already been achieved. And the more they are created, the stronger the subsequent reaction will be. Despite the actively unfolding processes in the body, at this stage a person does not feel anything, there are no allergy symptoms yet. The processes take place at a chemical rather than physiological level, which is why the stage is called pathochemical. The second stage can last from several hours to several years. Symptoms occur only upon repeated contact if the accumulation of antibodies has not stopped and sensitization to the substance has developed.

The second contact is the third pathophysiological stage. If intolerance or sensitization has appeared to the substance, then the following occurs:

  1. Mast cell membranes are damaged.
  2. Histamine and bradykinin are thrown into the blood.
  3. Being mediators of inflammation, they cause various pathological processes in the body.
  4. If you do not stop them, then pathological processes affect the nervous system, which is fraught with edema and asthma.

The effect of these two mediators is slightly different. Histamine causes inflammation, and bradykinin affects the respiratory system.

With each new contact of mediators, more and more will be thrown into the blood. The extent to which the growth trend will increase depends on the individual reaction of the body, which is unpredictable. That is, a person can get off with mild symptoms all his life, and at the next contact get Quincke's edema. This is a strong angioedema, affecting the face, respiratory system and other mucous membranes.


Questions arise: how does this mechanism work if there was no contact with the substance, why is there an allergy to cold if it is not even a substance, but only its condition? Everything is very simple: under the influence of low temperatures, the body itself begins to throw out a substance, to which a reaction occurs. Specifically, histamine, which normally regulates important physiological processes. But if its production is increased, then the body starts the mechanism of allergies. Due to the omission and simplification of some stages, a number of experts consider allergy to cold a pseudo-allergic reaction.

Allergy Symptoms

What else do you need to know? Dry skin can provoke a cold allergy, because of which its protective layer is damaged, as well as a spasm of blood vessels and capillaries. But for some people, this failure occurs for no apparent reason. And despite the fact that the mechanism itself has been studied by science, the exact reasons for its launch in the human body are not completely known. In addition to dryness and vascular spasms, there are a number of factors that are more likely to provoke allergies. These are the following:

  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • heredity;
  • weakening of the body by chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • all autoimmune diseases;
  • taking hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives;
  • bite of poisonous animals and insects.

Allergies are often multiple. That is, if you are allergic to one thing, it means that a malfunction in the immune system has already occurred and it will certainly appear on something else. And to trigger the mechanism of a new type of allergy, only provocative factors will be needed.


The main two types of cold allergies are acquired and congenital. It can be purchased due to exposure to adverse factors. But the congenital inherited and nothing can be done about it. With her, one of the parents also suffered all his life from the so-called familial cold auto-inflammatory syndrome. Symptoms of this type of cold allergy in children may appear already in infancy.

Cold allergy

Manifestations may be different. Depending on them, cold allergy is divided into the following varieties:

  1. Rhinitis is when at a low temperature the air from the nose starts to flow strongly.
  2. Conjunctivitis - from the cold, the eyes are very irritated, pain and tear appear.
  3. Rash - places exposed to low temperature are covered with a small rash.
  4. Atopic dermatitis.
  5. Eczema.
  6. Cold asthma - from prolonged inhalation of cold air, a person begins to suffocate.

Rhinitis can always develop into asthma, and a rash into eczema. In fact, this is one and the same manifestation, differing only in the severity of the symptoms. Allergies are those organs and body surfaces that in one way or another come in contact with the external environment.

Cold allergies on the face and hands

Often, the hands and face are the first to react to frost. And if you cover your hands easily, then covering your face is impossible. That is why such a reaction is most clearly manifested on him. It is popularly called urticaria. Symptoms of a cold allergy on the face are: dryness, redness and peeling after being in the cold. At first, the face turns red, it can swell, and all this is accompanied by itching. Even after a person has warmed up, the reaction does not go away, it persists for several more days and is aggravated if you go out into the cold again.

The danger of cold allergies

Cold allergy in the hands is one of the most common and is manifested by dry skin. The reaction may worsen right up to the appearance of blisters.

The treatment of cold allergies on the face and hands is generally the same as with any other, but additionally you need to use a local ointment. And for prevention, try not to go outside without a protective cream.


If the symptoms appeared in infancy, then because of the special sensitivity to the environment, instead of frost, there is enough coolness and a little wind to start the mechanism of cold allergy. In the case of adults, exposure to symptoms requires exposure to low temperature, both externally and internally. Cold allergies have the following symptoms:

  • itching accompanied by dermatitis;
  • blisters;
  • hyperemia of the area exposed to cold;
  • leak from the nose;
  • difficulty breathing.

In some cases, overall health worsens, chills and tachycardia appear. In some, on the contrary, the heartbeat may slow down and the pressure may decrease, up to a state of shock. It depends on the release of which hormones provokes a decrease in temperature in a particular organism. Such manifestations mean that you need to call an ambulance, which will urgently lead out of this condition as it is very dangerous for the patient.

Danger of inaction

At the very first contact with an allergen, a person does not even know that he has an allergy. The first symptoms will begin only with the second. And the main danger of inaction is that with each subsequent contact, the allergy mechanism exacerbates the symptoms and they become more aggressive. And if it all started with a usual rash or harmless rhinitis, then in the future it can develop into a soaking eczema. And rhinitis is transformed into asthma, which poses a real threat to life. Especially for a person who is unfamiliar with such an ailment and, without having the necessary medicines at hand, simply does not understand what needs to be done. And the more panic in asthma, the stronger it becomes.

Allergy to frost

The second most dangerous reaction in cold allergies is anaphylaxis with severe hypothermia. Blisters on the extremities, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness and muscle cramps indicate the beginning of such a reaction. In this case, the bill goes for minutes and the person needs the emergency medical care and, of course, is warm.

If with an allergy to citrus or dairy products the allergen is quite easy to exclude, it is problematic to exclude the cold from your life for a person living in Russia. Almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation for at least nine months a year there can be minus temperatures. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion that the body has a similar reaction to cold, you should not pull it and you must urgently seek help from an allergist. He will prescribe an adequate treatment for cold allergies than possibly save the patient's life.


The main thing is not to confuse cold urticaria with infectious dermatitis. Outwardly, for a person who is not knowledgeable in medicine, the symptoms can be very similar. An experienced allergist will immediately determine what kind of dermatitis. And to clarify what substances and conditions a person has an allergy, there are various tests and analyzes. You can even know in advance what a person is allergic to without contacting the substance before. This is especially useful for those who have a strong intolerance to something in their heredity.

Causes of Cold Allergies

Those pink cheeks that we often see in children are not the norm, but signs of a cold allergy. A photo of strong manifestations is terrifying, and in the initial stages the face looks quite familiar.

For a simple diagnosis at home, you need to take a piece of ice from the refrigerator and attach it to your hand for a couple of minutes. Normally, there should be no unpleasant sensations, itching and redness. If they are, it means that a person has a cold allergy simply in a sleeping form.


As such, there is no cure for cold allergies. You can only avoid the cold and stop the production of inflammatory mediators. Why drugs have been developed that inhibit the action of free histamine. Today, there are 3 generations of antihistamines.

The first generation is the well-known Suprastin and Diphenhydramine. At one time, they revolutionized medicine, but they are not ideal, since the connection with the H1 receptors into which they enter is reversible. Their advantages are that they are used for a very long time and are time-tested, and the effect is strong and it comes in 20 minutes. But they have many side effects:

  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • muscle hypotension;
  • tachycardia;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • temporary vision problems;
  • constipation and urinary retention.

And also poorly compatible with psychotropic and alcohol. And only five hours are valid. They are good for cases when you need a quick and instant effect, but are not suitable for continuous use.

The 2nd generation is Clarotadin, Zirtec, and Claritin. They already have fewer side effects. Muscle tone also does not affect attention, but it still affects the cardiovascular system. People who have problems with her are forbidden to receive. Their effect lasts for about a day, and the therapeutic effect can last up to a week.

The 3rd generation is Fexadin, Fexofast, Erius, Desal and others. Pharmaceuticals are defined as H1 histamine blockers of the third generation. They do not affect attention, muscle tone and the cardiovascular system and are approved for use by people with chronic heart diseases. Symptoms stop for a long time. To date, this is the best that is created against chronic allergies.

There are a larger number of antihistamines on the market, but only an immunologist-allergist should prescribe them, choose a dosage. After all, each drug has its own characteristics. Some of them can be for children and pregnant women, but some can not. Some are contraindicated in certain diseases. Well, and the last: you need to choose a drug that is compatible with the drugs you are already taking.

Treatment of cold allergies on the hands and face is accompanied by the use of local ointments. If the case is not serious, such as Lokobeys Ripea, Emolium and other creams from the series for atopic skin are suitable. If the manifestations of allergies in open areas of the body have already passed into the inflammatory stage, then it is sometimes advisable to use hormonal ointments such as Hydrocortisone. This cold allergy ointment contains synthetic corticosteroids, due to which it works quickly and effectively, but has a number of side effects. It is used only in cases where the benefit justifies the negative effect on the body.


Prevention of any type of allergy is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. We must try to choose a place of residence so that there are no plants nearby that make harmful emissions. It would be ideal to move the countryside, which, unfortunately, is far from suitable for everyone. Do not abuse food additives and medicines. But if the cold allergy is inherited, then you canโ€™t do anything and you just need to either move to a country with a warmer climate, or learn how to behave in the cold correctly, and also control your ailment and a specialist.

5 rules of conduct in the cold

Correct behavior with cold allergies does not mean that you will need to go out only in the summer. It lies in the fact that while in the cold it will be necessary to comply with some rules. And here are 5 basic rules:

  1. Dressing is warm enough, in no case neglecting mittens, a hat and a scarf.
  2. Only breathe through the nose, as when inhaling through the mouth, the air does not have enough time to warm up and reaches the lungs even when it is cold.
  3. Do not lick your lips, do not sing in the cold.
  4. Before going outside, apply special creams for cold allergies to all open and tender places.
  5. If possible, do not be too long outside during freezing temperatures.
Rules of conduct in the cold

Perhaps these rules seem too banal and similar to the advice of grandmothers, but they really help to avoid exacerbating cold allergies.


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