Dubei melanosis: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

One of the most insidious diseases is recognized as Dubreus melanosis. ICD-10 classifies it as a pre-invasive type of cancer. A separate code in the classifier is not assigned an ailment, but usually it is assigned to class D22 (melanoform nevus) or C43 (malignant melanoma of the skin). The pathology itself is quite difficult to diagnose, and even an experienced oncologist cannot make a prognosis. Therefore, it is so important to know its symptoms in the early stages.

Medical certificate

Dubei melanosis is a malignant skin disease. It is characterized by a pigmented lesion that captures the epidermis and the dermis. The tumor itself consists mainly of atypical melanocytes.

For the first time, a detailed description of the pathology was presented by the dermatologist Hutchinson. Later, she attracted the attention of the French physician Dubreux, whose last name was named.

A distinctive feature of the tumor is slow development. Most often, it is localized on the face of older women. Among representatives of the stronger sex, such a diagnosis occurs in exceptional cases. The spot for a long time may not be manifested by external deformations. However, under the influence of some factors, it begins to increase in size. Gradually, the clinical picture is supplemented by other signs of malignancy.

Main reasons

The exact cause of Dubreus melanosis is still unknown. Doctors distinguish a group of certain factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of pathology. Among them, the most common are the following:

  • bright skin;
  • age over 50;
  • constant stay in direct sunlight;
  • solarium abuse;
  • mechanical injury to the pigment spot.

Among the representatives of the black race, Melanosis of Dubei is practically not found.


Clinical picture

The main manifestation of the pathology is a brown spot. As a rule, it is flabby and soft. The form of the neoplasm is irregular, but the boundaries are very clear. Its color is almost always uneven. Shades can vary from brownish to black. Sometimes the pathology takes the form of a black blot on a brown background.

Spots with Dubreus melanosis are most often localized in open areas of the skin, for example, on the face. Their size can vary from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters. Spot growth is slow. However, the risk of vertical growth is quite high. In this case, as a rule, the transformation of melanosis into melanoma occurs. Other symptoms of malignancy include:

  • the appearance of darkened areas;
  • blurred borders of the neoplasm;
  • change in size and shape;
  • the occurrence of areas of cicatricial atrophy.

Sometimes melanosis affects the skin in the eyelids and even the conjunctiva of the eyes. The cornea is extremely rarely affected.

symptoms of melanosis dubrey

Stages of development

In its development, Dubei melanosis goes through 3 stages. At the initial stage, an increase in the number of melanocytes is observed. The second stage is characterized by pronounced proliferation, accompanied by manifestations of atimia of methanocytes. At the third stage, atypical elements begin to grow into the skin.

Determining the exact stage of the pathological process allows you to choose the most effective treatment, give a prognosis for recovery.

conversation between doctor and patient

Diagnostic Methods

If neoplasms appear on the skin of any etiology, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. In case of suspicion of oncology, the doctor will refer you to a specialized specialist - an oncologist.

Diagnosis of Dubreus melanosis begins with an examination, a history of the patient. It is important for the doctor to know under what conditions the neoplasm appeared, what factors preceded this process. After this, a detailed examination is prescribed. It usually consists of the following activities:

  1. Dermatoscopy It is used to assess the shape, pigmentation and structure of the neoplasm.
  2. Morphological analysis of tissues. Used to determine the number of melanocytes, changes in the epidermis. During the analysis, a little affected skin is taken from the patient.
  3. Testing for tumor markers. It is carried out to exclude malignancy of the pathology.
  4. Scintigraphy. During the procedure, the skin is studied using radioactive phosphorus.

It is worth noting that a biopsy as a diagnostic method is not performed. The thing is that with this method of examination, the risk of tissue infection is too high.


Differential diagnosis

As can be seen from the photo presented in our article, Dubei melanosis can be mistaken for other skin diseases. The most common mistake among doctors when making a diagnosis is the adoption of the described pathology for senile keratosis. This is also a precancerous condition that quickly transforms into a malignant process. For the patient, both diseases are very dangerous and require appropriate treatment, constant monitoring by a specialist.

Another common mistake is the adoption of melanosis as a pigmented basal cell carcinoma. The differences in this case are very significant. For example, basalioma grows exclusively in soft tissues, and melanosis can affect the entire body. The latter is easy to confuse with aggressive melanoma. That is why differential diagnosis plays an important role in confirming the underlying disease.

Therapy Features

The treatment of Dubei melanosis requires an exclusively qualified approach. The main method of influencing pathology is considered to be surgical intervention. During the procedure, the specialist cuts out the neoplasm together with subcutaneous tissue.

Excised material must be sent for examination. Patients with Dubreus melanosis who have taken histology receive an answer about the presence or absence of cancer cells. This approach allows you to timely suspend the course of the malignant process.

Sometimes a wide excision of the neoplasm is required. In this case, the operation is carried out in stages and always with the use of plastic correction of the skin. The scope of intervention also expands if the pathology "wakes up", metastases in the lymph nodes appear.

When the operation is contraindicated or is not possible to carry out it, the patient is recommended radiation therapy. It is proved that the pathological elements of the neoplasm are sensitive to short-focus x-ray therapy.

surgery for melanosis dubrey

Help traditional medicine

Recipes of folk doctors can only be used as an example of an auxiliary tool in the fight against melanosis. In addition, prior consultation with your doctor is mandatory. Some medicinal herbs have contraindications for use for a particular patient. Others can even aggravate the course of the pathology, and their use is accompanied by a host of side effects precisely with this skin ailment. That is why modern medicine categorically does not recommend self-medication.

The use of various folk remedies is aimed primarily at reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process on the skin, strengthening the body's immune defense. Among local remedies, flaxseed oil is particularly effective. It should be thoroughly mixed with honey in equal proportions, and then applied to the lesion twice a day.

To strengthen immunity, folk doctors recommend taking a tincture of aconite tubers. The drug is consumed 20 drops at a time, but three times a day. It is better to repeat the procedure before main meals. You can also use tincture of penny. To prepare it, you will need about 50 g of dry raw materials to fill with 0.5 l of vodka. Tincture should be put in a dark place for 15 days, then strain. It is recommended to take the resulting product by a teaspoon once a day.

the benefits of flaxseed oil

Prognosis for recovery

The prognosis for Dubreus melanosis is disappointing. In the absence of timely and high-quality therapy, the transformation of pathology into cancer is observed in 40-75% of cases. The process itself takes about 15 years, but sometimes it proceeds several times faster.

In 10% of cases, neoplasm cells metastasize to the skin. Such an outcome is very dangerous and in most situations leads to death.

Prevention Methods

After surgery, a patient with melanosis should be registered in the dispensary. In addition, he needs to regularly undergo an examination with an oncologist and a dermatologist, and take a number of tests.

Is it possible to prevent the development of Dubei melanosis on the face? Photos of patients with a similar diagnosis make you think about this issue. No specific preventive measures have been developed. However, doctors give several recommendations to minimize the risk of developing pathology.

First of all, it is necessary with all responsibility to approach sunbathing. The doctor recommends sunbathing before lunch or in the evening. In this case, it is necessary to use protective equipment for the skin (creams, lotions), avoid direct sunlight. It is better for people with fair skin to refuse to tan at all.

sunburn protection

The remaining rules of prevention come down to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eliminating addictions and stressful situations. These principles apply to all oncological pathologies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9758/

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