Meltwater: reviews, recipe for cooking at home, useful properties, tips for use

Many experts say that meltwater is the elixir of youth and health. Reviews of people only confirm this. A pure, high-quality product contains a minimum of deuterium and heavy water. Meltwater can provide the human body with invaluable benefits, regardless of the age of the consumer. It can cause harm only in case of an oversupply, as well as subject to a violation of manufacturing technology at home. In this article you can find out how to properly prepare melt water at home, with reviews about this product, useful properties and rules of use.

The benefits of consumption

If you properly prepare melt water, it will bring undoubted benefit to the human body, and this will be expressed in an accelerated exchange process, in getting rid of an allergic reaction of any kind. According to those who resorted to the help of amazing water, the product effectively fights against neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, removes toxins from the human body, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, improves performance, activates memory and improves sleep.

melted ice

The use of this product has a positive effect on the quality of blood, the work of the heart. At the same time, the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood are reduced. The use of water in the treatment of skin diseases, along with the treatment prescribed by the doctor, helps eliminate itching, hyperthermia, irritation on the fourth or third day of treatment. With all this, the transition time of the pathological condition to the regressive stage is accelerated.

If you believe the reviews, the use of pure melted ice inhibits the aging process of the human body. Liquid helps to activate metabolism, removes all harmful substances. All this helps to lose weight, as a result of which a person gently and gradually loses weight. That is why many people who want to get rid of excess mass include melted ice in their diet.

Structure after defrosting

As you already understood, meltwater is obtained from ice. While the liquid is at a negative temperature in the freezer, its structure changes. Specialists have proven that water is able to absorb information. To remove all bad information, to acquire the so-called energy purity, returning the original structure to the molecules, the water is frozen. Freezing water at freezing temperatures in the freezer, as well as subsequent defrosting, will help restore this energy purity. Thanks to such simple actions, the composition seems to be reset to zero, the initial state is restored at the water: informational, energetic, structural.

Below we will take a closer look at how to purify water at home. The use of this product in its pure form will contribute to the purification of blood in the human body. But what does purified blood give? It carries useful elements and substances throughout all systems and organs. Purified blood in the human body also helps to activate the immune process, regulate metabolism, cleanse blood vessels, activate the brain, and lower cholesterol. To start such processes, you should correctly use melt water, at least 1 cup per day. It is also very important to know how to purify water at home on your own.

the benefits of melt water

Water properties

Simple water after freezing and further thawing begins to change its structure. The molecules become much smaller, and in structure resemble the protoplasm of the cells of the human body. Due to this, they easily penetrate through cell membranes. As a result, all chemical reactions begin to accelerate in the human body.

Useful properties of this product are improved due to the fact that during the freezing process a heavy isotope is removed. It is in large quantities in the composition of tap water. Its presence negatively affects the cells of the human body, causing them irreparable harm. Even a small amount of the removed isotope from the water will help to heal the human body, stimulate important life processes, free up all energy reserves. Reviews of melt water by experts also indicate that it is considered a natural energy drink, significantly nourishes the body, saturating it with strength and health.

The main advantage of using melt water is its purity. The composition is completely absent salts, chlorides, isotopic molecules, as well as other dangerous compounds and substances.

How to drink melt water?

In the process of consumption of melt water, it is not necessary to draw up any specific schedules, there are no special recommendations. It is only necessary to take this liquid immediately after thawing it, when its temperature is about +10 degrees. It is necessary to drink in small sips, while retaining fluid in the mouth for a while. It is not recommended to add water to drinks, juices, decoctions. It should be consumed in pure form.

As a rule, it is taken on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up or before eating. But in the evening it should be drunk 1 hour before dinner. If you use melt water to treat a particular disease, then it is used inside 30 minutes before eating. The duration of treatment should be at least 1 month.

Thawed ice loses its useful properties after 12 hours. That is why you need to prepare water in ice molds regularly, observing all the rules for defrosting and freezing. Also, do not forget to remove the film from the surface, removing all harmful compounds. We will talk about how to properly freeze water in ice molds below.

pieces of ice in a glass

Cooking rules

The benefits of ice to the human body are simply invaluable. But how to cook melt water at home? It should be noted that this healing liquid is not just thawed water or thawed ice. It should be noted that ice and snow that is taken from the street or from the refrigerator, and then thawed, will not be considered melt water. Such a composition could rather be called a kind of bacterial bomb. The fact is that natural ice and snow in their composition contain a large amount of harmful impurities and dirt. The snow coat in the freezer may also contain harmful refrigerants, as well as many more dangerous substances. In addition, such a liquid has an unpleasant odor.

If you do not know how to freeze drinking water properly, do not be discouraged: at home it will be very simple to do. The container for freezing must not be used in glass, to avoid damage due to an increase in the amount of water during freezing. It should also be noted that a metal container is not suitable for these purposes. The effect of the interaction of frozen water with iron will be low. It is recommended for these purposes to use a plastic box or other plastic container with a wide neck. So, let's look at how to make the best drinking water:

  1. First, unfiltered liquid should be poured into a suitable container. For this, you can also use ordinary tap water, but provided that it has settled for 5-10 hours. It is best to select a container with a volume of 1 liter. In such a container, it will be more convenient to freeze the liquid, and the whole process will be faster. If one container is not enough, you can freeze several at once.
  2. So, we pour the liquid into the container, cover with a lid, send it to the freezer on a cardboard stand. Thanks to this, you can avoid freezing the container to the bottom of the freezer.
  3. How much does freezer water freeze? The first crust on the liquid will appear in an hour and a half. However, it will be an isotope that must be removed. Therefore, remove the crust of ice, after which we continue to freeze.
  4. After 6 hours, the liquid in the container should freeze to about a third of the volume. The water that has not frozen inside the ice must be carefully drained, splitting the ice. This is called light water. It contains the remaining chemical harmful compounds.
ice cubes

The ice that remains in the container must be melted naturally at room temperature, while it is not necessary to use forced heating. Fresh melt water is consumed after natural melting. The benefits of melt water to the human body remain for 8-12 hours from the time of defrosting.

Another freezing method

Each student knows how many degrees the water freezes - at 0. However, we will consider another method of preparing melt water, in which it will be necessary to bring it to a boil.

The recipe for melt water involves heating it to a temperature of +94 degrees. Then the liquid must be cooled quickly by installing a pot of water in a bowl of ice. The chilled composition is placed in the freezer, after which it is frozen completely. During defrosting, a non-melted piece of ice will remain in the central part, which in its composition contains all harmful components. Here it also should be deleted. The remaining water is ready to drink.

Is there any harm?

So, we have figured out how water freezes, how to prepare melt-up liquid, which is very beneficial for the body. However, is this product capable of causing any harm to humans? This can happen only when the technology of preparing a drink at home is disrupted. Also, melt water can cause harm to the body in case of improper use. If a specialist forbade the use of cold drinks, then you should carefully treat this technique. It is necessary to start drinking gradually, gradually lowering the temperature.

You should also pay attention to the fact that you can not completely switch to the use of melt water only. The human body must gradually adapt to fluids without harmful additives, impurities, salts and minerals. Reception is recommended to start with half a glass per day, gradually increasing this amount to 700 ml.

Also pay attention to the fact that melt water is by no means a medicine. You can not use only it to cure some disease. This liquid is only a good preventive and cleansing agent for the human body. In the process of therapy, the use of melt water increases the effectiveness of drugs, and also contributes to a speedy recovery, but nothing more. And even more so, this is not a panacea.

ice cubes

The path to youth

Meltwater in ancient centuries was actively used in order to refresh and cleanse the skin. In addition, this liquid has a rejuvenating effect. How does this happen? It is known that enzymes, special proteins, are responsible for the renewal of skin cells. They are activated only in a humid environment. Due to this, the rate of division of skin cells will directly depend on the amount of fluid drunk. However, with age, moisture in the skin becomes less and less, as a result of which elasticity begins to lose, peeling, wrinkles appear. This is considered a natural process that people cannot stop. But if you approach this problem correctly, then aging can be slowed down, for example, using structured melt water.

First of all, scientists advise to drink the required amount of liquid per day. This indicator can be calculated quite simply: 30 ml is multiplied by its own weight. Such a volume of water nourishes the skin with moisture, making it the most healthy, eliminates keratinization and peeling. In addition, as a result of drinking, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, redness and cracks disappear. Melt water is better absorbed by boiled or tap water. This has a positive effect on the whole body.

For washing

Many women prefer to use melt water for washing. But how will the liquid affect the human body in the case of this application? First of all, this should include the effect on appearance. Due to washing with melt cool water, the skin becomes the most toned and smooth. In addition, this method is ideal for combating puffiness. What do the reviews say about melt water? Thawed ice tones up, relieves drowsiness, gives a woman a feeling of freshness. Washing in the morning is an ideal way to tune in to work, study, cheer up.

Some cosmetologists recommend washing with structured water with the addition of small pieces of ice. It cleanses and tones the skin, and also hardens the entire body. As a result, a person becomes less susceptible to various colds due to a strengthened immune system. The skin after washing with melt water ceases to be in great need of various kinds of lotions, tonics and creams.

how to purify water at home

How to care for skin and hair with melt water?

Experts recommend washing with this liquid 1-2 times a day. Thus, you can refresh the skin, as well as slow down the aging process.

For this purpose, you can also prepare an infusion of chamomile, linden, string, rose petals, mint, calendula, nettle. A tablespoon of raw material is poured into 500 ml of water, after which it is infused for a couple of hours. After that, the liquid is filtered, and then the product is used as a solution for washing. It is necessary to wash yourself with such a therapeutic agent 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.

It is also allowed not to defrost water, but to use ice cubes to wipe the face, neck, and decollete. In addition, you can easily freeze herbal infusion, and then use it for such purposes.

It will be useful to rinse your hair with melt water after their usual shampooing. Thanks to this, according to reviews, curls will become more shiny, silky and strong.

Infusion of nettle, oak bark, celandine, which is made on the basis of melt water according to the above recipes, helps to strengthen hair, accelerates their growth. Such products can be used to rinse after each shampoo on an ongoing basis. In addition, herbal infusions will not lose their healing properties for 3 days after preparation.

Melt water therapy

As a result of various scientific studies, experiments, it was proved that structured melt water has a large number of positive, healing properties. Even our great-grandmothers washed their face with melt water, so their skin shone with youth without the use of various cosmetic creams. Some rinsed meltwater hair, making it more shiny, thick. Gardeners and gardeners use this product for irrigation, so that the seedlings give a richer harvest. Currently, therapy for melt water in a number of diseases is resuming. However, remember that the use of this tool is necessary in combination with the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

melt water recipe

Melted ice can remove toxins, bad cholesterol, stones and salts from the body. He is also able to normalize the activity of the heart. According to reviews, the brain improves if you regularly drink melt water. Muscles will be saturated with oxygen if you not only drink melt water, but also wash it. She perfectly relieves headaches. After reading the reviews, you can find out that many use this tool in the fight against hypertension. Melted ice is also used for therapy and for the prevention of vascular diseases.

Judging by the reviews, the regular use of such water will improve the condition of the body and give strength. Melt water is also used to reduce weight and strengthen energy, which reduces hunger. In parallel with all this, a person's mood becomes much better.

For weight loss

To reduce weight, you need to drink one glass of melted ice at a time. The number of glasses per day is 3. But you need to drink water one hour before eating. The first portion is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, about 1 hour before a meal. : , .

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Many say that melt water is a unique product that has a large number of beneficial properties for the body. It is very effective in combating facial wrinkles. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from the liquid, you must be able to properly prepare it at home. When using and drinking melt water, possible harm and contraindications should also be taken into account.


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