What does a chaste girl mean? Chastity and Virginity - The Difference

In our language, the proverb "take care of honor with the young." It can be interpreted in different ways. But always it will remain relevant for girls. Once you spoil your reputation with frivolous behavior, the consequences can be reaped for the rest of your life. Virginity and chastity - is there a difference between these concepts, and if so, what?

The term "chastity"

This concept implies primarily moral purity. Our contemporaries rarely think about their lifestyle. Girls, from a very young age, want to become more adult and for this purpose do not disdain in any way. Meetings with adult men, drinking alcohol, smoking, the desire to have the most modern gadgets and a passion for travel - can a girl with such life values ​​be called chaste?

Modern society has become so liberated and has lost the limits of morality that the term "chastity" has become somewhat humorous, cheeky. No one thinks about its true meaning. Many people replace the concept, considering the term "chastity" a synonym for the word "virginity". Allegedly, a chaste girl must be virgin. This is actually a myth.

chaste women

What qualities are characteristic of a chaste girl?

Nowadays, such a characteristic does not like many. But people thinking about their future will appreciate a chaste girl.

The following features are characteristic of her portrait:

  • Meekness. She will not praise herself in front of teachers or friends. It is better to prove your knowledge of the subject and the ability to learn directly in practice.
  • Seriousness to own promises and words. She does not throw phrases into the wind - she understands that "the word - not a sparrow, fly out - you will not catch."
  • Lack of bad habits. A chaste woman understands that a cigarette in her mouth and a glass of even the most expensive cocktail in a woman’s hand look caricatured and go. Such a lady is contemptible and may interest a man in his person only for short-term relationships.
  • Chastity is moral purity. Such people do not need to chase money and recognition. They live not by ghostly short-term goals, but by fundamental ones - by the family, the interests of the clan, science, altruism.
  • A chaste girl is characterized by charitable deeds. She helps animals, old people and children not for the sake of a beautiful gesture or the word "thank you". She does this at the behest of the soul.
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Religion to chastity

Many of our contemporaries, with the phrase "chastity is the purity of thoughts," or the like, immediately recall sects or religions of various kinds. This is a mistake; not always this concept has a similar subtext.

Any religions (whether Orthodoxy or Islam) do not welcome the cheeky and dissolute lifestyle. But is the desire to lead a decent life necessarily only under pain to violate the dogma of one's faith? Hundreds of thousands of women lead a chaste lifestyle, cherish their honor not under the yoke of mythical commandments, but because of their attitude.

raising girls

What does “chaste girl” mean from the point of view of Orthodoxy? She not only observes herself with respect to men, but also observes fasts, regularly takes communion, knows and studies the Word of God, confesses to Father Batyushka.

Is a chaste girl good or bad? The answer to this question is unequivocal. Family and school should instill in the girl self-esteem, respect for elders, altruism and a correct understanding of the concept of "chastity."

Which girl is considered virgin

The concept of virginity is slightly different from the above. This is a medical term. The hymen is an obstacle that arises before the very first sexual intercourse in the life of every girl. After its violation, we can say that virginity is lost.

This can happen only once in a lifetime. After this moment, the girl becomes a woman. In secular society, it is generally accepted that the status of a “female” is acquired by a female only after she becomes a mother. The points of view on this issue may be different.

can a girl be chaste

Is virginity a disadvantage or an advantage?

The decisive moment in this matter is the age of the female. Of course, if the age is more than twenty-five years, the hymen becomes a problem and a source of complexes. Everything should happen in due time. If there is a constant partner, mutual love between a guy and a girl, then there is nothing scary in the act of love. On the contrary, it will become a source of joy and happiness for both partners.

Both parents should be engaged in the upbringing of the girl. It is impossible to instill proper self-esteem, to value oneself and to honor one's honor in the face of constant family scandals. Very rarely, a chaste girl can leave a troubled family where drunk scandals and assault are the norm.

secular concept of chastity

If a girl grows in a family ...

Then both parents should make every effort to teach her chaste behavior and instill a healthy self-esteem. Nowadays, due to the difficult economic situation in the country and the loss of the value of family status, children grow like a “weed”. They are left to their own devices, walk on the streets without adult supervision and draw information from the Internet about the darkest aspects of adult life. Can a girl grow up in such a chaste environment?

The main value was money and financial well-being. Young girls look at the behavior of their peers, start smoking and drinking, meeting with boys not for the sake of feelings, but for the sake of false prestige. For the sake of the new iPhone, they are ready for literally anything. And so we make their world - adults. How can they grow in such an environment? And then on TV, people are surprised at the next program "Let them talk" about a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl who gave birth to twins.

which girl can be called chaste

Virginity and Chastity: The Difference

"Virginity" is a physical concept. And "chastity" is spiritual. This is the main difference.

The spiritual world of every person can be beautiful, or it can be ugly. Greed, envy, money-grubbing, betrayal - these qualities suit in the soul of every person a personal hell during his lifetime. Without having a conversation in a religious vein, even from the point of view of the philistine kitchen psychology, each of us recognizes that these qualities are destructive.

What does “chaste girl” mean in terms of secular society? Honest, kind, without evil intentions, always ready to lend a helping hand to one's neighbor. Only a dim-witted person, having heard this word, begins to giggle and imagine indecent scenes from all known films. A good education, a decent family and social circle, high-quality cinema have a beneficial effect on the upbringing of girls and help them grow up as chaste and whole-hearted individuals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9765/

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