How to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries: gardening tips

Gooseberry berries have a bright, unique taste and contain a huge amount of vitamin C. The appearance of a white coating on a shrub can indicate the presence of powdery mildew on the plant. This type of fungus develops rapidly, infecting other plants, and in the end can destroy them. Therefore, you should learn how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries and when to prevent.

How to recognize powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a spherococcus fungus that spreads through spores, entering the vegetation from neighboring plants that are ill with them. It affects not only gooseberries, but also currants, cucumbers and other crops. Wet weather and a temperature of 17-28 degrees contribute to its development.

how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries

The main sign of powdery mildew is a whitish-gray coating on the fruits and leaves. It is quite thin and similar to dust at the beginning of the disease, but over time it becomes denser, begins to blacken. On the surface of the leaf, small balls of brown color appear - these are the fruiting bodies of the spherical mushroom. Powdery mildew can be seen already during the period of plant blooming, then on ripening berries and new shoots.

How powdery mildew spreads

Leaves that become sick begin to dry out, and the processes become curved at the ends, darken and die. Most often, the disease affects the leaves and shoots that are near the ground. But over time, the infection rises gradually higher and infects the entire plant. If you do not figure out how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries, if berries have already appeared, then they will crack and rot.

gooseberry powdery mildew how to fight

In winter, the sphere library is located on the tops of the gooseberry shoots of the current year. Favorable conditions contribute to the development of the fungus, during which an active release of spores occurs. Further, the disease spreads throughout the plant, inhibiting its vital activity. Affected bushes become crooked and stop in development. You should fight with powdery mildew, both on gooseberries, currants, and other plants that are susceptible to this disease.

Factors affecting the development of powdery mildew

Powdery powdery mildew begins to spread at high humidity in warm weather. The most favorable conditions for its growth is moderate air temperature, while the humidity should be about 90%. During hot days, when the thermometer shows values โ€‹โ€‹above 28 degrees, the fungus slows down its development and begins to die.

The degree of development of powdery mildew is highly dependent on the climate in the season when it appears on the plant. This is due to weather conditions, which may vary over several years. In the period from two to three days to a week, the disease affects all young growths and ovaries. In a hot year, when there is little rain, spores of the fungus develop poorly, so summer residents can enjoy a rich harvest of gooseberries.

The spread of powdery mildew is influenced by such factors:

ยท The use of some soil leavening agents for growing plants;

ยท Distance between gooseberry bushes;

Excessive watering, etc.

Powdery mildew faster and more abundantly affects plants that grow in low places of the garden. The soil breathes worse there, and water also collects in the lowlands, which is ideal for the fungus to develop.

powdery mildew on gooseberries

Summer residents themselves can also provoke outbreaks of the disease on their vegetation. They can heavily fill gooseberry bushes, and also use dark materials as mulch. When using such agrotechnical methods, the humidity and air temperature immediately near the plant increase, which favorably affects the fungus and its reproduction.

Also, the cause of the disease may be some insects. Leaves that have been eaten or dried out become the most vulnerable to the fungus. The appearance of a large number of shoots can cause excessive thinning and incorrect pruning.

How to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries

In order to get rid of powdery mildew, first of all, you need to cut off all the diseased parts and burn them. If this is not done, then a large number of malicious spores will accumulate on them, in the spring they will infect new branches, as well as other shrubs. It is important to know how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries. In case of illness, plants are treated with fungicides at least a month before harvest.

Why powdery mildew appears

Powdery mildew spores are always found in the soil. They are found extremely rarely, because they begin to manifest themselves only in certain conditions. In sunny and warm weather, good watering and nourishment of plants, the fungus in rare cases can affect the bush. When the temperature drops to 12-15 degrees, which lasts for some time, powdery mildew actively begins to manifest itself.

So, we highlight the main factors that contribute to the infection of plants:

ยท Damp, cool weather with high humidity of about 80%;

ยท Excessive nitrogen content in the earth;

ยท Too densely planted plants;

ยท The soil was initially very dry, and then flooded with water;

ยท Watering the plant occurs even if the top layer of the earth has not dried up after the previous irrigation.

Such conditions are favorable for fungal spores, in which case they wake up and can infect other plants. It is worth noting that they are able to be fairly quickly transported by wind or water. Another variant of their distribution is the clothes and skin of the gardener, which, in contact with an infected plant, transfers the disease to a healthy one.

What activities are carried out in the fight against fungus

It is easiest to take preventative measures in time than to deal with the treatment of gooseberries with powdery mildew. Strict implementation of certain rules will help to get a good berry crop. They begin to fight powdery mildew on gooseberries, both in autumn and early spring.

Measures to combat fungus are divided into:

ยท Agrotechnical;

ยท Natural and chemical products for external processing;

ยท Preventive methods.

gooseberry powdery mildew how to fight in the spring

Such measures are aimed at improving the plant's own protective capabilities, as well as at the fastest maturation of their integumentary tissues.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid the appearance of powdery mildew it is necessary:

ยท Periodically thin out plants;

ยท Tear off the lower leaves, as they are in contact with the ground;

ยท Water the plants when the ground is well-dried;

ยท Do not get involved in nitrogen fertilizers;

ยท Feed plants with potassium phosphorus mixtures.

how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries in autumn

In early spring, before the trees open their buds, gooseberries are poured with boiling water. Spend this procedure instantly using a watering can. Branches are completely doused, not lingering on one of their sections. Such rapid exposure to boiling water will not harm the plant, but powdery mildew spores will die. You can also use a household steam cleaner.

Powdery Mildew Treatment

To effectively cure the disease, the mycelium and spores of the fungus should be removed.

How to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries?

ยท Stop all kinds of spraying;

ยท Do not feed those gooseberry bushes where the fungus is already showing;

ยท Make as much as possible better lighting of plants;

ยท Thin out planted bushes, get rid of dried leaves and branches;

ยท In plants planted in pots, you need to update the topsoil;

ยท Water or sprinkle gooseberries and the earth around it with a fungus.

You can use special tools or self-made substances.

How to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries with folk remedies

Soda ash emulsion:

ยท Liquid soap - 5 grams;

ยท Soda ash - 25 grams;

ยท Hot water - 5 liters.

It is necessary to add soda ash to hot water and stir the composition until it is completely dissolved, gradually adding liquid soap there. After the mixture has cooled, treat gooseberry bushes and the soil located near them (its upper layer). The procedure should be done at least 2 times every week.

how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries if berries have already appeared

Horsetail broth:

ยท Fresh grass of horsetail - 100 grams;

ยท Water - 1 liter.

The plant is placed in the water for a day. After which it is boiled for 2 hours. When the broth cools down, it is filtered from grass. Store the infusion in a cool place, away from sunlight and light for a week. Before applying the product, it must be diluted with water 1: 5. Treat gooseberry bushes every 5 days, doing the procedure 3-4 times.

Sulphate soap emulsion:

  • soap - 50 grams;
  • vitriol - 5 grams;
  • water - 5 liters.

Dissolve vitriol and soap in different glasses with warm water. Then both means are combined, gradually pouring vitriol into a soap solution, constantly stirring the resulting mixture. Prepared means treat diseased plants 2-3 times every 7 days.

Powdery Mildew Chemicals

Topaz fungicide, which is often used in the treatment of various fungal infections, is the most commonly used tool by gardeners. Its main active ingredient is penconazole. For spraying gooseberries, dissolve 1 ampoule in 10 liters of water and in 5 liters - for flowers. Apply only a fresh solution, evenly distributing it throughout the plant. Processed every 2 weeks, since its protective properties after this time ends. Topaz is dangerous to fish and is moderately toxic to humans and animals.

Tilt KE is a systemic fungicide that is used as a medicine and prophylaxis of the fungus. The active ingredient is propiconazole. It is a concentrated emulsion. The tool is able to suppress the formation of spores of the fungus, which prevents the development of the disease. It can enter the plant tissue, which makes it moisture resistant. It has a high duration of action, at elevated temperatures, the effectiveness of the drug is enhanced.

The emulsion is prepared shortly before processing at a concentration of 0.4-0.5 ml. per liter of water. It should not be used at temperatures above 29 degrees and humidity less than 60%. The product protects plants for about 3 weeks, and a noticeable result occurs after 2 hours. The drug poses a danger to fish and bees.

Powdery Mildew Weaknesses

Before fighting powdery mildew on gooseberries, it should be borne in mind that the disease is fungal in nature. 3 methods of plant treatment are used: agrotechnical, chemical, and also agrochemical. When using the first method, it is necessary to immediately cut off the places of accumulation of the fungus, and also to do the planned pruning of shoots before and at the end of the growing season of the plant. It is better to do preliminary prevention of such a phenomenon as powdery mildew of gooseberries. It is not early to fight the disease in the spring, with the arrival of heat, you need to begin to free the bushes from damaged and old branches, and the earth from last year's foliage.

how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries and currants

It should be borne in mind that fungi form spores 2 times a year. Therefore, gooseberries need to be processed before and after flowering, and also when autumn comes. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, generously watering the entire plant and the soil under it. To do this, use a broad spectrum sprayer, carefully irrigating the wrong side of the gooseberry leaves. Before you fight powdery mildew on gooseberries, you need to remove the affected areas before processing the plant.

If the shoots are correctly formed, they will be strong and will be able to withstand powdery mildew. Gooseberries should be fed with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Avoid the use of nitrogen fertilizing, they inhibit the growth of shoots, which leads to their defeat by the fungus. If a large area with plants is damaged, then you need to use strong chemicals.

Start fighting powdery mildew, both on gooseberries and other plants, should be with the onset of spring. Using natural methods or chemicals, bushes should be regularly treated with them. Also experienced gardeners recommend timely treatment of the disease and its periodic prevention. It is necessary to combat powdery mildew on gooseberries, both in June and in autumn, after the completion of the active growth of the plant.


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