Wormwood from fleas is a time-tested remedy!

As you know, fleas start not only in dirty rooms. There are many reasons why they appear in our houses and apartments. In addition, fleas are a real headache for all owners of domestic cats and dogs! But this is not about that. In the framework of this article, we will tell you about one unique folk method of combating these parasites and find out how wormwood helps against fleas.

wormwood from fleas

Checked by time!

Ever since the most ancient times, when people had no idea how to remove parasites from their home, they used simple means at hand. Among them is wormwood. From fleas is the most reliable tool! Therefore, in the house of any peasant it was possible to observe brooms of wormwood, hung under the ceiling. By the way, the β€œaromas” of this plant not only scare fleas, but are also an excellent repellent from ticks, domestic moths and cockroaches.

How to deal with fleas using wormwood?

The first way, lightweight

Before you use flea wormwood , in a house or apartment you need to wet clean by placing small bouquets of this healing grass under the mattresses and under all pillows. Change the wormwood for fresh until the parasites leave your home.

The second way, complicated

Wormwood from fleas is an extremely unique repeller! Her hateful smell makes bulging eyes parasites run away from your home! We recommend that you wash the floors at home with a decoction of wormwood. To do this, take two large spoons of leaves and pour them with two glasses of boiling water. We insist about a quarter of an hour (half an hour is also possible). Then we merge the resulting broth, dissolving in it half of the laundry soap, which is known for its repellent properties in relation to certain parasites. The resulting mixture is poured into a bucket of warm water and thoroughly wet.

Do not be lazy to thoroughly moisten the floors in the house, especially in the cracks, on the baseboards. After the cleaning is finished, we put wormwood from fleas under the entrance door mat, under sofas and beds.

wormwood from fleas in the house

To help your pet!

For each of us who keeps a pet in his house, the presence of fleas in the apartment is a real problem. Of course, you can buy special chemicals against parasites such as shampoos and collars for animals. But you can go the simple way and drive out the fleas with proven folk remedies! How to do it?

All the same decoction of wormwood from fleas is just a wonderful tool that allows you to protect your pet from these parasites. It is necessary to prepare a traditional remedy: take a tablespoon of herbs and pour boiling water over it. Give a little insist, and then rub into the hair of a domestic cat or dog.

In addition, the plant can be put under the mat of the pet. Believe me, your pet will thank you!

flea wormwood broth

Miracle grass

Wormwood is truly a magical tool in the fight against fleas! Especially well, it helps city dwellers. For example, many neglected houses of large megacities (for example, Moscow) are literally teeming with fleas, bugs and other muck, which successfully propagates in basements. It is wormwood that will help to cope with these problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9775/

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