The best smoking patch: reviews

For many centuries, humanity has been faced with the phenomenon of smoking. Nicotine addiction is one of the most acute problems for human health and the environment. Almost every person in his life tried to smoke cigarettes, but some were able to abandon this addiction in time. Others continue to smoke to this day.

Smoking problem

At present, in Russia the largest number of cigarettes per day is smoked by men (about one pack per day).

There are fewer women who face nicotine addiction in our country. However, about 42 million Russians smoke every day.

The data provided in these statistics is terrifying! A person uses the first cigarette as a child, aged 11 to 15 years. At the same time, his bad habit immediately becomes addicted. At this stage, the child is affected by many factors, such as poor company, the pursuit of increasing authority among peers.

Smoking in childhood

The next stage at which a person may be tempted to start smoking is the university. Coming to a new team, a person wants to somehow stand out, find common topics for conversation, so he follows the crowd and begins to smoke.

Students smoking

The negative side of nicotine addiction

If we talk about the changes that can be observed after a long abuse of smoking, then, first of all, this is a deterioration in overall health. A person becomes weak and inactive because his organ systems work much worse.

Nicotine negatively affects tooth enamel, stimulates the development of caries, gum disease. If you smoke for many decades, then at the end of life, a person has a reduced chance of preserving teeth.

The result of tobacco smoking is the appearance in a person of bad breath from his hands, skin, hair, sweat and clothes.

As for the skin, there is inflammation, premature aging, loss of moisture and elasticity. Nails also deteriorate. They turn yellow from exposure to nicotine, which gets both from the body and due to holding a cigarette.

Diseases Arising from Smoking

Nicotine settles on all structures of the respiratory system. The vocal cords begin to close worse, as a result of which there is a change in timbre, a decrease in voice. These consequences are most important for people whose voice is their work tool. If we continue to observe the speech apparatus, then a plaque of nicotine deposits is observed in the tongue.

The lungs are most affected. On all their structures (bronchi, bronchioles) there is a layer of nicotine. The consequence of this is impaired breathing in general. With intense walking or running, shortness of breath appears.

Smoking affects the cardiovascular system. First of all, blood vessels suffer. They become fragile due to constant narrowing.

The consequence of this can be diseases such as vitriol, varicose veins, stroke, heart attack, heart disease. For the heart, smoking is definitely negative. Excessive loads are placed on him that change his work. The pulse quickens and the heart wears out faster.

As a result of smoking, oxygen starvation occurs in the body, which also affects the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Smoking and lung cancer

The result of smoking is cancer. It can occur in the oral cavity. It can be cancer of the lips and gums, cheeks or tongue. He can go down the trachea to the vocal cords and lungs.

Also, cancer can occur not only in the cardiovascular or respiratory system, it can be cancer of any internal organs, because, getting into the bloodstream, components of a cigarette kill the body.

Lungs' cancer

Ways to quit smoking

By citing statistics, we can again see that each smoker on average tries to quit smoking five to seven times. Each attempt fails, because smoking is highly addictive.

There are many ways to end a bad habit once and for all. Each time, certain factors interfere with the person, any stress can lead the person to take a break and smoke. There are many temptations, for example, at work, during a break, people leave their offices for a smoke break. At any holidays and events, one smoking person can lead many people who are at the stage of getting rid of a bad habit.

Smoke break in the office

One of the most modern and effective ways to get rid of addiction at the moment is the nicotine patch. In modern pharmaceutical production, there are many types of adhesives. At least five high-performance new models are released each year. And yet, which patch is better for smoking, according to consumer reviews?

The mechanism of the patch

The main mechanism of the operation of the patches against smoking can be described as follows. In a person with stable long-term dependence, a certain level of nicotine in the blood is observed. When it is lowered, there is a desire to make up for it, that is, to smoke. The patches replace this missing level from cigarettes with the components that are in it. Therefore, the body does not cause severe stress.

In simple terms, the positive effect of nicotine is redirected to ensure that a person smokes fewer cigarettes per day.

The use of a nicotine patch takes a long time, but it greatly increases the chances that a person will completely quit smoking, and is unlikely to return to this habit again.

A certain part of nicotine, which is contained in the patch itself, gradually enters the blood of a person during the day. The dosage may be different, it all depends on how long and how much you smoke. Usually, if a person smokes an average of 5-10 cigarettes per day, then it is enough for him to apply the patch daily, change at a specific time of the day. In this case, only one patch is used for 12-16 hours. At night, the body needs to be given a break.

To give up smoking

Use of nicotine patch

Naturally, the patch is a drug, so before any use it is necessary to discuss this issue with a specialist. Contact a narcologist, he will give you exact recommendations for use.

Most often, women tend to quit smoking at the moment when they are in a position or tend to become pregnant. At this time, you need to be most careful with the nicotine patch, because a change in the level of a substance in the blood also affects the health and condition of the body. By sharply lowering or raising it, you can come to disappointing consequences, so be sure to contact your doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe you a patch with the lowest dosage, which will not harm the body of the mother and child, but at the same time help to abandon the bad habit.

Smoking during pregnancy

If you abruptly decide to quit smoking, then doing this is undesirable. This venture will lead to a breakdown and a return to the cigarette. This will happen because the habit has been developed for years, a certain dependence arises. For this, an anti-smoking patch is just what is needed. In this situation, after giving up the first cigarette, after 7 hours, the concentration of nicotine in the blood reaches its minimum. At this point, a nicotine patch enters the work, which compensates for the amount of substance. At the same time, the person does not have a desire to go for a smoke, because his central nervous system was sent a signal that there is enough nicotine in the blood and smoking is not necessary. Having decided on the need to get rid of addiction, a person wonders which smoking patch is better? Reviews will help to understand this issue. We will talk about them later.

Rules for using the patch

How to use the tool:

  1. Before applying any nicotine patch, you must consult a doctor. To learn about the patch from smoking, which is better, you can read the reviews of those who used them.
  2. Make sure you are not allergic to the patch.
  3. Find a clean area of ​​your body that has the least hair. Most often this is the forearm or collarbone. If there is too much vegetation on the body, shave a small area. The patch does not take up much space, and then the hair will certainly grow back.
  4. Before using the patch, remove the protective film and place the product on the area of ​​your choice. Press it and make sure that the patch is well attached and will not change its position during the day.
  5. After you use the patch, wash the place of attachment well with soap and antiseptic.
  6. Remember to remove the product before showering.
  7. Be sure to remove the patch after its life and replace it with a new one. Do not leave it overnight.
  8. Remember, the same piece cannot be reused.
  9. When gluing the nicotine patch, use a new place to achieve a better effect.
  10. Before use, carefully read the instructions. Check out contraindications and possible side effects.

The best smoking patches

To date, the market leader is the nicotine patch Nicorette. It is about him the most positive reviews. There are several types of this tool. All of them are divided by the amount of nicotine that is contained in it. However, it may also vary in form. It depends on where you want to attach it and what is the area of ​​contact.

Nicotine patch

What are the advantages of Nicorette, for example, over the Nikvitin smoking patch? First of all, it is that it can be left on the skin from several hours to a day. It all depends on the time of action, which is indicated in the instructions. In addition, it does not need to be changed during the day. It is also translucent and not visible on the skin. In the reviews of the Nicorette smoking patch, people noticed a tangible effect, many reduced the number of cigarettes smoked on the way to quitting smoking.


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