An effective set of exercises for morning exercises: description and recommendations

Morning exercise is one of the most useful habits. It allows you to quickly wake up, promotes a positive mood and a charge of vivacity for the whole day. Enough 10-20 minutes to perform simple movements that can protect against the occurrence of various diseases. In the article, we will consider what exercises for morning exercises should be performed daily, and we will give useful recommendations.

The rules of morning gymnastics

First you need to carry out hygiene procedures and then proceed to morning exercises. Even if the body and brain refuse to wake up.

Already a couple of minutes after the morning exercises, the body feels a surge of vigor, and the brain is ready for mental activity. With regular exercise, charging will quickly become a habit.

Execution Rules:

  1. There is no need to spend a lot of time on gymnastics. If it lasts a long time, then instead of waking up, you will get the opposite result - fatigue. The optimal charging time is no more than 20 minutes.
  2. It is good if, in addition to warming up, exercises will help achieve personal goals. For example, when working out problem areas, if it’s the abdomen, you can spend five minutes on the abs, if your buttocks should be included in the training, squats and lunges.
  3. One of the main rules of morning exercises is systematic. Even on days when you especially want to sleep. You need to overcome yourself, get up and do the exercises.

Often, starting with regular gymnastics, people get involved in sports and a healthy lifestyle. In the presence of any disease, it is necessary to do the exercises recommended by the attending physician, alleviating the symptoms and eliminating pain and discomfort.

Gymnastics training

All exercises for morning exercises can be divided into two groups: warm-up and active. The latter variety includes running, jumping or dancing movements.

morning gymnastics exercise table

For more productive gymnastics, it is recommended to adhere to the following preparatory rules:

  1. A better awakening is facilitated by sipping in bed. This reflex activates the body and stretches the muscles well. Stretch, bend and straighten your legs, make rotational movements of the feet.
  2. It is good if you can do exercises in the air or near an open window.
  3. You need to wash yourself with cold water - this is a great start for the hardening procedure. After some time, you can switch to a contrast shower, and then to a cold shower.
  4. Wiping with a hard towel not only helps to wake up quickly, but also serves as a kind of massage.
  5. After the morning shower, it is better to abandon lotions and body creams.
  6. All exercises should be performed in strict sequence from the head to the ankle.

Warm up

The complex of exercises of morning gymnastics necessarily begins with a warm-up. It helps to tune, warms up the muscles, preparing them for the load.

Start warming up from the head, gradually moving to the legs. Perform each exercise 3-5 times:

  • slowly rotate the head first clockwise, and then against it;
  • alternating head tilts left and right, back and forth.
  • Circular movements with arms bent at the elbow, holding hands at the shoulders;
  • swings with straightened arms: one above, one below and vice versa;
  • circular movements with straightened arms clockwise and against it;
  • standing straight, stretch up on toes, lower your heels to the floor;
  • swing back with an extended leg, forward, bending at the knee;
  • rotational movements of the pelvis;
  • springy lifts on toes;
  • rotation of the feet with the emphasis on toes on the floor.
neck exercises

For neck, head and torso

This is the next group of morning exercises. The main rule is no jerking and sudden movements, breathing is calm. Each exercise is repeated 6-8 times:

  1. Rest your left hand in the ear from the same side. Straining the muscles of the neck, press the head, overcoming the resistance of the arm. Repeat on the other side.
  2. For stretching the lateral muscles of the body. Stand straight, feet apart shoulder width apart, fingers closed in lock. On inspiration, the body is tilted to one side, on the exhalation they return to the starting position, then again on the inspiration, the tilt is in the opposite direction.
  3. Rotation of the pelvis. Stand straight, hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Begin to make rotational movements of the pelvis clockwise and against it.
  4. Slopes. Stand straight, back straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms raised above head. On exhalation, the body is tilted forward until a right angle is formed. The position is fixed for a couple of seconds and returned to its original position.
  5. Sit on the floor, perform deep bends to the sides, one hand in front or on the belt, the other above the head parallel to the floor.
  6. Turns the body left and right with the simultaneous execution of the exercise "scissors" with your hands.
morning hygienic gymnastics

For arms, shoulders and legs

The systematic implementation of a set of exercises for morning exercises will surely give results in the form of an active start to the day, a surge of strength, a good mood.

We proceed to the following movements, repeating each 5-8 times:

  1. Hands are spread apart, small circles begin to describe in the air, gradually increasing amplitude. Then the movements are performed in the opposite direction, reducing the radius.
  2. Exercises for legs begin with lifts on socks, up and down.
  3. Standing straight, with your hands resting on the belt, one leg is torn off the floor, bent at the knee and begin to make hips in one direction, then in the other direction.
  4. Squats with straight arms without taking your heels off the floor.
  5. Alternate swings back with straight legs and then bent at the knee joint.
  6. Alternating lunges forward on the leg bent at the knee.

For the back

All the exercises presented for the back are performed on the gymnastic mat:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, stop with your feet on the floor. On inhalation, the pelvis is lifted up, straining the buttocks, the position is fixed for several seconds and on the exhale slowly lowered to its original position. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  2. Lying on his stomach, legs straightened, arms extended forward. On inhalation, raise the upper and lower extremities, the position must be held for a couple of seconds and as you exhale slowly lower to the floor. In order not to create additional strain on the neck, it is better not to raise your head during the exercise.
pelvic lift

Gymnastics for children: a set of exercises

Morning exercises for children, as well as adults, are recommended to be performed in the morning, immediately after waking up. But if the child resists, there is no need to force him. Try gymnastics during the day.

Exercises are repeated 5-8 times:

  1. Standing straight, arms spread apart and connect a deep breath above your head. As you exhale, lean forward.
  2. Calm walking in place with a concomitant hand movement.
  3. Feet shoulder width apart, arms resting on the sides. Perform head bends alternately in different directions.
  4. Standing straight, legs together, performed with the arms. One is above, the other is below. With a sharp movement, one hand drops, the other rises.
  5. The body tilts in different directions alternately.
  6. Legs are straightened, shoulder width apart. With raised hands make inclines, forward touching the floor with brushes.
  7. Hands at chest level, bent at the elbows, palms locked. Begin to rotate the body left and right.
  8. Do squats without taking off the floor of the heels.
  9. Starting position - standing straight, legs spaced shoulder-width apart, arms extended in front of you. Proceed to the swinging legs. The fingers of the left foot should touch the palm of the right hand and vice versa.
  10. Position - lying on your back, feet are under support. The hull lifts to a seated position.
  11. Jumping on one leg in turn.
  12. Walking in place at a steady pace.
  13. Standing straight, hands in front raise up above the head on inhalation and lower down on the exhale through the sides.
exercises for children

For a growing organism, an active lifestyle, as well as morning exercises, is of great importance. The exercises for children discussed above help the child wake up faster, which affects his positive mood. Movements awaken muscles, activate blood flow. This has a positive effect on the physical condition of the baby. Charging should take place in a calm, friendly atmosphere.

Morning exercises: breathing exercises

Active ventilation of the lungs and other tissues during muscle load plays a big role for the body. Therefore, it is so important, when making movements, to breathe correctly. It is also necessary to perform simple exercises from time to time for the same purpose. In everyday life, we do not breathe fully. For example, most often only the chest and the upper part of the diaphragm work, and the lower one remains unused.

The benefits of breathing exercises:

  1. Prevention of tissue hypoxia and the body as a whole.
  2. An increase in lung volume. Sanitation of the respiratory system.
  3. Speeding up metabolic processes.
  4. Improving the color and condition of the skin.
  5. Stabilization of nervous processes due to brain nutrition (nervous tension decreases, headaches go away).
  6. Muscle tone improves, fat is burned.
morning exercises breathing exercises

Introducing simple exercises for morning breathing exercises:

  1. Position: standing or in bed. Take a deep breath with your nose, exhale noisily with your mouth and draw in your stomach, hold your breath for 5 seconds. To relax. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Position: standing or in bed. Perform 5 deep breaths. On the last exhale, hold your breath and strain and relax your abdominal muscles 5 times. Repeat 5 times.

Using the following breathing exercises, you can recharge your batteries and cheer up:

  • take a lotus position on a rug or on a bed;
  • put the index finger on the bridge of the nose;
  • exhale air with your mouth;
  • pinch the right nostril, inhale the left;
  • hold your breath for 6-8 seconds;
  • pinch the left nostril, exhale the air with the right side;
  • now inhale the right nostril, hold your breath for 8-10 seconds, rearrange the finger, exhale the left side.

Summary table

It is important to do exercises in the morning after waking up. During the night, blood flow slows down, the pulse decreases, as a result, the human reaction and brain activity are inhibited. A complex of simple movements accelerates the process of activation of all life processes. Imagine the simple exercises of morning exercises in the table below. She will help you quickly navigate and not miss anything.

ExerciseThe approachesExecution technique
Head tilts5-6 repsStarting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms on the belt. Slow head tilts left - right - forward - backward. At the expense of time - head first; on the count of two - back; to the count of three - to the left; to account four - to the right
Rotational head movements8 times in each directionStarting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms on the belt. Head rotation left - right
Elbow rotation back and forth8 times in each directionStarting position - feet shoulder width apart, fingers on shoulders
Warm up brushes10-15 revolutionsHands in the lock - and rotate until we feel that the ligaments are completely relaxed.
Hand exercise - β€œscissors”16-20 timesStarting position - feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. It is carried out in front of itself parallel and perpendicular to the floor.
Torso forward16-20 timesStarting position - legs apart. With an exhalation, lean forward, with a sigh, return to its original position. Do not bend your knees.
Body turns6-8 repsStarting position - standing, hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart, feet turned upside down with socks. Turn the case left and right 2 times to the score from 1 to 8.
Muscle exercise5-6 repsStarting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. On the count of times - hands forward and up - bend back, look up; on the count of two - lean forward (do not bend your knees) - touch the floor with your hands; on the count of three - crouch on the whole foot, straight back, arms forward; at the count of four - the starting position.
Torsion16-20 timesStarting position - legs wider than shoulders, arms in front of the chest "locked", elbows to the sides at shoulder level. "Twisting" the body along the longitudinal axis. Alternately perform the exercise left - right
Circular rotation of the pelvis5-7 repsStarting position - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders. Perform circular rotations, first left to the count one-two-three-four, then to the right - five-six-seven-eight
Warm up for knee joints5-7 repsStarting position - standing, legs wider than shoulders, crouched a little, hands on knees, keep your back straight. Knees are reduced-bred at the expense of one-two-three-four
Leaning forward5-7 repsStarting position - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms down. For each leg we do 2 springy slopes. At the expense of 1–4, we bend forward, then towards one leg, at the expense of 5–8 - forward, towards the other leg. Straightened, hands on the belt, slightly bent back
Kicks16 timesStarting position is standing. Swing legs with arms extended forward (alternately) and touching the tip of the palms with the toe
Two-leg squats20 timesStarting position is standing. On the count of times - we squat, on the count of two - we return to the starting position
Push ups20 timesStarting position - emphasis lying. Bend your elbows, lowering the body to parallel with the floor, and then, straining the body, slowly straighten your arms, returning to its original position
Running on the spot1-2 minutes

After completing the exercises of morning hygienic gymnastics, you can make a short run, start hardening or other wellness procedures.


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