Delicious vegetable dishes - recipes, cooking features and reviews

Only the lazy did not hear about the benefits of vegetables. It is a source of fiber and vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, they are just very tasty. Therefore, vegetables should be on your table every day. Specialists in the field of healthy nutrition recommend eating at least 800 grams of fresh and cooked vegetables every day. This allows you to reduce the calorie intake and improve the absorption of nutrients.

cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms

Harmony of tastes

Meat and fish are the most useful products that our body needs, as they are a source of protein. But try to eat only them. As a result, you get digestive problems. Dishes from vegetables in this regard look even more attractive. They act as an ideal side dish, as well as a full meal. The absence of animal protein is compensated by a large amount of plant, fiber and other useful elements.

Choice Options

A wide range of dishes is prepared from vegetables by almost all methods of heat treatment. Vegetable dishes have high nutritional value. With each serving, a person receives healthy, slow carbohydrates, which are spent on the needs of the body.

The calorie content of vegetables is low, which allows them to be widely used in diet food. This is well known to the fair sex, as they periodically arrange fasting days for themselves. Adding milk and cottage cheese, butter and sauces to them, you get the opportunity to regulate nutrition and calorie content. Dishes from vegetables can be prepared on the basis of one or a mixture thereof. They combine perfectly with cereals. Vegetables can be cooked and fried, stewed and stewed. Various sauces complement them perfectly. Vegetable dishes are served with butter and cream cheese, mayonnaise and other favorite additives.

The choice of nutritionists

Cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms is notable for low time costs. Put out zucchini much faster than cooking lamb or beef. But among all cooking methods, nutritionists emphasize the usefulness of steam dishes. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a double boiler, and most importantly, accustom yourself to a new taste. Having tried steamed broccoli for the first time , you are unlikely to be delighted with it. But this method of preparation allows you to maintain an attractive appearance of the product and all the useful properties.

dishes and side dishes from vegetables

Alternative cooking method

If there is no double boiler, this is not a reason to refuse vegetables. Dishes and side dishes from them are excellent in a conventional pan. The main thing is to follow a number of rules, which we will now talk about.

  • Almost all vegetables except beets, green peas and carrots should be dipped in boiling, slightly salted water. About 10 g will be required per liter of water
  • For cooking, use sufficient water. For 1 kg of food, approximately 800 ml of water will be required.
  • After the vegetables have boiled, you need to reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Then the water will not evaporate, and the products will boil faster.
  • Delicate spinach leaves, bean pods and asparagus need to be boiled in plenty of water, this can help avoid color loss.
  • If the vegetables are frozen, then they are immersed in water directly from the freezer.

Easy slicing

Now let's look at the recipes. Simple and tasty dishes from vegetables can be prepared by each of you, it will not take you much time. And the easiest way to diversify the table is to cut vegetables. It can be made in the form of an individual plate decoration or laid out on a central dish. It is best to take seasonal vegetables and herbs for this. A great option will be juicy lettuce, cut into large pieces of cucumbers and tomatoes. In winter, carrots, cabbage, cut into bars, will become an alternative.

Remembering simple dishes from vegetables, it is worth noting light salads. Shredded cabbage with carrots, seasoned with butter, is a wonderful, tasty and nutritious salad. Korean carrots, bell peppers, pickled onions - all this is prepared in a matter of minutes and perfectly complements every meal.

Georgian salad

Of course, in the arsenal of every housewife is a huge number of snacks from fresh vegetables. But this option is great for holidays and weekdays. It is simple and at the same time spicy, very tasty and does not have a high calorie content. To prepare it, you need to take 400 g of beets, cabbage and carrots. In this case, any cabbage will do. It can be white-headed, kohlrabi and colored.

The highlight of the salad is that it contains a large bunch of parsley or cilantro. Raw beets need to be cleaned and grated on a medium grater. Do the same with carrots. Chop the cabbage and add the greens. Season with vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar.

Heat treatment

There are many ways to cook simple vegetables. The recipes that we present today were used by our grandmothers. But everything new is forgotten old. Therefore, today we refresh our memory and supplement it with new variants of dishes.

  • The vinaigrette. What feast in Soviet times did without this salad? It consists of the most useful vegetables that everyone grew at their summer cottage. To cook it, you need to take beets and carrots, potatoes in equal amounts and boil until cooked. Chop into cubes or dice. Add sauerkraut and pickles to taste. Some housewives put green peas, boiled or canned beans, onions.
  • Young potatoes can themselves be a self-sufficient dish. To do this, you need to boil it in its uniforms, peel and pour oil.
  • In a similar way, you can cook asparagus and green peas, boiled beans.
  • Boiled potatoes, carrots and beets can easily be turned into the most tender mashed potatoes.
simple vegetable recipes


This is the most common cooking method. Delicious vegetable dishes are quickly and easily obtained. For steaming use carrots and turnips, pumpkin and zucchini, cabbage and tomatoes, spinach. They are prepared in their own juice or with a little butter. A small amount of liquid that remains after cooking is not poured. It provides the juiciness of the dish.

All of these vegetables can be cooked as an independent dish. Vegetables in milk sauce are also very successful.

And you can add cauliflower or canned green peas to any base vegetable. In a stewpan, this dish is obtained quickly, with minimal effort.


Probably the most delicious dishes from simple vegetables are obtained precisely in the process of frying. To do this, you need to take raw vegetables and prepare them for heat treatment. Washed and peeled them must be chopped. During frying, vegetables lose a significant amount of moisture. Due to this, a crisp forms on the surface, and the taste is bright. The familiar dish is fried potatoes. This is a great alternative to lunch or dinner, if you do not have time to cook anything else. But there are a number of options, each of which can be a great option for a casual dinner.

delicious simple vegetable dishes

Vegetable cutlets

These recipes are passed from one hostess to another. Delicious vegetable dishes are a great option for fasting. But even in everyday kitchen, they are able to diversify your table, make the diet more balanced. Cutlets are made from cabbage and potatoes, carrots and beets. Rubbed cottage cheese, a little minced meat can be added to the dish. Often, housewives use eggs and flour, fried onions and melted butter.

Cooking with vegetables is a key skill for every mom who wants to accustom her child to tasty and wholesome food. Cutlets can be made from pre-cooked and mashed vegetables. It is not forbidden to grate half. Cutlets are fried in oil until the crust sets, after which they are brought to readiness in the oven.

Cauliflower Cutlets

Light and very tasty dish. If desired, you can replace the cauliflower with broccoli, potatoes or carrots. It will turn out tasty and healthy anyway. You will need 700-800 g of vegetables, 2 eggs for stickiness and a large onion, a little flour (4 tablespoons) and cooking oil. If you pour sour cream on them, then the children will definitely ask for an addition.

  1. In this recipe for cauliflower forks, it is recommended to disassemble for inflorescences, rinse and boil for 7 minutes. Vegetables should not be overcooked.
  2. Throw them in a colander and leave to cool completely. Fry the onions separately until tender.
  3. Now you need to grind the mass. It is better not to use a blender, because these are not pancakes. Here you need pieces of a larger fraction. Then the products will be lush and dense.
  4. Add onions and eggs, mix and add flour one at a time. Leave on for 5 minutes to swell the mass.
  5. It will be very tasty if you add greens to this mass.
  6. Form the patties and fry them in hot oil until golden brown. After that, blot them with a paper towel and bring to readiness in the oven. Sprinkle with cheese before serving.

In a similar way, you can cook carrot cutlets, cabbage schnitzel, potato zrazy and croquettes, pumpkin pancakes. For kids, steam them in a slow cooker.

delicious vegetable recipes


Sophisticated vegetable dishes can become a full lunch or dinner, useful and enriching the body with vitamins and minerals. You can stew each type of vegetables individually or cook stew, putting them in a pan all together. Before that, they are slightly fried, after which they are put into a common stewpan, a little broth and tomato paste are added. This can be stewed cabbage, beets or potatoes with mushrooms. And let's try to cook a classic ratatouille together. This tasty and bright dish is perfect not only for every day, but also for a festive table.


Save recipes for vegetables in your notebook. They help out a lot when you need to quickly prepare a delicious dinner, and you are limited in food. You will need one each bell pepper, eggplant and zucchini. Also take a couple of tomatoes, garlic and salt, herbs and spices, vegetable oil. As you can see, nothing special.

  1. Rinse all vegetables.
  2. Cover the baking sheet with foil and lay the tomatoes on it.
  3. Cut the pepper, eggplant and zucchini into two parts. Put one half on a baking sheet, leave the remaining vegetables raw.
  4. We put the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. After 10 minutes, you can get tomatoes, after 15 minutes pepper, and zucchini after 30 minutes.
  5. Remove the peel from the baked vegetables and put them in a blender, add the garlic.
  6. After whipping, a fragrant and tasty sauce is obtained.

Now the final part of the preparation. The remaining vegetables should be cut into thin slices. Pour the sauce into the baking dish and spread the slices of vegetables in a circle, alternating between them. Top with a drop of oil and add some spices. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

delicious vegetable recipes


This is a cross between fried and stewed vegetables. They turn out to taste much more interesting than the last, but much more useful than those that were fried in a pan. For baking, vegetables are sometimes previously boiled, stewed, fried or stewed, but you can take them raw. You will need a baking sheet or serving pan. You can cover it with foil. The oven maintains a temperature of +280 degrees. Roasting continues until a golden crust is formed. It can be casseroles and puddings, stuffed vegetables and stuffed cabbage. Tasty and healthy, they will become loved in your family.

simple vegetable dishes

Favorite Zrazy

If your family observes fasting, then you can cook dishes from vegetables and mushrooms. One of the easiest options would be potato zrazy with mushrooms. This dish can be called everyday, but even from the festive table zrazy disappear very quickly. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Mashed potatoes - 1 kg.
  • Champignons - 250 g.
  • Bacon - 60 g.
  • Onions - a small turnip.
  • Butter - 10 g.
  • Salt.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Vegetable oil.

The first step is to boil the potatoes. To do this, fill it with water and cook for about 30 minutes. Do not salt water. Hot root vegetables need to be mashed well with a fork. While boiling potatoes, you need to cook the filling. To do this, you need to heat the pan, spread the chopped bacon and fry until cooked. Add chopped onion, salt and add butter. When the liquid has evaporated, fry for another 15 minutes, until cooked.

Cooking cutlets is very simple. To do this, take a spoonful of mashed potatoes and spread them on the palm of your hand, flatten slightly, and put a spoonful of filling in the center and blind the edges. The finished cutlet is crushed in breadcrumbs, dipped in an egg and crumbled in breadcrumbs again. Pour a thin layer of oil into the pan and fry until golden brown.

Eggplant Chops

Another great dish that will successfully replace meat. For cooking, you will need to take two eggplants. Choose not too large, round in shape. Cut them along the plates, can be peeled. To remove the bitterness, you need to salt and let lie for about 15 minutes.

As in the case of schnitzels, we will fry them in a breading. Eggplants are very fond of butter, and crackers will prevent its excessive absorption. Prepare three bowls. Shake 2 eggs in one, pour 50 g of flour into the other, and 100 g of crackers in the third. Eggplant should be slightly beaten with a hammer, roll in flour, dip in an egg and then in breadcrumbs. Fry immediately in a pan on both sides. Serve them recommended with garlic sauce of sour cream, garlic and dill.

Instead of a conclusion

From vegetables you can cook a huge number of different dishes. All of them are tasty and healthy. At the same time, they are prepared quickly and simply. Vegetable cutlets are very fond of children, despite the fact that they usually refuse meat cutlets. Kids need to be trained in vegetables as early as possible. Then there will be no problems with complementary foods, and in kindergarten they will not give up healthy dishes. Vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. Adequate eating them allows you to put in order the work of the digestive tract, get rid of constipation. The vitamins contained in the composition favorably affect the condition of the skin and hair.


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