How to start a conversation with a girl? Tips & Tricks

How to start a conversation with a girl? This seemingly simple question baffles many young men. Especially when it comes to not very self-confident or self-confident young people. How to start a conversation with a girl, overcome your own shyness and win her heart - read on! Also in the article you can find alternative options for talking with a lady.

How to start a conversation with a girl if you are not familiar?

how to start a conversation with a girl

A guy can see a beautiful lady in a cafe, restaurant, public transport, gym and so on. A stranger can immediately attract his attention with his appearance, behavior. In this case, the choice is obvious: go up and get to know her. But what if a young man, because of his modesty, cannot force himself to take the first step? Then you can act according to some “plan” so that you know what to ask and how to behave. This option is good for a start, to feel more confident and calm when meeting. Over time, you simply won’t need it, because you won’t even wonder: “How to start a conversation with a girl?” - and communication will begin naturally.
First you need to analyze the situation. If a lady, for example, is sitting in a restaurant with another guy or is in the company of friends, then it is better not to approach her. In the first version, everything is clear - she probably already has a young man, and in any case, interrupting the conversation between two people will be uncivilized. And if she actively communicates with her friends, then you are most likely unlikely to be able to quickly fit into the company. Well, you need to understand whether the place is suitable for dating. It is not very convenient to get acquainted in public transport, where, besides you, there are a large number of strangers. Due to noise, you may misunderstand each other or not hear words at all. You should not get acquainted during lectures, lessons and other similar classes. When a girl listens to a teacher / instructor / trainer, she is most likely not inclined to chat with you.

how to start a conversation with a girl

Wait until the event ends, and then go to it. Now, actually, how to start a conversation with a girl? Start with a greeting. It is worth remembering one simple thing - regardless of age, it is better for a lady to turn to “you” as a sign of respect. After the greeting, introduce yourself, for example: "My name is Oleg, let me know your name." Or: "What is your name?" Or: "Let me get to know you." You can ask if the girl has free time to talk with you, or she is in a hurry so as not to put the lady in an uncomfortable position. Ask her a question without touching anything very personal. Whether the chosen one wishes to continue communication, you will understand after about one minute of conversation. If a girl with her appearance will demonstrate a lack of interest in your person, dissatisfaction or even disgust will be reflected on her face, then simply

examples of conversation with a girl
apologize every week and say goodbye. But if you feel that the conversation is pleasant, the lady smiles and gladly answers all your questions, then this is a favorable sign, and you can continue communication.

How to start a conversation with a girl with whom you are familiar?

It happens that young people have known each other for a long time, just a guy is afraid to come up and start a conversation. At the same time, the girl interests him, or he may even be in love with her. Then you can just start talking on a topic that is close to both of you (if one is known) and also observe the girl’s behavior. If her tone is sharp, and the answer is short and quick, then you have to seek the location of the lady in a different way. Examples of conversation with a girl will be as follows: the usual “Hello, how are you”; "I heard that you are interested ...", "What do you think of ..." and many others. Now you know how to start a conversation with a girl, regardless of whether you know or not.


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