Modern moms - what are they? The image of modern mother

Modern mom is constantly on the move. She has so much energy and strength! Sometimes it seems that nothing is impossible for her. Mom is engaged in the upbringing and development of her children, on her shoulders - life and home. Work and career are not in last place. After all, a modern mother understands that she must rely on herself and be financially independent so that her offspring are provided not only with basic necessities. She has a lot of obligations. She is also a woman. She needs to be beautiful, fashionable, healthy and full of strength. What does a modern mother mean, what should it be, and can it be called ideal?

Types of modern moms, according to psychologists

Modern mothers are very different in character and in looks. Each has its own rhythm of life. Psychologists believe that all of them can be divided into several types, each of which is given a clear description. What does modern mother mean, according to psychologists? Let's figure it out.

Psychologists compare the image of a modern mother who fully devotes herself to children and makes every effort to patronize her offspring with a mother hen. She is ready to devote her life only to the family. The desire to build a career, to have hobbies, to exchange for little things - not for this type of mother. Very often, she forgets to take care of herself and devote time to rest. The main thing is to constantly and universally patronize your child, to protect and protect from negative events. And no matter how many years old the offspring hit. Such mothers refuse to understand that the chosen method of education is not entirely correct. After all, the child grows non-self-sufficient. Without approval and advice, he cannot take a step, a sense of inferiority develops, the offspring is not able to make the right decision.

The second type includes psychologists of women obsessed with career. The rhythm of life of such mothers is frantic, there is practically no free time. They completely surrender themselves to the power of work, forgetting about communication with the child. To compensate for their inattention, they give gifts and indulge, not understanding and not recognizing that in the end they will grow an egoist.

A mother who tries to raise a child in an authoritarian style of communication, psychologists will not be called wise. Although such modern mothers are a common type. From childhood, they instill in the child that the opinions of parents are authoritative and not discussed. Adults are right about everything. While the baby is 5 years old, it should be so. And it’s time for a 10-12-year-old offspring to have an opinion and to know how to defend it. Of course, the authority of the mother should take place in communication, but this can not affect the personality of the child and affect the formation of his character. Otherwise, he will grow up a weak person with low self-esteem.

According to psychologists, there is a type of anxious mothers. Such women try to protect the child from everything in the world and are always nearby. An alarm in their soul appears out of nothing. The thought that on the way to school a child stumbles, falls and hits, is horrifying. Mom does not allow him to learn the world on his own. When the baby grows up, he will be afraid of everything.

modern moms

What should be a real modern mother?

Psychologists are convinced that a modern mother must unite all types in one person without fanaticism. She is caring and gentle, attentive and fair, listening to the opinion of the child, but not forgetting to direct him on the right path. She must learn to let him know the world independently and receive life lessons. Pursuing education, try to instill the best qualities and reveal the talents and abilities of the baby. At the same time, he does not forget to take his time, watches his appearance and wardrobe. Of course, mom must be healthy and strong.

photo of modern mothers

Mother's main duty

Mom's mission is parenting and caring for the child. In the first years of life, it is very important not only to teach the baby to walk, eat, speak, but also to instill in him qualities that in the future will help to live in society. Of course, he must grow healthy and strong.

A child, having been born, is in great need of constant mother's care and care. He still does not know how and does not know. Mom should open the world to him and help to learn how to live in it. The kid requires constant attention. He is interested in everything, he wants to touch everything and taste it. Mom should not relax. You need to be constantly alert to prevent trouble.

the image of modern mother

Search for a balance of career and personal life

Being a housewife mom in the modern world is not fashionable. She must be successful. Having given birth, many women try to get to work more quickly in order to build a career and realize themselves in society. In addition, a woman should be financially independent of her husband. Climbing the career ladder, many women give themselves completely to work, forgetting about the family and their children. To become a good modern mother, you need to clearly plan your day and learn how to distinguish between career and family life. In addition, children grow up so fast. The careerist, looking back, will feel disappointed that she set the priorities incorrectly and quietly missed the most important moments in the lives of her children, thereby alienating them from herself.

modern mom what is she

Fashionable and beautiful mother

A woman at any age wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. For her, it is important to like not only herself, but also loved ones and others. Of course, a child walking alongside should feel pride in his mother’s appearance.

Modern mothers look after themselves. Despite their busyness, they find time to visit a hairdresser, manicure or makeup artist, and also try to look elegant and fashionable. Fashion magazines help keep you up to date on how to dress a modern mother in the fall or spring. Famous fashion designers, putting in prints photos of their new collections, often give recommendations on which figure suits one or another outfit, talk about fashion accessories.

For a child, mom is the best in the world. It doesn't matter to the kid what her figure is, whether she is fashionably dressed, or if she has not missed the planned trip to the hairdresser. In the eyes of a child, she always looks perfect. But at the same time it is important for him that the surrounding peers, seeing their mother, also consider her beautiful, well-groomed and fashionable.

how to dress a modern mother in the fall

Healthy modern mom

The child will be fully happy if he knows that his mother is healthy. Women do not always seek help if they feel that not everything is perfect with their health. Often they endure pain to the last, and after starting treatment, they realize that it is not so easy to get rid of a running disease. Modern mothers understand how it is necessary for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle and be regularly examined by doctors. It is especially important to consult a gynecologist and a mammologist. In our age, breast diseases and gynecological ailments are common problems.

And just moping about her is not permissible. It should be fresh, full of strength and energy, as in the photo of modern mothers decorating the covers of women's magazines.

what does modern mom mean


Some men believe that a modern mother can do without rest. What will she be after a while if she is only busy with work and worries about households? No, a woman like no one needs rest. She needs to switch and set aside time for herself. For example, go chatting with friends in a local cafe, visit shops to buy new clothes, or just take a walk in the park.

Family vacations should also be a must for a modern family. The more mom and dad spend time with the child, the stronger their connection. The kid not only knows, but also feels the love of his parents. And for him it is very important to understand that his family is strong and reliable. It is important to take a full family walk, celebrate family events, attend entertainment venues and, of course, go on vacation together.

Distribution of household duties

In the last century, it was believed that all homework should be done exclusively by a woman. The man was the main earner and, having come after work, rested with benefit for himself. The fact that the representative of the weaker sex also felt tired after a hard day did not bother anyone. But such rules are in the past.

In many modern families, the distribution of household chores has long been practiced. Work is not divided into female and male. Everything is done together and as far as possible. And this applies to parenting too. Modern dad feeds, plays with children, puts them to bed to give mom time to relax a bit.


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