Personality Disorder: Signs of Psychopathy and its Types

Psychopathy is such a pathological condition of a person in which he develops a special personality behavior that causes harm to himself and to people around him. In psychiatry today, psychopathy is more often called personality disorder. What kind of pathology is this, what are the types and signs of psychopathy, we learn in our article.

signs of psychopathy

Personality disorder

This pathology develops in the first years of a person's life under the influence of certain adverse conditions. Important! Do not confuse the concept of "psychopathy", the signs of which we will describe below, and "psychopath". The first characterizes the pathological state of the personality, and the second - a person with inadequate, violent and completely unpredictable behavior. These are completely different things, since a psychopathic person does not have personality disorders; moreover, he is mentally healthy.

Signs of Psychopathy

  1. A kind of disharmonious warehouse of personality. Fixed type of perception and attitude, which makes it difficult to adapt to ever-changing life situations.
  2. The relative immutability and irreversibility of the pathological properties and qualities of the personality itself. A distortion does not occur of some individual traits, but a complex transformation of the personality.
  3. Pronounced violations of personality traits that lead to difficulties in her family, social and professional adaptations.
  4. psychopathy signs
    All of the above symptoms of psychopathy cannot exist without the main: the reaction of a person who has a personality disorder does not lend itself to any corrections or corrections. In addition, the patient cannot independently realize that his β€œstrange” character interferes quite strongly with his own life adaptation. He believes that all the problems lie in the behavior of the people around us, as well as in the complex structure of the state.

Types of Psychopathy

  1. Excitable (or explosive ). Characterized by increased irritability, a constant stay in nervous tension. Attacks of inadequate rage constantly accompany such people, being their reaction to irritants. In everyday life, these are demanding, petty, selfish and incredulous people.
  2. Psychasthenic . In everyday life, these people are timid, anxious. They can get lost in an unfamiliar environment, the change of which is very difficult to tolerate. They tend to empty thoughts, divorced from reality. These are vulnerable patients who react painfully to criticism and rudeness.
  3. Hysterical . These are pretty infantile people who like to be in the limelight. A constant change of mood, a tendency to fantasies, exaggeration and constant lies are their eternal "companions."
  4. Paranoid . These are the so-called paranoid. They are stubborn, straightforward, think rather narrowly. Their interests and hobbies are unidirectional. They are constantly struggling with some imaginary enemies. It seems to them that their thoughts and judgments are the only correct ones.
  5. Schizoid . These are emotionally cold and closed patients. They are focused on some of their ideas about the values ​​of life. They are excluded from society. Their relationships with loved ones are cold and dry. These are uncontrollable, unceremonious and cruel individuals.
  6. Affective . Patients are divided into two groups. The first are gloomy and always gloomy people. Their views are pessimistic, and all communication with others is reduced to zero. They have a fairly low self-esteem. But there are directly opposite signs of this type of psychopathy: the second group of patients includes people with constantly high spirits. They are always chatty and lively.
  7. Unstable . These are absolutely limp personalities. They obey any external influence. There are no goals in their life. It entirely depends on the circumstances. Such people easily become drunkards, drug addicts and scammers.
    types of psychopathy

Regardless of the type of psychopathy, each person experiencing a personality disorder needs to be treated forcibly. The focus is on measures of social impact. In addition, drugs should be prescribed taking into account certain psychopathological reactions, as well as specific personal characteristics of the patient.


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