Which hand should a man wear a bracelet on etiquette?

Etiquette rules apply not only to standards of conduct. They apply to the appearance of a person, including the selection and proper wearing of jewelry, among which the men's bracelet is not the last . The modern industry of fashion accessories offers representatives of the stronger sex a huge assortment of this type of jewelry made of different materials, from classic metal to unusual items made of threads and beads. On which hand should a man wear a bracelet? You will find the answer to this question by reading the article.

on which hand should a man wear a bracelet


On which hand to wear a bracelet to a man, in particular silver, - this will be discussed further. Traditionally, men’s accessories are made of metals: silver, yellow and white gold and steel.

The most popular are silver bracelets. And, of course, this is not an accident. Firstly, such products are suitable for a man of any age. Secondly, silver is universal. It can be worn both day and evening, both for a business meeting and for a friendly party. It will suit both a business suit and a democratic outfit. Thirdly, silver jewelry in comparison with other products made of precious metals is most affordable, which is important for many. In addition, silver men's accessories are distinguished by rigor and seasoned style, which is of great importance for business men and men trying to maintain a brutal image.

on which hand should a man wear a bracelet

The choice of a silver bracelet largely depends on age and social status. Mature business men prefer massive classic design jewelry. Young people and adolescents are more subtle, with unusual weaving. In addition, silver has long been credited with the ability to positively affect human health and protect it from dark forces. And this is also an important criterion for many who opt for a silver bracelet. In this case, preference is given to products decorated with precious and semiprecious stones that suit their owners.

What hand do men wear a silver bracelet on? According to etiquette, a silver item is recommended to be worn on the right wrist. But there is a small feature that applies to married men. The rules do not recommend putting on jewelry at the same time from different metals in general, and even less wearing them on one hand. If a man is married and wears a gold ring, then in this case you should place a silver bracelet on the wrist of your left hand or choose an accessory made of gold and silver at the same time.

on which hand do men wear a silver bracelet


Yellow and white gold bracelet is an expensive jewelry that emphasizes the status of its owner. Such jewelry is usually chosen by respectable men who devote most of their lives to business. Wearing gold items is subject to a much larger number of rules than silver. For example, according to the rules of etiquette, it is not recommended to wear a bracelet, even the most sophisticated and presentable, in the office. Gold jewelry is best for an evening reception or an informal business meeting.

On which hand do men wear a gold bracelet? Usually it is worn on the right hand, while the clock is on the left. If a watch and a bracelet are put on one wrist, then it is necessary that they correspond to each other in quality and price. In addition, do not forget that these gold jewelry in any case will not fit even the highest quality sportswear.

on which hand do men wear a gold bracelet


Invariably popular among men are bracelets made of steel. It is believed that they emphasize the masculinity of their owner as well as possible and testify to his strong will and firm character. The owners of steel jewelry in choosing the hand on which to wear it are not limited by strict etiquette standards. Typically, the bracelet is worn on a more active hand, which is constantly in sight. In addition, convenience is of great importance here. The bracelet should not create discomfort.

on which hand do men wear a magnetic bracelet


A special type of jewelry is medical magnetic bracelets. They can be made of copper, hematite or titanium. Such attributes help a person to significantly improve their well-being. The most popular copper magnetic products. Since ancient times they have been used to treat joints and radiculitis. It is believed that copper helps to restore metabolism, improves mental activity, helps fight migraines and normalizes blood pressure.

On which hand do men wear a magnetic bracelet? It is worn on the right or left wrist, depending on where the active points are located on which it should act.


Leather goods are widespread among men. They are convenient and practical. In addition, leather goods are the most neutral decoration that can be worn in any setting, including business. On which hand to wear a bracelet to a man, in particular leather, this will be discussed further.

on which hand do men etiquette bracelets wear

Most men in office work prefer a thin leather bracelet made up of one or more interlocking straps. This jewelry is usually worn on one hand with a watch. It is not striking and looks like an additional accessory to a wider watch bracelet. Men usually wear watches on their left hands, so the traditional place for a thin leather product is the left wrist.

But a wide leather bracelet is more suitable for a T-shirt and jeans. Such accessories are usually bought by men who lead an active lifestyle. There are no label restrictions on wearing a wide leather bracelet. It is put on both the right and left hand.


On which hand should a man wear a bracelet? Can they wear Shambhala or is it an exclusively feminine decoration? By the way, in ancient times, men used these accessories not so much as jewelry, but as amulets of magical significance. Similar jewelry can be seen on modern men. The most popular in recent years have gained the bracelets of Shambhala. Their purpose is to bring man’s inner world to harmony. You can wear several Shambhala jewelry at the same time, but only on your right hand.


Which hand should a man wear a bracelet on? Can they wear “non-classical” versions of this jewelry? In men's fashion, exotic products from beads and stones strung on elastic have found their niche. The material for such decorations can be wood, nuts and seeds of tropical plants. Such bracelets well complement the image of relaxed men who prefer a free style in clothing. They are put on any hand. It all depends on the desire of the owner.

on which hand should a man wear a bracelet

Friendship Bracelet

Or the so-called baubles, worn by both men and women of many nations. They are weaved from threads and beads and presented as a sign of friendship and love. Until today, the friendship bracelet has not lost its symbolic, and even mystical, meaning, being considered a charm from misfortunes. Baubles, as a rule, are worn on the left hand, without removing until it breaks.

Well, now you know on which hand a man’s etiquette bracelet is worn. Now you can safely go to the store and calmly buy this lovely jewelry.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B982/

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