Breast push-ups for women. How to pump up a girl's breasts at home?

Nowadays, all training programs, not important for the female or male, include all kinds of push-ups. Such an exercise is considered universal, since it involves the main muscle groups of the chest in the work. But basically, the fair sex believes that they do not need push-ups and will not bring any benefit. One can argue with that. Whether it is push-ups from the bench, or from the ground, they will in any case be ideal for training physical endurance. Let's look at the details of push-ups for the chest specifically for girls. Weโ€™ll figure out how to start push-ups for beginners, and what types of push-ups professional athletes can choose for themselves. Also in the article below we will give an approximate training program for girls, and how to properly perform this exercise so that it brings only benefit.

A bit of human anatomy

pectoral anatomy

The large muscle of the chest occupies the main part of the chest. To lower or turn his hand to the body, a person uses it. The small muscle of the chest is re-attached to the scapula, it is located immediately under the large. And the so-called front dentate is located in front of the side of the clavicle. At the top of the pectoralis major, the subclavian is fixed. When doing pushups, which muscles work? This question is of interest to many people starting to play sports. The pectoralis major muscle takes upon itself the basis of the load, and its individual sections can be involved and this depends on the position of the hands and technique chosen. Deltas and other arm muscles, such as biceps and triceps, also work well. To maintain balance, the lower back and body are activated. Push-ups from the chest fully engage the upper part of the torso, but provided that the necessary performance technique is followed.

Execution classic

classic push ups

Classic push-ups for chest muscles allow you to use all of the above muscles. This technique is the main one, it is considered the impetus for other species, which we will discuss later. This technique is considered the main training that is recommended for women, it does not provide additional burden, only the weight of one's own body.

We turn our hands outwards, and try to keep our hands shoulder-width apart. The body is pulled into a string, all the muscles of the body must be tensed. The back should be straight. We keep the elbows in a natural, comfortable position, you do not need to press them to the body, the head looks straight.

How to do it: we hold the elbows on the bend, and slowly lower the case onto the rug or floor. Sinking down, the position of the body does not change. You need to stay on weight, do not lower your chest to the very bottom, muscles are also tense. We extend our elbows (slowly, not sharply), but a little faster than they lowered. We do not bend it to the end, we leave a small angle. Feel the exercise, which muscles are involved and how comfortable you are to perform it.

High legs

feet on the ball

Performing push-ups on the chest, raising your legs on a hill, chair or bench, you will feel that the main load on the chest will be much greater than in the classic version. Athletes claim that the muscles of the chest tend to develop slowly, and therefore their development is slower than on other muscles. It is recommended to include push-ups in all types of training and regularly. To increase the load on the shoulder girdle, raise your legs as high as possible parallel to the body. This type of exercise is more difficult than usual, so beginners are not recommended to start with them. Remember, the load should be moderate, otherwise the possibility of injury to the elbows is great, which will force you to abandon push-ups for a long time.

Hold hands up

on a hill

In the case of push-ups from the chest, when the legs are on a hill, the upper part of the muscles works, but with the arms raised parallel to the body, their lower part works. For this type of exercise, use a bench or step platform if you are engaged in a gym. Such an exercise is not considered difficult and is recommended even for beginners to play sports.

In a broad style

hands wide

To complete this exercise correctly, it is recommended that you keep your arms 25 centimeters wider than usual. So you make the chest work as much as possible, and reduce the load on the triceps. Performing push-ups on the chest with a wide grip, you use the middle muscles of the chest.

Narrow style hands

hands narrow

The opposite kind of exercise is a wide setting. We put our hands closer to each other, but at the same time we direct our elbows back. Exercise is considered difficult, and beginners are advised to abandon it without prior preparation. The hands are already located, the harder the exercise will be given. The emphasis and main load falls on the triceps.

Push-ups for women with cotton

with claps

These push-ups are performed according to the same technique as the classic ones, they differ only in that, lifting the case, a jerk is made and clap with the palms, after which the initial position of the case is taken. It is necessary to throw the body to a sufficient height to have time to perform cotton. Do not bend the body, it must be tense. It is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to fall into straight arms, you risk getting injuries to your elbows. You need to lower yourself in spring movements. This exercise involves all the muscles of the body and chest, so it is recommended for those who want to work out these muscle groups in a short time. This exercise is available only to professional athletes, since the technique is considered very difficult for a novice athlete, and the muscles are not sufficiently developed, and therefore not able to withstand such a load.

Hands turned inward

brush inside

If we consider the narrow push-up, which muscles work in it, then there also the hands are turned inward to the body. It works well on triceps. Performing this exercise, make sure that the hands are turned inward so that the thumbs of both hands touch each other.

We carry out without errors

correct execution

Unfortunately, very often girls who have just started playing sports and are interested in how to pump up a girlโ€™s breasts at home, consider the classical technique of push-ups from the floor to be the main exercise that helps to strengthen all the muscles. With this in mind, they include push-ups in their daily workouts, without changing anything in the performance. But if you want the exercises to really help you work out all muscle groups, be sure to study the structure of muscles and anatomy, and always alternate the type of push-ups every two weeks. This combination of exercises will allow you to harmoniously work out your chest.

Push up rules

Nevertheless, let's figure out how to quickly learn how to push up a girl from the floor, while doing everything right? So, there are several unspoken but very important rules:

  1. Firstly, a warm-up before a workout is very important. Even when you have planned a short workout, do not forget about a light workout. Let it be a couple of kicks, a mill, running on the spot, in any case it will protect you from getting injured during classes.
  2. Follow slowly. If done quickly, you do not use muscles, but the body works by inertia. The benefit of such an exercise is very small. Most often, those who say that they can perform 100-200 push-ups do not understand that there is no efficiency and benefit from them. A similar rule applies to the number of repetitions. Increasing their number is recommended as your endurance for exercise increases. Basically, athletes start with 10 repetitions per 1 approach.
  3. Try to strain your muscles. Lower the housing slowly and rise slowly. This way you will feel the exercise better.
  4. Do not be distracted during training. Feel your muscles as much as possible while you work.
  5. If you are a beginner, try to choose a comfortable amplitude for yourself.
  6. Start your acquaintance with classic push-ups, they are easy for beginners. And only with time go on to more complex types of push-ups.
  7. Do not strain your neck and shoulders. To do this, try not to lower your head down.

Sample Training Table

The first day.

We rest for 60 seconds between sets (longer if necessary).

  • Approach 1 from 4 to 11.
  • Approach 2 from 6 to 15.
  • Approach 3 from 8 to 19.
  • Approach 4 from 7 to 16.
  • Approach 5 from 8 to 11.

Second day.

Rest 60 seconds between sets (longer if necessary).

  • Approach 1 from 6 to 11.
  • Approach 2 from 8 to 17.
  • Approach 3 10 to 21.
  • Approach 4 from 9 to 19.
  • Approach 5 from 6 to 13.

Day Three

Rest 60 seconds between sets (longer if necessary).

  • Approach 1 5 to 13.
  • Approach 2 from 8 to 17.
  • Approach 3 from 9 to 19.
  • Approach 4 from 8 to 17.
  • Approach 5 from 5 to 13.
Conclusion on the article


Girls mistakenly believe that performing push-ups on the pectoral muscles, they risk pumping up their arms and shoulders too much, and thus become similar to male athletes. This is an absolute myth. The physiology of the female body is designed in such a way that a woman is simply not able to build up the same muscle mass as a man without the use of special hormonal drugs. Even if you do push-ups for several years in a row, it will only strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms, increase endurance, but will not make a mountain of muscles out of you.

It is worth noting that neurologists strongly recommend starting to practice push-ups for people who suffer from pinching of the intercostal nerves. It is push-ups that help to unclench the chest, thereby freeing the pinched nerves. Push-ups are considered one of the most popular exercises among both professionals and sports enthusiasts. If you want to pump your pectoral muscles as useful as possible and at the same time strengthen your torso and arms, you should include such exercises at least 3 times a week. And for a better and faster result - in every training session. The main thing is to remember the correct execution technique and let your body get used to new loads. In this case, you can count on good and fast results. Your chest will become toned and your arms more shaped and embossed.


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