Which champagne is better?


In the hills of today's Champagne, the ancient Romans began to grow the vine. They made the first sparkling wine. Much later in the 17th century, the Benedictine monk Pierre Perignon again discovered that, under certain conditions, secondary fermentation takes place in the bottle, and the sparkling qualities of the wine are preserved.

Nowadays, the majority of the planet’s inhabitants will answer the question “What is the best champagne?” - House Perignon. This is the most famous sparkling wine in the world.

Nostalgically, dearer to us is “Soviet Champagne”. The history of this brand is, without a doubt, amazing and unique. In 1945, when no one doubted the imminent victory of the war, Beria was called to the leader. Stalin told him that the Soviet people should celebrate the day of such a victory only with champagne. Beria did not argue with the leader, although of course there was no sparkling wine in the ruined country. Which Russian champagne is better? Such a question did not even stand.

From everywhere, Beria gathered winemakers. The task is to create our own champagne in the shortest possible time, the quality of which is not inferior to French. And a miracle happened - less than two months later - "Soviet champagne" was born. Our masters used the invention of the wonderful winemaker AM Frolov-Bagreev. Shortly before the war, he invented accelerated champagne technology. It lies in the fact that in special units at elevated pressure, the second fermentation of wine occurs 30 times faster, when compared with conventional fermentation in bottles. Which champagne is better?

“Soviet champagne” is sweeter than French. Our “dry” corresponds to the French “semi-sweet”, but it can compete with the best brands of French sparkling wines in quality. In accordance with international agreements and conventions, we have the right to call our sparkling wine “Soviet champagne”. And yet, what is the best champagne? It depends on many factors.

French champagne in quality is divided into three types:

- Champagne without a year on the label, and the name only states the level of sugar in the wine - (sec) dry, semi-dry (demi-sec), semi-sweet (demi-doux) sweet (doux).

- Vintage champagne with a year on the label is made in successful years from wine material of the same crop.

- And, finally, prestigious champagne from the best grapes with especially careful adherence to technology. It is not only marked with a year, but also has its own name, for example, the famous “Clicquot”. Which champagne is better? The question is rhetorical. The answer is obvious. We can only talk about the best price-quality ratio.

Champagne is never red. In addition to white, it may be pink, but it accounts for only 1% of the total production. The thinnest champagne is made from Chardonnay grapes. On the label you can find the inscription Blanc de Blancs (in translation "white from white"). A stronger wine is given by the black varieties Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir. On the label is Blanc de Noirs (“white from black”). The absence of such inscriptions means that both white and black varieties were used in the production.

Which champagne is better in sugar content? Connoisseurs prefer brut, to which sugar is not added after secondary fermentation.

Going to the store for champagne, you need to consider that sparkling wine is a seasonal product. That is, before the New Year, they simply sweep it off the shelves. No one here thinks which champagne is better - you need to have time to satisfy the demand! Anything is brought to Russia, just to make it look like champagne. It is best in advance, two or three months before the holiday, to buy at least a foreign, albeit “Soviet Champagne”, arrange a bottle of lying on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. It will only get better - it will ripen. The remains of the yeast tone will go away. Having opened such a bottle of champagne at the right time , you will enjoy its delicate taste and delicate aroma.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9824/

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