Classes with a trainer: reviews, benefits, effectiveness. One-to-one fitness classes with a trainer

Any modern citizen, as a unit of society, today seeks to follow the trends in the development of society, which is dictated by the current fashion. At this stage, it’s fashionable to maintain a personal page in at least one of the social networks - these are people who are actively registering in them, creating accounts on Instagram, profiles on Odnoklassniki and pages on Vkontakte. Also, the mod dictates the need to follow current trends: for example, today every second user of the Internet network is a blogger. And now a fifty-year-old woman, who, for the first time in her life, saw a button mobile phone ten years ago, still admired the achievements of technical developments, today already has a personal blog on culinary topics and tells her subscribers how to bake delicious and sweet Easter cakes for Easter.

But even more absurd is the observance of current conventions and the desire to imitate the majority. The human mind today is so clogged with all sorts of nonsense, someone's far-fetched opinions and incorrectly formed stereotypes that a banal visit to the gym was already the result of not the desire of a person to change his appearance and bring the body to ideal proportions in the first place. Not. The purchase of a subscription in the nearest sports club today is often provoked by the desire to keep up with the world community and to be, so to speak, “in trend”. Numerous videos on the Instagram platform, for example, with video reviews of training in the halls with and without simulators, encourage both girls and guys to sign up to the nearest fitness club to conduct classes there. Thus, sport today has evolved from a wellness need just into a fashion trend. It sounds, of course, sad.

However, there are still those people who go to the gym intentionally to receive the body of their dreams. Many women after giving birth want to put their appearance in order, as well as many men are eager to lose their “beer” belly and become somewhat more toned and, due to this, younger. And when the question arises of how to start correctly, a concomitant thought arises against his background: is it necessary to hire a special trainer for this? Classes in the gym with an instructor - is it a necessity or a simple pumping of money from visitors to the sports club?

Gym trainer

Do I need an instructor?

In fact, feedback on trainings with a trainer in personal training is not so straightforward. For example, many people think that yes, a person who will teach the intricacies of the classes should definitely accompany the exercises with specific tips and tricks. After all, the correctness of their implementation depends on this, and accordingly, the effectiveness of the classes as a whole is determined. But there are also those who do not see the special need to hire a fitness gym employee of this kind and consider such a service a completely waste of money.

Who is right then? In order to objectively understand this issue, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the advantages and disadvantages of individual fitness classes with a trainer.


What determines the main advantages of training with a trainer? In the reviews, potential users of instructor services respond about the following points in a positive way:

  • Drawing up the correct training program is one of the fundamental points that customers of fitness clubs note in their comments in a positive light. A personal instructor, as a specialist and professional in his field, has a sufficient level of knowledge to draw up a plan of the necessary exercises and aimed at one or another result, which the client declares at the initial stages. You must admit that it is difficult for a newcomer to enter the gym for the first time to decide immediately on the set of regular exercises that will really have an effective outcome.
  • Analysis and assessment of the physiological capabilities of the client is another rather important point in determining the need to hire a trainer for classes in the gym. If the instructor is a really good specialist, he will at first glance determine visually physiological deficiencies in building a person’s physique and will be able to assess the level of work that needs to be done in a certain period of time in order to eliminate these shortcomings and make appropriate corrections through targeted and suitable for this client exercises. After all, it is not enough just to want to correct something in your figure, you need a comprehensive vision of the problem and an objective assessment of the initial physical data from the outside. If, for example, a girl seeks to emphasize her already rounded buttocks and rather massive hips, she does not always understand that for this she needs to initially compose a set of exercises aimed at losing weight, and only then - a completely different functional plan of training aimed at on a set of muscle mass in the gluteal region. So each situation with each individual client is purely individual.
  • Monitoring the observance of correctness when performing exercises is the most important argument that many users of the services of a fitness trainer appeal to when losing weight or, on the contrary, gaining muscle mass. It's no secret that work in the gym is fraught with the occurrence of injuries. In turn, they can be formed as a result of improper technical performance of the exercise or incorrect distribution of forces when selecting a specific load. Tears of muscles, sprains, excessive load on the joints - all this is found among practicing independently instances all over the place. Therefore, those who really value their health, peremptorily and purposefully immediately take themselves to be the mentors of a professional instructor.
Professional help of specialists


But there is also an opposite opinion: there are those who, in reviews of classes with a trainer in the hall, say that there is no need to hire such a person at all, in principle. The most global and inherently the only significant negative point people consider the high cost of instructor services, linking it with their sometimes inappropriate quality.

Unreasonable financial losses - this is the main negative characteristic that users of sports clubs network give fitness trainers. There are clients who consider contacting the instructor as a completely vain undertaking, justifying this with the fact that “I am able to perform all these exercises without any help”. However, the objectivity of such a judgment is not at all well-reasoned, because in each individual case it is necessary to talk about a different degree of client skills and different levels of training for each individual person.

It is not enough just to know the ligaments from some exercises. It is still necessary to maintain the correct amount of time between the approaches being done, take into account the effectiveness of specific exercises and determine the need for an additional approach as a shock force that determines the further result from the training as a whole. And most importantly, it is important to follow the technique of the class: the outcome of the whole complex of classes will depend on this. Only a critical eye pro can take all of these factors into account when designing your specific training program. And of course, like any work, its services should be encouraged by financial rewards.

Another question is if the instructor’s qualifications are at a lower level.

Qualified master

What determines the price

Classes with a trainer and the individual cost of each training day are often determined by the instructor himself. The cost of the services themselves depends on his professionalism and the level of accreditation of the sports institution in which his services are provided. The more impeccable the coach’s reputation and the higher the status of the sports club, the higher will be the cost of a membership to a fitness club with the right to use the services of a personal trainer.

For example, the famous Moscow girl instructor, formerly a bodybuilder and participant in athletic competitions Ekaterina Usmanova, is now very popular among girls seeking to achieve the same ideal proportions as the beauty coach. As a result of his active blogging activities, Usmanova became megapopular in wide circles and even opened her online training programs, the cost of which starts from 4960 rubles per course.

Of course, not everyone can afford the services of such a sought-after and highly paid fitness trainer. At the club, the visit of which you intend to purchase, you need to find out about the employees of the fitness center offering instructor assistance, as well as about the prices for its services. That is, before making your choice in favor of any coach or the fitness center itself, first study all the information that is in the public domain. Read reviews about the service of a sports institution and the quality of work with the assessment of the results of specific instructors. Then it will be much easier for you to make a choice, and you will avoid the unpleasant situation that could befall you as a result of selecting an unskilled specialist.

Fitness instructor


But the most important thing in individual fitness classes with a master of their craft is that, as a rule, the effectiveness of classes with a responsible approach to conducting them and observing the instructor’s instructions for proper nutrition increases at times against the background of independent work on your body in the gym. Why? Because the following factors contribute to this:

  • Selection of a training program. Having looked at you and examined your goals, the trainer will be able to develop an individual set of exercises aimed at working out specifically those areas that bother you the most and which you would like to bring into the desired shape.
  • Compliance with the right technique. Studying on your own, you may not notice how you perform this or that exercise technically incorrect, which entails, as a result, the lack of effectiveness at best and the risk of injury - at worst.
  • Diet correction. A fitness instructor is not only the person who will put together a set of the most effective and efficient physical exercises for you in the gym. A trainer is also the person who will prepare for you an appropriate list of dishes and ingredients that you can and should eat, so that the result of training is even more tangible and visually noticeable.
  • Discipline. Only under the guidance of a sensitive and attentive mentor will you diligently and regularly attend classes, as well as perform those very complex and at the same time the most effective approaches that would be too lazy to do with independent training. The trainer stimulates, directs, motivates, forces. And all these actions are concentrated on one thing - your achievement of your cherished goal. The results of classes with the trainer and the effectiveness of the joint work (if the specialist is really qualified) are always noticeable.
How to identify pros

Perfect trainer

Indeed, the final indicators after the course of training are impressive and admire, but this is only if you are lucky with the coach, as they say. In their reviews, many note the most necessary and significant qualities of a good specialist.

  • Professionalism. Many appreciate the business approach to conducting classes. A true professional will not be familiar, overly curious and tactless.
  • Engagement. Customers are pleased to notice that the coach doesn’t care what results their ward achieved. Therefore, he is always interested in how he felt after the previous training, whether the client followed the prescribed diet, whether he sees the results himself. And if he doesn’t see it, he shows him photos taken “before” and “after”.
  • Meticulousness. It’s not enough just to show the technique of the exercise and move away from the ward to the end of the approach. A good instructor will always accompany the exercises performed by his ward with corrections, directions, adjustments, and, in the end, the count of completed repetitions.
  • Exactingness. If you want to achieve your goal, you need to be persistent and patient. A truly responsible specialist who will “not let you down” in the good sense of this phrase and make you “squeeze” such valuable approaches in your exercises will help you with this.
Coaches are world champions

Bad instructor

However, not every employee working in the gym is an ideal trainer. Fitness for weight loss or crossfit for gaining muscle mass - the goal is not easily achievable. In addition to the fact that many clubs that have just opened are teeming with newcomers, potential customers also run the risk of getting into an unscrupulous or neglected specialist. Who will like that in analyzing the results obtained and evaluating the work done, the mentor will be absolutely indifferent? In their reviews, many complain that the coach does not suit them for any specific reason. What are these reasons?

  • Lack of subordination. A worthy specialist never allows himself to even communicate with a client on “you” until such an offer comes from the latter, not to mention flirting with female clients (if the trainer himself is a man). This is at least a manifestation of tactlessness and, as a maximum, a complete lack of compliance with subordination.
  • Dive into the phone. As many reviews say, potential trainees are terrified of how annoying the coach’s focus on the phone is. And such situations are quite widespread: while the client takes the approach, sitting comfortably on the press bench, the trainer actively studies the new posts of his subscribers on Instagram. For most customers, this causes a storm of indignation.
  • Lack of initiative. The disregard for the training process annoys the trainees no less strongly. Anyone without an instructor can come to the gym and exercise “according to the level of their health”, or more precisely - “according to the level of their laziness”. That's why he and the coach, in order to demand the implementation of the approach even when the client is already sighing with the words "I do not want" or "I can not." A true professional with his experienced look can immediately assess the capabilities of the client, and if he sees that he has enough strength and health, he forces him to take the next approach - the one that is so important for fixing the result.

Can I change the coach?

Of course. Many in their reviews of classes with the trainer write that their instructors do not suit them for one of these reasons or for several at once. But to refuse the services of such an instructor is still somehow ashamed or something. In fact, the idea that someone will blame you for rejecting the low-quality services of a sports mentor is a profound mistake. You pay, then you decide. Pick a good specialist and do not hesitate to abandon an ineffective physical education teacher. This is not a trifle, it is about your health.

How to respond to the offer of group training?

Sometimes demanded trainers offer their clients to unite and engage in split for several people at once. This simplifies the schedule of the instructor himself, since he can combine two hour workouts into one, saving time and doubling his fee. At the same time, the price either remains the same (you still get the personal assistance of a qualified specialist), or it decreases, but it is completely insignificant. Here you need, again, to set priorities for yourself: do you want to get to the instructor whom everyone so actively praises, but at the same time his attention will be scattered at the same time by two, three, or even more clients like you , or seek the services of a less busy specialist, whose attention will be focused specifically on you and only you.


Is it worth hiring a coach?

So what is the objective answer to the main question of a novice athlete: is it necessary to hire a specialist or is it still a waste of money?

The answer is clear: a coach is needed. At least for the first time, at least to show how to use the equipment in the gym. At least in order to show the basic exercises and point out the basics of the technical manual for their implementation. No one forces you to pay an instructor regularly. Take from him all the knowledge necessary for you, and subsequently work independently according to the already developed program, if finances do not allow paying for the services of a specialist. And if there is an opportunity - then even more so, coaching assistance will never be superfluous. Just be sure to read reviews about specific employees so that the effectiveness of your work in the hall does not suffer.


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