Cigarettes Play: features, price

Cigarettes Play - a domestic product widely known among smokers. They are common and popular due to their low price and large assortment. Simple packaging design, affordability, elegant appearance, pleasant taste are another advantages of a tobacco product.


Play cigarettes are produced by the Russian brand "Don tobacco". This tobacco factory, which is located in the city of Rostov-on-Don, has a long history. It was founded in the 19th century. Its large-scale reorganization took place in 1992. It was during this period that the enterprise completely replaced technical equipment. The market share of Don Tobacco is twelve percent. In 2016, the company sold 35 billion cigarettes. Today it is the largest in Russia in the production of tobacco products.

play cigarettes

Pack design

Different types of Play cigarettes have their own packaging, which is essentially no different (lettering, color). In 2012, the pack design was completely redesigned. The reason for this was the scandal that erupted after cigarettes went on sale. Many felt that the packaging is designed for adolescents (bright patterns, non-classic font). Unlike the old one, the new design is minimalistic and discreet. For convenience, manufacturers have printed on the packaging taste recognition labels Classic and Aroma, or Hit and Mix. Play tobacco products are intended, as manufacturers themselves presented, for active and fun consumers who are used to being in the spotlight and living in a fast pace. The advertising campaign for cigarettes has its own slogan: "Your game, your rules, your movement!".

cigarettes play Price


Play Cigarettes is a young brand launched on the market in 2011. Flavored classic Play Hit and Play Mix are available to the buyer. It should be noted that Don Tobacco produces tobacco products in the low-cost segment, in the super slims format. These are thin cigarettes that differ from the usual ones in length, thickness and taste. The Play Classic Hit tobacco product has a filter. Play products are represented by several types of tobacco products. Play Innovation Blue, Play Innovation Silver, Play Bit, Mix, Hit, Top. One of the most popular among buyers include Play White cigarettes.

The Play brand has gained popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad. All products undergo careful control and are licensed. Initially, cigarettes were designed for young consumers. This was evidenced by the packaging design - bright and alluring. Price is also a key factor why cigarettes are so popular. They are available to all categories of citizens, including students. On the other hand, such affordability, an active advertising campaign, attractive packaging becomes the cause of early addiction to tobacco products.

play hit cigarettes

The modern name, beautiful packaging design is the main reason for teenagers to buy cigarettes. The pack attracts the eye, and the name of many is associated with a computer game. Play (turn on) - a kind of call to action, carefree pastime. The name also implies that you can always pause and stop. However, despite the beautiful design, cigarettes, regardless of their quality, bring great harm to health.


Play Hit cigarettes come with a filter. They contain resin - 5 mg, nicotine - 0.4 mg. Twenty pieces in a pack. Two types of fortress are available to the buyer - 5 / 0.5 and 5 / 0.4. The manufacturer also produces flavored cigarettes with a taste of grapes. Earlier, barberry flavor was used. On sale there are Play packaging in different colors: orange, purple, blue. The product inside is different in taste and strength.

Absolutely all cigarettes, regardless of brand and price, are composed of harmful chemicals and hazardous substances. Tobacco products contain more than six hundred ingredients. In cigarette smoke there are about seven thousand chemical elements. Approximately seventy substances in cigarettes cause fatal diseases, including lung cancer.

The most important component here is nicotine. It is a narcotic substance. In large quantities, getting into the body, nicotine poisons it. It is easy to recognize the negative effects of tobacco: if a smoker feels sudden dizziness, nausea, weakness in the body, nicotine poisoning is very likely to occur. Its more severe consequences include convulsions, fainting, and oxygen starvation.

play white cigarettes


Should I buy Play cigarettes? Price is one of the advantages of Don Tobacco products. Today, a Play pack can be purchased for 26 rubles. Classic Play Classic Hit costs 41 rubles, Play Hit with a filter - 76 rubles. Tobacco prices are gradually rising, the dynamics is growing up. Even the cheapest cigarettes will increase in value over time.


Play cigarettes, judging by the reviews, are inexpensive. They are light, thin, not strong, they have no unpleasant smell, the taste is good, compact and sophisticated. Many say that the manufacturer uses quality tobacco. A large assortment is one of the advantages of cigarettes. The disadvantages include the undoubted harm to the health that the product does. Cigarettes cause infertility, lung cancer. Some, on the contrary, emphasize that the quality of tobacco leaves much to be desired.

cigarettes play types

In addition, buyers are alarmed by cigarette advertising campaigns. They are too active and aimed at a young consumer. Don Tobacco produced many types of cigarettes that were discontinued due to colorful packaging and catchy names. The manufacturer’s marketing move is too aggressive. It should be noted that after the packaging scandal, the manufacturer changed the design, and cigarette advertising in youth magazines is now missing.


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