What is a social guarantee? Social Security System

A part of the general strategy of any government in the field of public relations is the system of social guarantees. This direction provides for the purposeful activity of the authorities in the development and implementation of decisions relating directly to each citizen and his situation. The creation of various forms of protection is carried out taking into account differences between population groups.

social guarantee is


The main goal pursued by the system of social guarantees is the formation of protection of all the elements that make up the structure of society, as well as of individuals from the destructive processes that take place at certain stages of development. The activity of the government is aimed at the development of population-forming groups, classes, strata, and ethnic communities. Such a policy should contain certain strategic objectives aimed at achieving global goals for the country. The basis on which socio-economic guarantees are formed is the information that is obtained when collecting statistical information and performing public research. Analysis and comprehension of the obtained data allows us to develop a competent strategy for the implementation of particularly significant goals, solving urgent problems.

Government revenue policy

Differences in per capita income are called differentiation. In a market economy, it has always been and remains a characteristic feature. Differentiation of incomes is also observed in countries that have long embarked on the path of development, and which are now at the very beginning. Especially characteristic is the growth of its indicators for Russia. It is precisely the state social guarantees that are oriented toward mitigating the established inequality. This is considered today the priority task of the Government of the country. The solution to this issue involves maintaining the optimal ratio between the incomes of the employed (active) part of the population and disabled citizens. This task is being realized through the introduction of taxes and transfers for people's livelihoods or their achievement of a certain standard of living.

social security system is

Differentiation rates

The main areas in this policy are:

  • Redistribution, regulation, recalculation of incomes of citizens.
  • Maintaining the poorest categories and so on.

The redistribution of income is made by differentiating taxes received from different sources. Regulation of profit consists in direct intervention in the primary direction of cash flows by setting either the minimum value of the salary or the upper limit of its nominal size. Of greatest importance, however, is the support of the poorest.

Social guarantee

This definition acts as a key concept in the development of programs aimed at protecting the population from various kinds of destructive social and political processes in the country. It includes various standards that provide citizens with a universally recognized level of consumption - the minimum standard of quality of life, taking into account the capabilities of the national economy.

social and economic guarantees it

Primary requirements

The Institute for Public Protection of Citizens must meet the following conditions:

  1. Have sufficient and necessary volume.
  2. Dispose of material and financial resources.
  3. Provide for targeting.
  4. Take into account territorial features.
  5. Have a mechanism for delivering assistance to recipients.


Social guarantee is an element that is provided to the population in accordance with constitutional provisions. She may be:

  • Nationwide.
  • Regional.
  • Industry.

The sources that finance this or that social guarantee are the federal and regional budgets, as well as extra-budgetary funds.

state social guarantees it

Protection of the working-age population

Social guarantees for employees are tools to ensure normal conditions of professional activity and receive payment for it. In Russia, the establishment of the minimum wage is one of such means. Many countries have introduced minimum hourly wages. Today, the minimum wage in Russia is at a fairly low level. This suggests that the current employment policy does not produce the desired effect.

Social guarantees and compensations

This is a separate area of ​​activity of the authorities. It is oriented towards the disabled population, which today especially needs protection. The power strategy should create optimal conditions taking into account each category of such citizens. Revenues for their provision are divided into three groups:

  1. Benefits expressed in the right to a reduced tax rate, receiving transfers in kind.
  2. Benefits, pensions and other cash payments.
  3. Social services, the consumption of which is allowed for free or at a cost that does not have significant economic value.
    social guarantee is the definition

Classification of benefits

They are presented in the form of subsidies for:

  1. Payment of utilities and housing.
  2. Purchase of medicines.
  3. Free provision of vehicles, subsidies for fuel and maintenance.
  4. Taxation.
  5. Granting permits in sanatoria and on resorts.
  6. Travel by intercity and intercity public transport.

Types of benefits

Cash compensation is provided for:

  1. By poverty.
  2. To mothers and children.
  3. For disabled people.
  4. Veterans, retirees and the elderly.
  5. Internally displaced persons and refugees.


Any social guarantee is an element of a public institution for protecting the population. Within its framework, large-scale goals and objectives are set. Their achievement and implementation is carried out according to the program developed by the Government. A strict adherence to the adopted scheme should provide the intended effect. Social guarantee is, among other things, an effective tool to stabilize the situation of citizens. It performs the following functions:

  1. Protective. It is expressed in ensuring the preservation of optimal living and working conditions.
  2. Alimentary-compensatory. This feature helps maintain a certain level of consumption.
  3. Stimulating. It manifests itself in the formation of recipients' motivation for the growth of business and labor activity.
    social guarantees and compensation it


The main tasks facing social policy include stimulating and maintaining economic development, subordinating the production sector to the interests of consumers. At the same time, thanks to the implementation of the developed programs, labor motivation and business entrepreneurship of the population are increasing. All this, in turn, contributes to the achievement and subsequent improvement of living standards, preservation of the natural and cultural heritage, identity and national identity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9849/

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