To help the gardener. How to deal with wireworms in the garden?

Before we tell you how to deal with wireworms in the garden, let's figure out what exactly this insect is? So, this is the name of the small and large larvae of future nutcracker beetles. A wireworm is a small worm (2 cm long) yellow or light brown in color, shamelessly destroying our crop (for example, potatoes).

Life cycle and habitat

The wireworm development cycle lasts for 5 years. In the first year, small light brown larvae appear, in the second and third years they grow, increasing in size, and in the fourth become pupae. After 3 weeks, they turn into full-fledged nutcracker bugs. The fifth year of life of this pest is marked by the laying of new eggs.

how to deal with wireworms in the garden

The wireworm in the garden chooses acidic and moist soil, dense plantings and weeds that have not been removed in a timely manner. Tolerate can not overgrown legumes: peas, beans, beans.

"Combat" unit

Before we tell you how to deal with wireworms in the garden, I would like to make a small reservation. Remember! Wireworm larvae exist with pupae and adult bugs! This is a full-fledged "combat unit": small and large larvae, pupae and, in fact, nutcrackers.

how to get wireworm from the garden

How to remove wireworm from the garden?

This will not be easy, but possible! Remember that there are two ways to deal with this pest: agrotechnical and chemical.

How to deal with wireworms in the garden? Agrotechnical methods

  1. Weed weeding is required (primarily wheat grass).
  2. It is necessary to lime and phosphate the soil, but this should not be done before planting potatoes. Otherwise, it will affect the quality of future tubers.
  3. Do not forget about the obligatory cultivation of the soil: pre-sowing, inter-row and autumn.
  4. Strictly observe all crop rotations! Plant annual bean crops in front of potatoes and root crops. Of course, this should be done when a wireworm has really wound up in your garden.
  5. Take advantage of special traps and lures. They can be made from pieces of the same potato. Insert twigs in them and dig them into the soil 12 cm. After a couple of days, inspect the traps, destroying all the wireworms gathered in them. Then update the slice, sprinkle it with water and dig to the same depth, but in a different place.
    wireworm in the garden

How to deal with wireworms in the garden? Chemical methods

  1. Before planting root crops and planting potatoes, apply fertilizers containing ammonium to the soil.
  2. Water the soil with a weak manganese solution.
  3. Use the Bazudin insecticide (Diazinon). Based on the following dosage: 40 g per square meter of soil. This is a great option for controlling wireworms when the pest has taken over your entire garden.

And finally

We note that chemical methods are much simpler than agrotechnical ones, however it is advisable to resort to them only if absolutely necessary due to their toxicity (for example, the drug Diazinon is toxic to humans and animals). That is why, if the number of wireworms in your garden is relatively small, limit yourself to agricultural techniques! Good luck


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