Climb the skin on the penis: reasons, what to treat?

Absolutely all human organs can undergo various diseases. And the male member is no exception. There are many different pathologies in the genital area. In the presence of some, the skin on the penis is clouded, which brings the man a lot of discomfort. Let's talk about what exactly can cause such a phenomenon, how to get rid of it and prevent a reappearance in the future.

Contact dermatitis

One of the diseases in which the skin on the glans penis is exposed is contact dermatitis. A problem may arise as a result of exposure to many factors, including:

  • the use of low-quality condoms;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • allergic reactions to hygiene products and other substances.
at the doctor's

In addition to the fact that with contact dermatitis, the skin on the head of the penis is covered , the disease will be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • itching and burning;
  • the appearance on the penis of bubbles with a transparent liquid inside.

In this case, the presence of the last two points suggests that contact with the stimulus (allergen) is regular.


Men prefer not to bother with their food and very in vain. A lack of vitamins can lead to skin problems, including on intimate organs. When vitamin deficiency dries up, cracks, flakes, peeling skin on the penis.

vitamin deficiency in men

It is impossible to get rid of the problem with the help of various ointments and creams. Proper treatment involves the use of vitamin complexes, which must necessarily contain vitamins of groups A, B, E.

But a sustainable result will help to achieve only a review of your diet and the inclusion in the menu of eggs, liver, fish, vegetable oils, nuts.

Candidiasis balanoposthitis

The better known name for the disease is thrush. There is an opinion that candidiasis is a purely female disease. But it is found among representatives of the stronger sex. With thrush in men, the foreskin swells, itching and burning are felt. Another characteristic symptom of thrush is the appearance of white discharge. In the absence of timely treatment, the problem is aggravated, painful sores appear, in some places the skin on the penis is covered.

Often, thrush in men is accompanied by urethritis.

Genital herpes

Why else does skin on the penis fit? The cause may also be genital herpes. It is widely believed that almost all people are infected with the herpes virus. In this case, there are several types of pathogen.

itching in the groin

Genital herpes is transmitted by contact or sexually. Infection is accompanied by the appearance of limited areas of hyperemia, in the place of which, after some time, vesicles with serous fluid form. After they begin to burst, an eroded surface is formed. The healing process of the mucosa will take about a week. All this time, the man will feel a gradually subsiding burning pain in the penis.

The herpes virus has one important feature: after entering the body, it remains in it forever. With the normal functioning of the immune system, it will not do any harm, but a decrease in protective functions will immediately lead to its activation.

This pathology cannot be ignored, since it can lead to the development of prostatitis and infertility.


The exact causes of psoriasis are still not fully identified. But when considering the issue of why the skin on the penis is clouding, one should not lose sight of this ailment. In addition to peeling, the patient may observe the appearance of redness or small rashes.

Statistics show that most often psoriasis makes itself felt in the winter season.

Skin diseases

Why does the skin fit on the head of the penis, if the cause is definitely not in the above reasons? The problem can be associated with various skin diseases, including scabies, seborrheic dermatitis, epidermophytosis, pemphigus, ringworm and others. Each of them has its own characteristic symptoms, for example, the presence of a rash or sores, dry skin or, conversely, the appearance of wet areas, itching, peeling, cracks and so on.

male patient

It will be possible to diagnose these diseases only by taking a scraping from the outbreak. Of course, only a specialist can do this. The only thing required of the patient is to seek help in a timely manner and not to self-medicate.

Smegma infection

Smegma, which accumulates under the foreskin if intimate hygiene is not observed, is an excellent medium for the reproduction of bacteria. As a result of infection, the patient may have skin on the penis, itching, burning, discharge with an unpleasant odor, swelling and hyperemia.

Venereal diseases

During many sexually transmitted diseases, the skin is covered on the penis. It can be gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis. The latter is the most insidious, as in some cases it can be detected after a long period of time after infection (20-40 days). The disease begins with the appearance of painless skin seals. During the second stage, the mucous membrane is also affected. In this case, rashes may occur throughout the body, and on the penis begins to peel off and peel off the skin. During the third stage, painless nodes appear, which can reach 3 centimeters in diameter, and a tertiary roseola is observed.


In the presence of this disease, in addition to peeling of the skin on the penis, other characteristic symptoms can be observed:

  • frequent urination at night;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • drowsiness;
  • frequent changes in blood pressure;
  • constant itching in the head area;
  • changes in appetite: the patient feels constant hunger or, conversely, refuses to eat.

Taking medications

Peeling of the skin on the genitals can also occur as a result of improper use of certain medications. If such a side effect occurs, you must immediately inform a specialist about it and choose another medicine with it.


What should I do if a man finds that he has skin on his penis? How to treat a problem? First of all, a urologist and a dermatologist or venereologist will help to identify the cause of its occurrence.

at the urologist

After an external examination, specialists will prescribe the following studies to the patient:

  • analysis for sexually transmitted diseases (hepatitis, AIDS, syphilis);
  • sowing on microflora;
  • skin tests;
  • allergological consultation;
  • Bakseeding (with suspected balanoposthitis);
  • PCR test;
  • diagnosis of STDs.

To identify possible diabetes, an additional test is taken to determine the level of sugar in the blood.


In no case should you self-medicate! With the help of various ointments, you can achieve a temporary improvement and stop the peeling of the skin, but this will not solve the problem!

Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist after carrying out all the necessary studies and making the correct diagnosis. Depending on the type of disease, the patient may be prescribed:

  1. Drugs to enhance immunity. This group also includes various vitamin and mineral complexes. It is worth noting that their use should be combined with compliance with sleep patterns and proper nutrition (refusal from alcohol, refined foods, fast food).
  2. Ointments and creams for local action. Similar drugs are prescribed for balanoposthitis to eliminate the causative agent of the disease.
  3. Local antibiotics. They are used to treat diseases of a bacterial nature.
  4. Glucocorticoid ointment and antihistamines. Used in cases where an allergic reaction has become the cause of peeling. In addition, it is very important to identify the allergen and avoid further contact with it.
  5. Ointments with antifungal components.

Equally important is personal hygiene. During the entire treatment, it will be necessary not only to wash daily with soap (in some cases, several times a day). Specialists recommend the additional use of antiseptic solutions, for example, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. For processing, Furacilin or hydrogen peroxide are also perfect.

antiseptic miramistin

If the skin is clouded due to a sexually transmitted disease or diabetes mellitus, special therapy is selected to influence the ailment. In this case, such an unpleasant symptom as peeling of the skin will disappear only after full recovery.

Possible complications

Do not ignore such a symptom as peeling skin on the penis. In addition to the fact that this phenomenon causes a lot of discomfort to a man, it can provoke more serious problems. The worst of them (if you do not take into account the consequences of diseases that triggered the appearance of peeling) is a weakening erection and a partial or complete decrease in potency.

The sensitivity of the glans penis gradually decreases, and complete atrophy of all organ receptors gradually sets in.

The inflammatory process that develops in the urethra can affect the entire genitourinary system. As a result, the patient will begin to experience severe pain during urination.


Avoiding such a phenomenon as peeling of the skin on the genitals is not so difficult. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to intimate hygiene. It is best to use special cosmetics, although regular soap will do.

shower water

The next moment is promiscuous sex life. The best option is to have sex only with trusted partners. Thus, it will be possible to protect yourself from various diseases and infections that are transmitted sexually. In other cases, do not give up barrier contraceptives (condoms).

In the presence of any diseases of the genitourinary system, it is very important to complete the treatment and follow all the advice of a doctor.


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