Do you know how to make juice from apples through a juicer?

One of the most popular fruits in our country is an apple. The same applies to juice from it. There is no longer any fruit in Russia that has so many varieties and grows everywhere. Juice from it is very healthy and tasty. For example, such a variety as Antonovka, which is stored for several months without losing its useful properties, is popular. Getting juice from apples through a juicer, you need to know that its taste depends on various factors: variety, growing conditions, collection, care and storage.

juice from apples through a juicer
Sugars, organic acids and tannins give the taste to the fruit, in fact, and the aroma depends on the content of the essential oils in them.

Before telling how to make juice from apples through a juicer, you need to understand its composition, properties and benefits in order to know why we will try. Such a drink is a storehouse of nutrients and nutrients that our body can get with regular use. In addition, due to the low calorie content, you cannot gain excess weight. But as in everything else, the measure needs to be known. The juice has a lot of carbohydrates, useful and easily absorbed by the body, organic acids and sugar, fats, proteins and dietary fiber, it also contains alcohol and starch. It is rich in vitamins C, E, H, PP and group B, macrocells (magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus) and trace elements (zinc, iron, manganese, copper, fluorine, chromium, nickel, cobalt and others )

how to make apple juice
All this has a positive effect on the body and helps with some diseases: stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, bladder. Also, this drink has an effect on brain cells, protecting them from destruction, and prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease. Doctors advise drinking juice from apples with vitamin deficiency, anemia, after a heart attack. The recommended volume is one liter per day, in several stages.

So how do you make juice from apples through a juicer? Although this juice is less healthy than freshly squeezed, but it is still much better than the one sold in stores. After all, it contains most of the nutrients. For the winter, you can cook it at home.

We do the following: pour the juice obtained using our device into a saucepan and add sugar there. The ratio is as follows - one tablespoon of sugar per half liter of juice. We put the pan on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil, but do not boil.

Pre-sterilize the jars. We pour juice into them, close them with metal lids, which were boiled before that, put them upside down and carefully cover them with a blanket. We keep them in this state for a day, then turn them over. Everything - apple juice, canned, ready. Such a drink in a cool, dark place can be stored for two years. As we see, nothing complicated. The process - juice from apples through a juicer - mastered.

Of course, freshly squeezed product

juice from apples in a juicer
- the most useful, but its shelf life is a maximum of several days. And so it has a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect, refreshes and quenches thirst, increases the tone of the body, prevents stone formation in the kidneys and strengthens the immune system.

If you know how to make juice from apples, then always support and improve your body, help it with atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, high mental stress, gout. The drink will help eliminate the effects of your overeating, improve sleep, help cope with germs in case of an infectious disease.

The juice from the apples in the juicer is such that it can be used even for treatment. For example, with its help, you can dissolve kidney stones. The method is quite complicated, but effective. You can resort to it only after consulting a doctor. Also, such juice is useful for constipation and gout. Most importantly, do not abuse it, it is advisable to dilute it with water.


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