How not to spoil your first date with a man: advice from a psychologist

The first date is one of the most exciting events in the girl’s life. Especially if it is a meeting with a dream man. It's no secret that the charm of a first date is that it will never happen again. That is why the girls are so carefully prepared for him, nervous and dreaming that everything went perfectly.

To be on top in this fateful evening and subdue her chosen one, the girl must think through everything to the smallest detail. And this applies not only to clothes and jewelry, but also to the manner of communication and etiquette.

First date with a man: advice from a psychologist

The first impression will have a huge role in the development of subsequent relationships. Therefore, before going on a date, you need to have a positive attitude and try to please the chosen one not only externally, although it is very important, but also internally, to be an interesting conversationalist and self-confident person.

First date with a man
It is not necessary to be afraid and try to please the chosen one in everything, as a rule, such behavior gives a negative effect. Remember! A man likes to be a conqueror and a hunter.

Relax, imagine all kinds of options for developing your date. Mentally prepare for the fact that your second meeting may not be. Try to behave naturally and liberally. After all, body language and gestures are the most powerful weapon in the hands of a woman. But only its correct application can defeat and forever bind to you a man subdued by your beauty.


What to do if the long-awaited moment has come, and the man invites to the first date? Choose a meeting place if it was not suggested by your partner.

When making a choice, it is worthwhile first of all to think about whether it will be affordable for your chosen one. After all, it may turn out that once having treated you with collection wine, he decides to find a lady of the heart with more modest requests, which he can easily satisfy and not hit the face with dirt.

First date with a married man psychologist advice

If the place is chosen by a man and you are invited to a luxury restaurant, first of all you need to take into account the laws of expensive service. In such an environment, when a person becomes part of the system and behaves the same way as everything around - stiff and arrogant, it is very difficult to establish relationships and understand what kind of person is sitting next to you.

Uncomfortable atmosphere

If the meeting takes place in a coffee shop with many small tables, loud music and children's cries, it will be simply impossible to tune into each other. Therefore, choosing a place, it is worthwhile to think in advance whether you will have the opportunity to form a joint personal space where no one will interfere.

When the space is organized, it is important for a woman to sit down at the table correctly. If this is the first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist can be extremely contradictory. For example, some believe that a woman should sit on the side of a man, at an angle of ninety degrees, while others insist that partners should sit opposite each other. Many women deliberately avoid the second option, finding it more intimate and suitable for those who have known each other for a long time, and the date is considered only a formality.

Occupation Choice

What to do on a romantic evening, because conversations can get bored quickly, and sitting in silence is not a good idea for those who want to continue the relationship? Find out in advance about what is interesting to a person. Try to write down what he enjoys in his free time. And then, if there is an awkward pause, it can always be filled with talk about your favorite movie or book. Discuss possible options for your future dates, suggest something unusual. For example, a picnic in the forest or rafting. Listen to the wishes of your chosen one. Perhaps without realizing it, he will give you an idea.

Girl behavior

So, you have a first date with a man. How to behave to please him? It is very important to behave naturally and openly. If you really need this relationship, and you did not go on a date because of boredom, give up hypocrisy and the desire to embellish your life. After all, sooner or later a man will find out the truth, and you will have a reputation as an inventor or even a liar.

first date with a man how to conduct

When working on yourself, do not forget to look at the same time at the behavior of the gentleman. Assertive, arrogant or vulgar behavior indicates that his intentions towards you are not serious, and he is driven only by a desire to spend the night with you without obligation. In this case, the decision is yours. If you want to conquer the insolent - surprise him. Do not want to become one of his many list of mistresses - run without looking back, do not pick up the phone and do not make a second date, do not be afraid to refuse.

Meet by clothes

Choosing an outfit for a first date, how to impress a man, and not make him flee in horror or be ashamed of his passion? This question at least once in a life was asked by every girl.

Man woman on a first date

You need to start preparing for the event in advance. It is especially important to go to bed as early as possible a few days before a romantic evening to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. If the appointment is scheduled for the evening, start preparing in the morning, take a bath, refresh manicure and pedicure, think about hair and makeup. Do not experiment with appearance a couple of hours before date, it is better to do it in advance. Prepare your clothes and think carefully about their accessories.

If you are going on a first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist on choosing the right clothes will be most welcome. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to make an appointment with a specialist, it will be enough to open any subject magazine or chat with a free online consultant.

When choosing a festive outfit, it is worth thinking, first of all, about where the event will be held - in a cafe, restaurant, theater, museum, square, forest or at the stadium.

Do not get too dressed up for a trip to the forest or square. Otherwise, the meeting can turn into real torment, because you will not think about the beauty of nature and the chosen one, but about how not to break the heel, and how to imperceptibly straighten the skirt that has gone to one side.

Hairstyle, as well as clothing, must match the image and place. Do not make too complex a hairstyle or pour plenty of hairspray on your head. Try to look natural, but well-groomed.

Man invites on a first date

Well-groomed and natural - this is what every man considers sexy. A woman, on her first date, trying to impress, sometimes acts on the principle of "all the best at once", so she often comes up vulgarly made up, which only frightens off a potential gentleman.

Arrive on time or be late?

Punctuality is a quality not inherent in every woman. Going to a romantic meeting, psychologists advise you not to rush and be a little late. This should be done in order not to come first and thereby not to embarrass the young man who made you wait. However, if you still decide to be a little late, remember: do not be late for more than ten minutes. Otherwise, the gentleman may simply not wait for you. If a man comes in or calls for you home, there can be no question of being late.

Interesting companion

What questions to ask a man on a first date? Those to which he will easily answer. For instance:

  • Hobbies and hobbies. Find out how he spends his free time. Remember everything that your chosen one speaks about. After all, at home you can study his hobbies in detail. And at the next meetings, talk to him about his hobby on an equal footing.
  • Friends, acquaintances, parents. Talk about his family and talk about yours. Take an interest in how he met his best friend, and how his friends relate to him.
  • Family status. It is better to find out whether a man is married or not at the first meeting than later, when it will be much harder to part with a man.
    mistakes on a first date with a man

If it turned out that your marital status does not bother you, and you do not claim to have a serious relationship, but want only entertainment, professional advice will be very helpful. How to behave if your first date is with a married man? Psychologist's advice:

  • Do not demand a divorce from your chosen one and do not interfere in his family affairs. Listen carefully to everything that he tells you about his wife, without expressing his opinion.
  • Do not advertise your relationship with a married man, do not force him to take joint photos or attend social events with you.
  • Do not be too annoying, let the young man choose the date and time of your next meeting.
  • Do not beg for gifts or money. Otherwise, the chosen one will lose confidence in you.
  • Do not forget that your chosen one is not free. You should not make serious plans for him, dreaming that one day you will take the place of his wife.

The most common mistakes on a first date with a man

If the evening comes to an end, and the date of the next meeting is not set, this may mean that further acquaintance with you man considers meaningless.

Why did this happen? There may be several options:

  • vulgar behavior;
  • bad habits;
  • loud unnatural laughter;
  • lack of culture and behavior;
  • talk about a shared future;
  • tantrums;
  • stories about his former lover;
  • different interests and outlooks on life.
    First date how to impress a man

Despite the fact that there will be no continuation, keep calm, warmly say goodbye and thank you for a wonderful time. Do everything so that your meeting ends on a pleasant note.

When you are going on a first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist can be very useful, but do not blindly trust books and specialists. Act as your heart tells you. Try to make a good impression on your partner so that he, without hesitation, invite you not only to the second, but also to the third date.


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